Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 659:

Although very curious, Fang Jing didn't bother Cheng Yuan, but chose to stand behind and look away.

At this time, Cheng Yuan had a holographic screen in front of him. The screen was about fifty-five inches in size, and the picture inside the screen was a little dark, and there was a slight jitter.

Secretly, Fang Jing can see the back of several intelligent robots, but these robots are not the same as the intelligent robots they see, but more like Cheng Yuan's guarding robot!

Fang Jing looked at it seriously, but did not say anything.

Cheng Yuan looked at the screen in front of him with the same seriousness, but with a curious expression, he stood in front of the screen and looked naturally more clearly than the room behind him.

In the picture, there is a metal channel. Although the channel is dark, under the lighting, Cheng Yuan can see that there are many mottled stickies in the channel.

These stickies are brownish-yellow. Through the screen, Cheng Yuan intelligently saw that the surface of these stickies had a grid-like vein like blood vessels. These things were piled up, some fell on the ground, and some stuck to walls and On top of the wall!

"Zero, what are these? Can you collect some for analysis?" Cheng Yuan asked.

"Sir, I have controlled an intelligent robot to collect some viscous materials and take them back. There are no analytical instruments in our mining team. This requires going to our Hongnong satellite and using special instruments to analyze the results." Zero return.

"That's it!" Cheng Yuan nodded, and then asked, "Do you think this thing is in the building itself?"

In the picture, the intelligent robot avoids sticky objects and goes all the way deep. Under the intentional control of zero, the intelligent robot did not step on sticky objects.

Before trying to figure out what these things are, Zero wants to be the most cautious.

After hearing Cheng Yuan's inquiry, after thinking for a moment, he replied: "No, if it is a substance in the building itself, it should not be distributed as it is now. After exploring it all the way, its landing point is not regular. It's messy. "

"Is that an outside invasion?" Cheng Yuan said, his expression changed slightly.

"Unclear, but the possibility of outside invasion is very low, because we have not found any signs of damage from the surface, and I prefer these substances to be their internal research objects." Zero analysis.

Between their questions and answers, the intelligent robot walked to a metal-closed gate. The gate was about three meters high, about five meters wide, and a door gap in the middle.

"Sir, behind this door is one of the four forks in this building. According to our full map analysis, there should be two passages up and down behind the door, and a passage to the center!"

Zero said: "They lead to the upper and lower levels of the building and the central ball area, and there may be more sticky material behind the door."

Speaking of nothing, the intelligent robot is controlled to point the light at the edge of the metal gate.

Under the light, Cheng Yuan could clearly see that the edge of the metal gate was covered with a thick layer of sticky material. These sticky materials wrapped around the edge of the door without leaving a gap.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yuan became cautious, but he did not hesitate, and said loudly, "Open it, let us see what it looks like behind the door."

This time the team is only a team of purely intelligent robots, which will not cause any loss even if they are in danger. After all, for Cheng Yuan, the construction of intelligent robots is very simple. If the assembly line is fully manufactured, I do n’t know how many can be made every day!

"Okay, start to put mechanical nanoworms." Zero said, a smart robot in the picture placed a big ball on the metal ground.

The ball is very smooth. Under the lighting, Cheng Yuan found that there was no gap in it! But just as he was paying attention, the ball suddenly started to disintegrate, and the disintegration speed was very fast, disappearing in front of him in almost three seconds.

However, when the ball was disintegrated, he could see a stream of black particles floating towards the metal gate in front through the light.

Soon, the black particles fell into the metal gate. After a while, a "click" sound, the cracked sound passed through the screen into Cheng Yuan's ears clearly. []

Cheng Yuan carefully looked at the metal gate, but the gate was covered with sticky material. He could only hear the sound of "Ga La Ga La", but could not see any movement.

In this case, Cheng Yuan was helpless and could only wait slowly.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long, as the crackling sound became louder and louder, Cheng Yuan saw the sticky material covering the surface of the metal door cracked.

But while these stickies were cracking, Cheng Yuan saw an incredible scene.

While these stickies were cracking, Cheng Yuan could see a large puddle of red-yellow liquid flowing out of the cracked place, and the liquid was also viscous, like sesame paste.

Not only that, but the cracked place also breaks the wire, which is almost the same as that of pulling maltose!

Cheng Yuan frowned and whispered, "What the **** are these?"

"According to the current situation, these stickies are more like substances secreted by some organisms." Zero guessed after seeing this situation.

"And ..." Zero's voice was suddenly sober.

"And what?" Cheng Yuan asked quickly, and he began to whisper in his heart at this time, should there be any living thing in it?

Zero said, "Sir, these secretions look fresh."

"Do you think it was secreted recently?" Cheng Yuan sat upright, with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth. Zero analysis made him feel worse.

"Yes!" Zero affirmed: "These things are different from what I collected in the channel before. The secretions collected in the channel before have dried up, and there is no such situation now!"

When Cheng Yuan heard it, his eyes widened for a moment. He ripped the corner of his mouth, swallowed a saliva, and said astringently, "You mean, there might be alien creatures at the back door?"

"It's not possible, but it must be!" Zero voice suddenly hurried: "Sir, I think we're in trouble. Just now I collected the feedback information of the mechanical nanoworm. The metal gate itself was wrapped in these secretions and was Corroded most of it, our previous behavior directly accelerated this speed, and now the gate has been destroyed! "

Cheng Yuan was startled. He quickly asked: "Damage? Isn't it open?"

"Sir, our mechanical nanoworm cannot enter the control core of the entire building through the energy slot on the surface, so the only way to open it is mandatory destruction!" Zero explained a sentence, and then immediately instructed the intelligent robot to point the heat gun at the broken one. Metal gate with locked mode at the same time!

Although this intelligent robot team is a very ordinary mining team, the environment of the universe is very harsh and dangerous, so even the mining team has implanted certain combat functions.

Looking at Ling Yi's appearance as an enemy, Cheng Yuan shook his mouth. He felt that his luck seemed a little bad. How could he always encounter alien life?

"Zero, if there are extraterrestrial life, can we control them or destroy them?" Cheng Yuan asked carefully.

The monster he met last time impressed him well.

Although he didn't do it, he was shocked by the appearance and the faint wisdom. What's more, the other person's illusory 'power' made Cheng Yuan feel uncomfortable.

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "I think so. The other party should not be a tyrannical creature, and their wisdom will not be too high. If they have strong strength and wisdom, they should not be blocked by a metal gate."

With that said, Cheng Yuan also has some confidence in his heart. As long as he can destroy the other party, don't worry too much, at this time the door has completely opened.

The black light inside the gate seemed to be swallowed by the black hole.

According to the scanned full picture, the space behind the gate is quite large. Cheng Yuan just prepared to let the zero-control intelligent robot enter.

As a result, before talking, I saw a slender black shadow swept out of the gate and rushed directly to a smart robot standing in front!

The speed of the shadow is very fast, even if the average person is alert, being attacked by such a sudden, they will not be able to react. But it's not humans or creatures that Black Shadow attacks, but an intelligent robot!

How fast a robot responds depends entirely on its own calculation of the environment, which is its own hardware performance.

Black Shadow rushed straight towards the neck of the intelligent robot, and seemed to intend to pierce the neck of the intelligent robot!

However, although the speed of the black shadow is fast, the response speed of the intelligent robot is undoubtedly extremely fast. As soon as the intelligent robot raises its hand, it quickly grasps the black shadow!

The whole process took less than a second, and Cheng Yuan just felt like he blinked, and then saw that the intelligent robot grasped a new thing in his hand.

It was a thing about as thick as an adult man's thigh. The length was unknown for the time being, but it was only three meters when I saw it!

And this thing also exudes a wet luster under the light, Cheng Yuan can still see some mucus dripping from the surface of this thing, and land on the metal ground.

When Cheng Yuan saw this stuff, he looked very dignified, he frowned deeply: "Zero, hold this thing out, let's see what a ghost looks like!"

Cheng Yuan calmly commanded ~ ~ But Fang Jing behind him was stunned at this moment, she felt that the world had changed! Cheng Yuan was still transforming Mars the previous moment, and discussed the distribution of Mars' benefits with the upper layers. As a result, he turned around and caught an alien creature!

Is this world changing too fast or is she not keeping up with the times! ?

Moreover, there is really extraterrestrial life outside the earth? What do they look like and what attitude do they have towards humans?

She resisted the complex emotions of shock, surprise, expectation and excitement in her heart, and continued to read.

"Okay, sir!" I saw a zero response, and then the robot clung to the end of the thing with a sudden pull.

A sharp hissing sound echoed through the holographic screen throughout the laboratory, and then Cheng Yuan and Fang Jing saw a huge body flying backwards from the inside ... (to be continued.).


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