Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 652:

The overall change and growth of a planet depends on a very, very long period of time. Mars has changed so quickly. In addition to the external force of zero, Mars itself is a relatively complete planet.

But now, Mars is still pouring heavy rain, and the surface is almost covered by water, but still can't let life survive.

Meteorites continue to land, but with sufficient water on the surface of Mars, these burning meteorites will soon be dissolved.

However, I have been observing the situation of Mars at this time and found something wrong!

According to his calculations, the meteorites that are continuously falling should now fall on the ocean floor of the surface of Mars. The highly burning meteorites will dissolve at a very fast rate after encountering cold water, releasing a large amount of minerals, carbon and amino acids !!

However, the situation in the calculation was not found, because it was observed that more than 80% of the meteorite burned in the atmosphere soon after entering the atmosphere!

No residue left!

As soon as this happened, Zero began to analyze a large amount of data. He found that the cause of this phenomenon was due to the problem of the atmosphere!

It can also be said that the meteorite he chose also had problems!

Today, the atmosphere of Mars is very thick, and the meteorite pushed into Mars by the thruster at high speed will have very strong friction after entering it!

Therefore, with the exception of individual meteorites that are slightly larger, those smaller meteorites are burned without even breaking the atmosphere!

As soon as this situation appeared, Zero realized that if it could not be resolved as soon as possible, it would likely delay the overall transformation of Mars!

The tens of millions of years are undoubtedly very short for the planet, but for human beings, the tens of millions of years are just like the Milky Way.

Nowadays, under the uninterrupted impact of a meteorite, the Martian geocenter that started to boil is difficult to stop naturally because of the interruption of the meteorite impact!

If you stop this time, although it won't be said that Mars will return to its original state, it will take longer to continue the transformation.

All previous efforts will be wasted, and he will have to make a new transformation plan again.

The main thing is that this will make Cheng Yuan see his mistakes!

This is zero the most unacceptable! He must always maintain the best and perfect form in front of Cheng Yuan. He must make Cheng Yuan feel that he is omnipotent!

So zero again, he quickly controlled the remaining dozens of 100-meter-diameter meteorites and threw them directly to Mars through the propeller!

When these meteorites started rushing toward Mars, Zero immediately controlled the small meteorites to follow these large meteorites and rush towards Mars simultaneously!

This time, a large meteorite opened its way, and the small meteorite at the back was no longer as vulnerable as before. Although many of them have been burned in the atmosphere, more meteorites followed those large meteorites into Mars!


Meteorites hit the sea, and the huge impact caused a tsunami of thousands of meters high!

At this moment Mars has become a choppy and chaotic planet, with tsunami raging, howling winds, thunder and rain mixed in.

The most terrifying thing is that when two adjacent shock wave airflows collide, while the blasting noise is emitted, the combined shock airflows form a terror tornado!

This tornado is thousands to thousands of times stronger than any tornado known on earth!

A lot of water was drawn into the sky, and the rain became fiercer.

And such a horrible scene, but he was very happy after seeing it, because he found that while the Mars was constantly raining, the thickness of the atmosphere was also extremely fast.

The most obvious is that the carbon dioxide content has been reduced by 13 percentage points compared to the original!

This pleasing change made Zero forget, and he immediately carried out the third stage of Mars transformation.

"Initiate the third stage and launch the planet to transform the vegetation!"

There is an atmosphere, wind, rain, minerals, and amino acids. The most basic life-growth environment has been formed. Although it has not been tested internally, it is certain that there is a certain amount of microorganisms in Mars today!

These single-celled creatures live on the bottom of the vast ocean of Mars!

According to the normal evolution situation, it may take hundreds of millions or even billions of years for these microorganisms to evolve into real life!

So Zero is not at all worried that this transformation of simulating the birth of the planet will create a unique life on Mars that is unique to Mars!

Because they take too long, hundreds of millions of years, we do not know if humans can exist, so there is no need to worry about the existence of these microorganisms.

In the third stage of the transformation, meteorites are still indispensable. After all, the seeds to transform vegetation need to be carried in by meteorites.

Zero doesn't want to mix all kinds of equipment it made in the process, which will bring unexpected changes to Mars.

And the last thing Zero wants to see is this change!

Although the current Martian atmosphere will burn small meteorites very quickly, zero does not care, because the number of seeds that transform the vegetation is very large, and they themselves grow and reproduce very fast!

Therefore, Zero will not say that the integrity of each seed must be preserved, as long as the survival rate of all the seed species invested is 1%, then after these vegetations grow, the Mars transformation plan is completely completed!

Under zero control, all the remaining meteorites were pushed into Mars by the propeller, broke through the atmosphere and rolled into the tsunami, and thundered thunder!

After completing this step, Zero directly contacted Cheng Yuan.


"Sir, the plan has been completed, and the seeds for rebuilding the vegetation have been put into Mars, and now the only thing we have to do is wait patiently for the vegetation to grow."

For nearly three months, Cheng Yuan was taking Huaxia with his family. Although there are many places that have not yet been visited, I really want to go through every slightly famous place, let alone three months. You might be hard in three years!

So for this trip, Cheng Yuan naturally chose some of Huaxia's most well-known attractions.

And this trip is for fun. Naturally, they can't leave in a hurry when they go to a place to see, and each place stays for at least two or three days, and one more week or even longer!

When he received zero news, Cheng Yuan was still at home. Zero news surprised Cheng Yuan quite well. In these three months, apart from playing, Cheng Yuan was playing!

Trying to let go of everything, Cheng Yuan felt that his life could not be so monotonous, and his life could be more abundant!

Although it is not exaggerated to forget everything because of playing, but in the past three months, I have not really thought about my work, and Mars' transformation plan has not even appeared in my mind.

"How's the situation?" Leaning on a soft sofa, Cheng Yuan hugged his daughter, and Guo Xiaolian sat next to him. He asked without asking anything.

Zero didn't answer immediately, but called up a holographic screen and started playing a picture.

The content of the picture is naturally related to the Mars transformation plan, but after zero modification processing and editing, the picture actually taken over three months was compressed into a forty-minute video.

Cheng Yuan did not fast forward, but slowly and slowly looked at it.

The picture ends when he sees Zero pushing a meteorite carrying modified seeds to Mars.

Although I have understood the content of the Mars transformation plan, Cheng Yuan was still very shocked when this content became a picture directly in front of my eyes!

And Guo Xiaolian beside him was even more surprised to speak!

"Cheng Yuan, is this ... Mars?" Guo Xiaolian opened her eyes wide, her eyes filled with incredible! She could scarcely imagine that Cheng Yuan relied on her own technical means to transform a planet!

Through the picture, she understood everything very clearly, watching Mars transform from a red and dry planet bit by bit into the picture full of water in the picture!

This miraculous picture made her speechless for a while.

Cheng Yuan also stunned for a long time, until Guo Xiaolian's shocked voice sounded in his ear, he returned to God, and then grinned: "Yeah, this is the future of Mars!"

He is very satisfied and very excited to transform a planet! This is an unprecedented feat for human beings, and he has done it alone!

Such a miracle-like project is a glory to him! An unprecedented glory!

He wanted to know what kind of expressions would appear when everyone noticed a change in Mars?

be surprised? Shocked?

Or awe? Or maybe, fear?

However, Cheng Yuan knew that he succeeded! Use the planet to transform the strong survivability and adaptability of the vegetation seeds. Although the situation on Mars at this time is dangerous and chaotic, they will definitely survive and take root.

What he has to do is like zero said, wait!

After the grass has grown, it is time for him to start accepting fruit!

But this one is six months!

Six months is half of the year for a person, and many things happen in this half of the time.

The federal government has been improved, and countries around the world have joined in the crisis of intelligent machinery and have taken Huaxia as the first priority.

Same currency, same rule, same law!

Half a year, enough countries to accept all the habits of China. At the same time, Huaxia has thoroughly developed Ryukyu, Hong Kong Island and the newly incorporated Nanyang Province.

In the half a year, the intelligent machinery is not static, they have tried their best to invade and attack many times, and Huaxia has also risen to resist.

At the same time, Huaxia has gathered a large number of scientists from various countries, which has made great progress in the intelligent robot army of Huaxia!

However, smart machines are progressing, and China is also progressing. The atmosphere of war has gradually disappeared many fussy forms, and more people are focusing and researching purely for scientific research!

The advancement of technology ~ ~ does not mean that the war has become a unilateral crushing, but a state of close competition!

Compared with human beings, the progress of strong artificial intelligence is also faster. They have made rapid progress in repeated battles, from the initial unilateral defeat to the end of the reluctance, until now they have won each other!

However, whenever smart machines have advantages, there will always be some inexplicable conditions, which leads to smart machines in a state of defeat in general.

Moreover, the war not only allowed scientific research and technology to progress, but also allowed Huaxia to gather more exiles. These exiles who had lost their country came to Huaxia.

For these people, Huaxia naturally will not refuse, after all, they have just obtained two million square kilometers of land, enough to accommodate many people.

Half a year later, Zero also returned new news on Mars. The sun grass has grown perfectly, and began to absorb carbon dioxide and water in Mars, and released a lot of oxygen through photosynthesis! (To be continued.) () "The Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the views of the author's wild black ants. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing healthy and green Reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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