Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 638:

"Since he compromised, leave him alone, and keep an eye on the movement of the intelligent machine, and we can clean it up at any time." Regarding the matter of Zen, Cheng Yuan only considered it a little and did not continue to pay attention.

After all, compared with Zen things, he cares more about the Mars transformation plan! The Mars transformation plan directly affected his future development.

Because he wants to explore the universe, developing the resources of the universe is an indispensable part, and he wants to explore the universe, so he must first completely conquer the solar system in which he is located, and only in this way can he go out step by step.

Otherwise, you wo n’t even crawl, and you want to run, it ’s too ignorant.

If [Hong Nong] is an experimental point of his space exploration program, then Mars is an outpost developed by him.

Of course, if Mars does not have the qualifications to become an outpost, then Cheng Yuan can only find another target. Fortunately, Mars is not the first step in developing space.

He is very clear about the (-) novel. The universe is huge, but he deeply remembers that the planet that is already very similar to the earth, the distance between the planet known as Earth 2.0 and the earth is 1400 light years!

According to the calculations of experts at the time, this Earth 2.0 mankind wants to spend 500 million years, so immigration is simply impossible.

However, this distance does not require 500 million years for pulse thrusters, because the theoretical speed of the new nuclear fusion burst pulse thrusters reaches 15% of the speed of light, which is 45,000 kilometers per second. !!

But as I said before, the theoretical speed is always the theoretical speed. Although Cheng Yuan also did an experiment, the result of the experiment did not reach a speed of 45,000 kilometers per second.

And one more point is that the experimental spacecraft is different from the mass-produced spacecraft in terms of volume or internal configuration.

After all, the experimental spacecraft does not need to be installed in the interior too much, but once the vehicle is added inside, there will be a lot of restrictions.

Just like when Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian first went to Hongnong, the speed of the spacecraft was extremely fast in the eyes of ordinary people, but it was also less than one sixth of 45,000 kilometers per second!

In this way, even if Cheng Yuan is now able to send a spacecraft to Earth 2.0, it will also need to fly for nearly 60,000 years!

60,000 years is a concept?

Cheng Yuan doubts that the spacecraft's energy is enough to support itself for how long. And Cheng Yuan was not buried in any mound at that time.

Therefore, if you want to explore or even develop the universe, you must step by step!

In the light-year unit, Cheng Yuan felt a sense of power from the bottom of his heart. The speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second. The distance that light travels for one year is called light-year!

This speed ...

Cheng Yuan shook his head, as if to throw this sense of force out. He frowned and instructed Dao to start invading all the centers of intelligent machines in the earth. Do n’t let them. Three months later, when the Mars transformation plan was initially completed, That's when we control everything! "

"Yes!" Feeling Cheng Yuan's heavy tone, Zero responded with the same seriousness, and then began to execute Cheng Yuan's order.

In the case of no need to worry about Zen, the zero invasion is very smooth. Although the intelligent cores of intelligent machines are strong artificial intelligence, compared with intelligent life, the gap is still like a world!

Coupled with the amount of data processing that Zero itself can use, invading their hubs is a breeze! Almost immediately after Cheng Yuan gave an order, the invasion was completed at zero, and the control back door was implanted without the intelligent machine being aware of it.

After the completion, zero report immediately, I have completed the invasion, and now you can control the intelligent machine whenever you need it. "

Cheng Yuan had no surprises. He nodded and said, and now you can develop the Mars transformation plan with peace of mind, and do not slow down the mineral mining on the earth. "


This series of events came to an end in half an hour. Cheng Yuan glanced at the situation in Southeast Asia. Huaxia hoarded more and more troops at the border, and tens of thousands of intelligent robots were ready to go.

And the invasion of intelligent mechanical forces in Southeast Asia is getting faster and faster, because in addition to their minimal resistance at the beginning, they become more and more fragile with deep resistance. In some places, even humans fled everywhere without resistance.

Of course, Huaxia's behavior of intelligent machines naturally also learned through the occupied satellites, they also consciously avoided Huaxia, so the border between Southeast Asia and China has no shadow of intelligent machines at all.

Forty minutes later, in the grand conference room in the capital of China, nine people gathered together, and they looked serious or excited.

"Head, I think we can start. Intelligent machines are not close to the border of the border. We should take the initiative!" Among the nine, a slightly younger old man said, his tone was slightly agitated.

After all, it was the moment they were about to expand the territory!

Although he has been training for a long time, he has already established a stable posture, but even so, he still showed excitement.

Others heard the words and nodded gently, although they did not, but they all expressed the attitude of the head sitting in the middle.

Seeing this, the Chief No. 1 did not hesitate to call Xiao Zhang, and asked Xiao Zhang with a solitary look. What is the situation in Southeast Asia? "

With a small expression on his face, he calmly returned to the chief. According to the news from the frontline intelligence, all Southeast Asian countries had fallen. "

Xiao Zhang clearly stated the meaning of this sentence, called fall?

Even countries in Southeast Asia have been completely captured by intelligent machinery, and the capital has become a paradise for intelligent machinery, and the people there are afraid that even the bodies are cold.

Because he has a deep understanding of the practice of intelligent machinery, perhaps ordinary people in Huaxia will often hear where the intelligent machinery attacks, and then fall.

But standing in his place, he naturally understood more, the situation of those cities after the fall, and whether anyone was still alive and so on.

The more you know, the more frightened Zhang is, and the more afraid he is of intelligent machinery.

The fall of Southeast Asian countries represents the worst of the entire Southeast Asian population! This is a huge number, but he also understands that the nine people present are discussing.

Expanding territory!

It is said that he will succeed in the future. He has been doing this in modern times, but he has never felt it, but now he finally understands it slightly.

With Huaxia's strength, if you are willing to take the shot at the beginning, then more than 500 million people in Southeast Asia will not lose their lives, because with Huaxia's military strength, it is easy to fight off intelligent machines!

However, the nine people present made a decision, and these 500 million people were gone!

Although she couldn't bear it, Xiao Zhang didn't have the kindness of a woman. Sometimes, for her own benefit, her heart should be hardened!

No. 1 didn't notice Xiao Zhang's inner thoughts at this time. He heard the words, gently bowed his head and ordered to go down, the army started! "

"Yes, Chief!" Xiao Zhang Wenyan said immediately and left the conference room.

The order quickly passed to the border intelligent robot force, and immediately the force set off without any muddy water, crossed the border, and flew directly to Southeast Asia.

The target of this trip is naturally Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia, which are closest to Huaxia. After all, these countries are bordered by the land of China, and as far as India goes, they have no control.

Because India has not yet suffered an invasion, and the next Indonesian country, Huaxia, gave up directly. They just occupied the part mentioned above, which is enough for them to digest for a long time.

If you are not greedy, you will easily eat it!

Although it is now a golden opportunity, everyone headed by No. 1 still thinks it is better to be cautious.

After all, each country has different customs and cultures, as well as various internal complex relationships. Merely dealing with this is troublesome enough. If it were not for this intelligent machine attack, they would not have the idea of ​​expanding the territory.

After all, the intelligent machines directly cleared all humans in the local area at the same time as the occupation. In this way, after they occupied these places, they could easily control them.

Because people are gone, so-called religions, cultures, beliefs, etc. will disappear. They are now occupied, and after a series of migration policies, they can re-enrich the population here and make good use of these lands.

In addition, brand-new land will also bring brand-new business opportunities. Those who want to come will also be willing to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a stronger step.

Cheng Yuan didn't choose the high-level team to do it before the battle was over. He had left the laboratory at this time, and looked strangely at the newly landed spacecraft.

Little Rockefeller was covered with mud and dust, and there were bruises on his clothes. The most noticeable was a very striking scratch on his left arm.

The wound is not a scratch or stab wound, but a gunshot wound!

The bullet seemed to pass through his forearm, taking away a large piece of flesh and blood, forming a crescent-shaped gap.

Looking at the pale face, almost no **** little Rockefeller, Cheng Yuan directly arranged the intelligent robot to take him down for treatment without any nonsense.

And behind Rockefeller Jr., there were only thirteen people, not the more than twenty people seen in the previous video ~ ~ and Cheng Yuan. The remaining thirteen people except three children The other adults were very embarrassed. Cheng Yuan saw this situation frown slightly.

After coming to the nursing home, Cheng Yuan wondered John, I remember that the zero setting is to pick you up after the battle, is this the case for you? "

Cheng Yuan will not be able to figure out the situation on the battlefield, and the gunshot wound of the young Rockefeller's arm is obviously not a masterpiece of intelligent machinery.

After all, intelligent machines have such a huge body and weapons. If Little Rockefeller is hit by their bullets, let alone a wound to the forearm, the whole person can be hit by the bullet in two! (To be continued.)

Chapter 638 Opening up the Territory!

Chapter 638 Opening up the Territory! Is played by [*] [small-speak-net] members,

() "The Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the viewpoint of the author's rushing black ants. If the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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