Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 635:

How much human potential is in the body, Cheng Yuan doesn't know, but it is absolutely extraordinary, because after using the fortifier himself, his physical fitness has been constantly enhanced!

Although it is very slow, it is constantly increasing!

He took a deep look at Wang Xi, and then left with Yang Qiaoyuan, who had been groomed and re-dressed.

It only took less than ten minutes to strengthen this time. It didn't take long for Yang Qiaoyuan to experience it. After taking him away, he went to other places to watch it slowly.

However, during this period Yang Qiaoyuan has always focused on his own body.

This left Cheng Yuan a little helpless. When he was thinking about whether to continue to show him, Liu Changfeng contacted him through zero.

"Brother Cheng, I'm ready."

Cheng Yuan patted Yang Qiaoyuan's shoulders with interest, and smiled: "Liu Changfeng is ready, you can go back now."

Yang Qiaoyuan nodded excitedly: "Okay."

At this time, Yang Qiaoyuan's face was always full of joy. Regarding his state at this time, Cheng Yuan shook his head and said nothing. Isn't it just using a fortifier? Is this necessary?


After sending away the encouraging Yang Qiaoyuan and the rather expected Liu Changfeng, Cheng Yuan finally calmed down.

He took another look at the Mars transformation plan, and Zero has sent a large number of catchers around Mars to start selecting suitable meteorite.

However, the progress is not very fast, and Cheng Yuan can only hope that the number will increase slowly after the increase in the number.

While Cheng Yuan was watching Mars' transformation plan, wars were triggered once again outside of China.

After the smart machines got rid of the crisis that was directly eliminated, they started a new round of invasion. This invasion was even more fierce than before.

After so long, they have got more resources that can be developed, so the number of troops has also increased sharply. Not only that, the intelligent mechanical army has learned lessons from multiple wars with intelligent robots. After updating, the overall strength also has Great progress.

Whether from the robot's external armor or cooperation with each other, they are more than superior.

Moreover, after the heads of intelligent machinery realized that the individual strength could not catch up with and surpass the intelligent robot army, they paid more attention to group cooperation and quantitative advantages.

Therefore, this invasion attack is even more massive and fierce.

United States, Nevada.

Rocarlos, who just came down from the transport ship, was shocked to watch the quantum communication base station that was set up quickly, his mouth was squinting.

In a mountain range not far from him, the quantum communication base station stood up so hard that it did not see the booming operation sounds during construction, no workers rushing around, and no new intelligent robots.

The whole building is just a little bit like a tower of sand, appearing in front of you!

Everything you see is like a miracle!

He felt the world was crazy, or he was crazy! Everything in front of him is beyond his view of knowledge!

"How could there be such an incredible thing in the world !?" Rocarlos muttered.

Soon, a communication base station with a fairly large area was established. The main body of the base station was a square metal house about ten meters long. Next to the metal house was a signal receiving tower. Those ordinary electric towers are similar.

"Mr. Rocarlos, the quantum communication base station has been built, and the region can already guarantee the normal quantum signals. Of course, if you want to use quantum communication, please purchase our company's related communication equipment.

When Rocarlos watched all this in shock, a crisp, cold metal sound came from inside the spacecraft.

The cold voice brought Rocarlos back to life, still shocked on his face, but the intelligent words inside the spacecraft made his mouth twitch unconsciously.

He said, "The equipment has to be repurchased? Will the original equipment not work?"

"No, Mr. Rocarlos, you should understand the difference between ordinary mobile phones and satellite mobile phones, so if you want to use it immediately, please buy our company's quantum products." The cold voice of intelligence and emotionless sounded again.

Rocarlos heard that he was standing for a long time, and then smiled bitterly: "Cheng Yuan really does business, and I can't pick out any faults or blame!"

Rocarlos is a smart man. Of course, he knows what causes all this. Intelligent machinery is only an external factor, but in the end, he does not have the corresponding technology!

Without technology, it is a sin in itself!

Without technology, they have no initiative; without technology, they can only wait for the charity of others; without technology, they can only be at the mercy of others!

This loss, he can only break the bones and swallow.

Because they have also done such things before, occupying technological advantages, and various crackdown measures against Huaxia, that is a matter of their own utmost.

Including the situation today!

Now, it's just the opposite. He changed from active to passive and had to accept it.

"Take me to Huaxia again. I want to discuss business with Cheng Yuan."

Not long after returning to the United States, Rocarlos rushed to Huaxia again, and the same situation happened in other countries at the same time.

However, as Rocarlos headed for Huaxia, the scruffy John Rockefeller and his family hid in a separate small room below the base inside the Ohio defense base in the United States.

The room is over 50 square meters, but it is not too small, but there are more than 20 people crowded into the room of 50 square meters.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit depressing.

"John, can you still contact Huaxia's side." An old man with sunken cheeks, protruding eyes, and thinning hair asked, his voice was dry and weak.

As the current owner of the Rockefeller family, the old man can be said to be struggling, and the century-old foundation is destroyed once, which makes him distressed.

The only thing that pleased him was that his grandson John had established a friendship with Hua Xia's Cheng Yuan long ago, which gave him a little hope.

Above the head, the sound of artillery was rumbling, and the war continued, but the people in the room carried a lingering shadow.

Even the six or seven-year-olds seemed very quiet at this time, timidly hiding behind the elders, and then looked up at the uncle sitting next to grandpa and grandpa.

Rockefeller Jr smiled bitterly: "Grandpa, the United States does not have a quantum network, and Lan Yin's mobile phone cannot connect to Huaxia at all."

When talking, his gaze was still staring at Lan Yin's mobile phone in his hand, but with a trace of anxiety.

He knew very well that the longer the delay, the worse the situation became.

Because the fighting was too hasty, there was not much preparation time, so there was not much food in the defense bases throughout Ohio.

They were able to get such a spacious room in the defense base at that time, because they had reached some small agreements with the person in charge of the defense base.

The other party can agree not to look at the surname Rockefeller, but to see the relationship between Rockefeller Jr. and Hua Xia Chengyuan!

After all, after the outbreak of the intelligent machinery crisis, the so-called consortiums and so-called noble celebrities have ceased to exist. In the case of the collapse of the state, the green Franklin is as worthless as waste paper.

The only class distinction today is the officer and the poor!

Because the officers have everything in the defensive base, including weapons and equipment and food!

It turned out that they could also stand up against these officers, but now they can only look at their faces and act, otherwise the people present would be well aware of the consequences.

The old man heard the words and sighed heavily, a pair of gray eyebrows raised, thinking.

After listening to the others in the room, they all showed a sad look. They were born in the Rockefeller family. Good family education gave these people a good ability. They also knew their situation at this time.

The atmosphere in the room was more dignified for a while.

Outside, the rumbling explosion sounds not only passed through their ears into the ears, but also the slight tremor on the ground and the dust falling from the ceiling above their heads made everyone more desperate.

Seeing that there was still no signal from the mobile phone, Rockefeller Jr. became heavier and he looked up and found that many people began to silently close their eyes and pray, and began to pray to God ~ ~ I have discovered a new quantum network and need to use you Login with your account? "As Rockefeller Jr observed other people's situation, the smart assistant built into the phone suddenly made a noise.

The content that was intelligently spoken made Rockefeller Jr subconsciously, and immediately after that, he was overjoyed: "Clark, you said you searched for a new quantum network?"

Rockefeller Jr.'s voice seemed a little sharp because of excitement, but his words stopped the family members present to pray and looked at Rockefeller Jr. with surprise.

The old man who just came to the top also opened his eyes and looked forward to looking at the mobile phone in Rockefeller's hand.

"Yes, sir, I searched for a new quantum network." Clark replied.

After receiving a positive answer, Rockefeller Jr. immediately ordered: "Log on to the network immediately, and then help me contact Cheng Yuan!"

Rockefeller Jr. vented his excitement almost in a roaring manner, and everyone looked excited as he looked at this ecstatic look.

"Okay, I've landed on the quantum network and I'm contacting Cheng Yuan."

On the other side, Cheng Yuan looked at the suddenly lit mobile phone, and a surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't want to connect the phone much, and the video window appeared in front of him.

"Oh, John, I thought you had returned to China to find a relative, and you haven't heard anything." Cheng Yuan looked at the slightly smaller Rockefeller and grinned.

Although Cheng Yuan cursed himself as soon as he met, Rockefeller Jr. was extremely excited: "Cheng Yuan, thank god, the **** network finally exists. In the United States, Lan Yin's mobile phone cannot connect to satellites, and I can't contact you at all."

After complaining, Rockefeller Jr went straight to the theme: "Well, can you send a spaceship to Ohio, I need your help, and I want to return to Huaxia as soon as possible! This is too bad!" (To be continued.) U

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