Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 633:

For Liu Changfeng, Cheng Yuan was very satisfied. At first, his own whim was a genius of the same level as Wang Xi.

However, in Cheng Yuan's eyes, Liu Changfeng is one point stronger than Wang Xi. After all, Liu Changfeng does not have as many 'defects' in Wang Xi's life.

From Cheng Yuan's point of view, a girl like her is the real god.

In addition, the security defense system developed by Liu Changfeng before was an out-of-pocket money-making machine. Quantum networks will definitely be popular in the future, which is also very difficult.

And such a defense system designed by Liu Changfeng will definitely bring huge and generous returns in the future. Information confidentiality is very important no matter where it is.

Although all personal information will be well secured after you have a smart assistant, no matter how powerful a smart assistant is, it is only for individuals.

An intelligent assistant will not help you protect the overall information security of an enterprise group, so in the future, those companies will definitely need such a defense system to ensure their company's information security!

Therefore, Cheng Yuan is very optimistic about the defense system developed by Liu Changfeng.

"Yes, do you want me to pass by myself?" Liu Changfeng nodded, without refusing, and then asked again.

Cheng Yuanhan smiled: "This may not work, because the military is still using old equipment, and our quantum network is not accessible."

Liu Changfeng blinked his eyes, and then said, "I understand, when will I leave and how long will I be back? If it is a long time, I will say hello to my parents."

Cheng Yuan heard the words and turned to Yang Qiaoyuan: "How long will it take you?"

Yang Qiaoyuan's eyebrows were raised, and he thought, "This ... I don't know, it should take a lot of time. But you can reassure Xiao Liu, we are working for the country, she doesn't have to worry so much!"

Cheng Yuan was speechless: "Please, a young girl who is not yet an adult must definitely ask if she wants to run outside and explain to her family!"

After hearing this from Cheng Yuan, Yang Qiaoyuan was embarrassed again: "Oh, didn't you notice ..." Speaking of this, he suddenly paused, then looked at Cheng Yuan in surprise, and made a swearing: "I rely on, Cheng Yuan, the little girl is not yet an adult, you are hiring child labor!"

"I'm going, don't stigmatize me, okay, this is a part-time job for students. I'm training others here, okay, you say so, be careful I sue you for slander!" Cheng Yuan stared, refusing to refute.

"You!" Yang Qiaoyuan was speechless for a moment, staring at his eyes, short of breath.

Looking at Yang Qiaoyuan, who had nothing to say, Cheng Yuan waved his hands impatiently: "Don't pull these useless, whether you want it or not, I won't let the little girl run away!"

"Yes! Why don't you!" Yang Qiaoyuan returned to God, and said immediately, "This one will go back for almost a week. If they haven't learned about it for a week, it's a big deal for them to learn while using it."

Cheng Yuan nodded with satisfaction, then said to Liu Changfeng: "You hear it, you prepare first, and when you are ready, come to me."

Liu Changfeng murmured ‘um’, then closed the call and began his preparations.

Liu Changfeng began to prepare, and Cheng Yuan shrugged at Yang Qiaoyuan, calmly said, "You wait, anyway, your intelligent core problem is not a matter of hours."

Cheng Yuan said that Yang Qiaoyuan frowned first, but then he seemed to think of something, and soon his eyebrows stretched out. The original nervous expression on his face slowly eased down, agreeing: "You are right, I lost it. "

Yang Qiaoyuan smiled bitterly: "Can you say, how do you know the problem between the military's artificial intelligence and intelligent machinery?"

In fact, when asking this question, Yang Qiaoyuan also had some suspicions in his heart, but he wanted to know these from Cheng Yuan's mouth!

Cheng Yuan heard that he frowned slightly. He had considered Yang Qiaoyuan's reaction after speaking.

Now this situation is also under his consideration, but how to answer, Cheng Yuanda thought about a lot of options, he groaned for a moment and said, "I was aware of it when I was exploring the movement of intelligent machinery."

"Although I should n’t be involved in the war, intelligent machines are advancing very fast. I must clearly understand their technological level so that I can guarantee relative advantages in the next series of development processes."

Cheng Yuan looked at Yang Qiaoyuan very seriously, looking serious.

Seriously, Cheng Yuan made Yang Qiaoyuan speechless. Although Cheng Yuan didn't believe this explanation very much, but since Cheng Yuan said so, he would not follow up.

If he continues to ask, it will only affect the relationship between the two. After all, Cheng Yuan dared to say this before, and certainly believed in himself, otherwise why did he tell the military's artificial intelligence problem?

Yang Qiaoyuan sighed secretly in his heart, barely showing a dry smile on his face: "It turned out to be this way, and I will talk to the experts as soon as possible when I go back."

Seeing Yang Qiaoyuan smile so reluctantly, Cheng Yuan's eyes jumped, but he could understand. After the two were silent for a while, Cheng Yuan changed the topic: "Yes, this is the first time you are here. Would you like me to show you a cutting-edge laboratory?"

"Okay, am I the first person to visit this world's first building?" Yang Qiaoyuan saw Cheng Yuan could change the subject, and he readily agreed.

After all, keep talking, it's not good for anyone, it might as well be like this.

"Of course, you are the first person to visit cutting-edge laboratories outside the company!" Cheng Yuan smiled, and then led Yang Qiaoyuan to the outside. He also introduced: "The cutting-edge laboratory is now the center of all the company's research projects. There are not only top physics laboratories, but also top chemistry and medical laboratories, but also original biological laboratories. "

Cheng Yuan introduced with a smile, looking at Yang Qiaoyuan with no special expression on his face, he didn't care. After all, for a layman, even if you throw the labyrinths in these labs, they will not be too big. reaction.

It's like you just stop a passerby on the side of the road and tell him that you have the opportunity to visit the world's top physics laboratory.

Their first reaction will certainly not be surprise, but curiosity and confusion.

But for another person, family, you tell a doctor of physics that his first reaction must be a surprise, followed by ecstasy, and then I can't wait to talk to you about some related topics.

This is the gap between people.

At this time, Yang Qiaoyuan was the same as passers-by in Cheng Yuan's eyes. Although he had made some achievements in computers, he had a big gap compared with those experts.

Therefore, after listening to Cheng Yuan's words, Yang Qiaoyuan didn't react much.

Cheng Yuan smiled, then took Yang Qiaoyuan into the anti-gravity elevator, "Go to the biological laboratory."

The elevator doors are closed and then fly automatically.

"Cheng Yuan, is the biological laboratory the place to study fortifiers?" Yang Qiaoyuan heard the biological laboratory and thought for a while, then suddenly said, "This biological laboratory was the original biological research institute?"

Cheng Yuan nodded with a smile: "Well, didn't you just say, they all moved in."

Yang Qiaoyuan was short of breath, and then became somewhat hasty. But soon, he calmed down his emotions and took a glance at Cheng Yuan, who grinned: "The enhancer is very useful. Many of our special forces soldiers use this thing, and the chief They were also brought together specifically to re-establish the beheading force. "

Cheng Yuan glanced at him, Yang Qiaoyuan's brief breathing changes naturally could not conceal him, but he didn't say anything, and still calmly said, "That's very good, possessing physical qualities beyond ordinary people, as long as you train for a while, you can complete it. A mission that many people cannot accomplish. "

"Yeah," Yang Qiaoyuan nodded in agreement, and then said with emotion: "But since they were founded, there has been no chance for action."

Cheng Yuan stepped in a footstep, still without a look of surprise on his face, watching Yang Qiaoyuan calmly said, "Is it because of an intelligent robot?"

Not surprised at seeing Cheng Yuan, Yang Qiaoyuan smiled bitterly: "Yeah, robot wars, that is not human beings can participate in, after all, they are no longer strong and not just King Kong. If they are on the battlefield, they will not face much robots. Chance of survival. "

This point is far too agreeable, after all, after using the fortifier, no matter how powerful it is, it is still a flesh and blood body. There is really no advantage to the robot facing the steel body.

"You're right, but you may not have noticed that the fortifier not only strengthened their bodies, but also here!" Cheng Yuan slightly tapped his head with his left hand.

Yang Qiaoyuan didn't know much about fortifiers. He heard Cheng Yuan say this, he was surprised: "Can fortifiers strengthen the brain?"

"Huh?" Cheng Yuan pouted a smile ~ ~ with pride in his expression: "Otherwise, sharper nerves and active neurons can give users faster reaction speed and understanding ability. . "

"In short, they are getting smarter." Between the talks, the two have already come to the biological laboratory, and Cheng Yuan took Yang Qiaoyuan into it: "We have never stopped researching fortifiers. Because Today's fortifiers still have defects. It requires strong external stimuli to activate the effect of the fortifier. Such stimuli are a defect in my eyes! "

Yang Qiaoyuan's mouth twitched, and he looked at Cheng Yuan silently: "This is not a defect, I think it's because your requirements are too high."

Cheng Yuan smiled and did not refute. He continued to say, "Another flaw is instability! Although there are differences between people before birth, this difference should not be reflected in the fortifier. I think the fortifier should be Give users the fairest evolution! "

Cheng Yuan said that naturally he meant the fortifier he used.

But in Yang Qiaoyuan's eyes, his thoughts are even more demanding!

You have to know that even in the period of great development of artificial intelligence, other countries have not made much progress in strengthening human body. This shows that for the research of human genetics, technology crystallization companies have been in the top ranks in the world!

Now the fortifier is perfect in his eyes! Because from the beginning to the present, no user has any side effects.

This means that this fortifier is already a mature technology, so Yang Qiaoyuan thinks it is perfect.

"Perhaps the genius' brain circuit is different from others, and the requirements on things are more stringent." Looking at Cheng Yuan who talked eloquently, Yang Qiaoyuan thought silently. (To be continued.) U

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