Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 630:

Cheng Yuan rubbed his eyebrows. The whole transformation plan was indeed a very large process, which could not be decided in a few words.

"Come step by step." Cheng Yuan didn't dare to rush. After all, transforming a planet is an unprecedented feat. Whether this plan will succeed or not is unknown.

After all, he knew from the beginning that there was no accurate nuclear data. Everything was of a gambling nature. It was good to succeed, but if it failed, the damage must be minimized!

Closing the holographic window in front of him, Cheng Yuan's thoughts were difficult for a while. He originally thought he had been idle recently, but now it seems that he still has a lot to do!

Regardless of the Mars transformation plan, the problem of intelligent machinery has always been in my mind. After all, he now feels like raising a tiger like the “mentally handicapped” in the main characters of the novel, and then waits for the other party to grow up, but in the end he cannot destroy the other party.

After the zero judgment of the opponent has sent the central core out of the earth, he understood that it is impossible to completely eliminate intelligent machinery.

Therefore, even if the global intelligent machinery base is cleaned up, there will always be hidden dangers.

The most important thing is that if you want to know the global intelligent machinery, that intelligent life Zen is also an obstacle. Although his current attitude is unknown and can be felt from Cheng Yuan in the initial communication, he still does not want the intelligent machine to disappear.

"I don't know how the communication between zero and Zen is." Thinking to himself, Cheng Yuan didn't ask, he also said before that he would not care about the problems between zero and Zen.

So nothing about Zen can only be solved by zero.

These questions flashed in his mind, Cheng Yuan couldn't help frowning. Like these things, he could only think alone in his heart, and couldn't find a person to talk to.

Sighing, he can only hope that everything is going well, and wants to stop him from leaving the company.

Taking Zhang Li and Chen Yu home directly, after returning home, Cheng Yuan wouldn't show a worried look. He smiled and picked up his baby: "Yating, are you good at home today?"

Cheng Yuan held his daughter up high and asked with a smile. Although he knew she couldn't speak, he couldn't help asking.

Seeing Cheng Yuan like this, his mother Qiu Yang could not help laughing and cursing: "You stupid boy, how can she understand what you say when you are so young, let it go quickly, if you let it go!"

Having said that, she hurried to Cheng Yuan's body, and then held Xiao Yating into her arms from Cheng Yuan.

Seeing this picture of Mom, Cheng Yuan twitched his mouth and couldn't help whispering: "Mom, I just asked, Ya Ting is different from other children. Her intellectual development is better than other children. Maybe we should speak a lot earlier, and now we can almost understand us. "

"Go and go, what do you know, when you are so old, you can't even turn over yourself!" After that, she took Xiao Yating and left the living room and went upstairs.

Looking at his mother like this, Cheng Yuan was helpless. According to his speculation, Xiao Yating should start trying to call her at this time.

After all, it is his Cheng Yuan's child, definitely different. And she started so early now ...

However, he still didn't say these words. Seeing his mother's appearance must be unwilling to teach him something too early.

Cheng Yuan sat silently on the sofa. As soon as he sat down, he heard Guo Xiaolian's voice from the floor: "Mom, the baby is sleepy?"

"No, the little girl is so energetic, that Cheng Yuan's stinky kid isn't restless, holding it so high, and fell down?" The mother's complaining voice sounded immediately.

Cheng Yuan heard his mouth pumping, "I'm so dangerous ..."

Soon Cheng Yuan heard Guo Xiaolian's footsteps coming downstairs gently, Cheng Yuan glanced at Guo Xiaolian who went downstairs.

This poor photo of Cheng Yuan made Guo Xiaolian laugh and laugh: "It's not honest for you. Mom is a baby granddaughter now, and even Dabai will not let him approach."

"Really?" Cheng Yuan turned to look at Dabai who was cleaning in the living room in surprise.

When he saw this, he stopped the movement in his hand and nodded: "Yes, because my polyethylene sheath does not block the radiation of the internal battery well, so this is my own requirement."

Dabai's words made Cheng Yuan pat his head: "I almost forgot. I'll wait for you to finish cleaning and let tension send you back to the company. I'll let you replace all your internal components."

If Dabai didn't say anything, Cheng Yuan didn't really notice this. With the advancement of science and technology, the new generation of big white robots will naturally develop in a better direction.

Dabai at home was originally made by myself. From use to now, the internal hardware has not been replaced!

"Okay." Dabai nodded and continued cleaning.

Cheng Yuan watched his bloated body move in small steps in the living room and laughed involuntarily.

Dabai is his first step!

Looking at Cheng Yuan with a natural smile on her face, Guo Xiaolian's eyes were tender, she whispered, "Cheng Yuan, Xiao Xin and her classmates are going to space. Are you planning?"

"Well." Cheng Yuan nodded gently. "What's wrong?"

Guo Xiaolian frowned slightly: "Yes, I went with Xiaoxin to a satellite base before. There were four classmates who accompanied her, but although they are healthy, they still want to reach our spaceship. Some distance. "

Guo Xiaolian worried: "Our spacecraft is fast, and they have not been strengthened. The step-by-step training will take too long. I am afraid that their vacation will be wasted on training this time, and it may not reach the standard."

"You're right, no matter how they train, they can't be trained to strengthen the standard. It seems that simple training is not enough." Cheng Yuanyi really thought so. He looked at Guo Xiaolian: "What do you think?"

"Put on some special compression clothing so that they can directly take the spacecraft without training, which can save a lot of time." Guo Xiaolian suggested.

Guo Xiaolian's idea is very good, Cheng Yuan praised: "Yes, there is no problem with the environment inside the spacecraft, and ordinary people can adapt to it, that is, the pressure during the flight phase will bring some adverse effects, as long as they do not cause discomfort during the flight phase. "

"Zero, the question about compression clothing will be left to you. If you need reference materials, you can refer to the principles of those anti-load clothing." Cheng Yuan commanded.

Zero immediately replied, "Okay, sir."

Cheng Yuan also realized this problem when he was preparing to go to zero. The problem that Guo Xiaolian said was actually a kind of inertial pressure generated during high-speed flight.

The super fast speed can bring huge inertia, which will cause some changes in the blood flow of the human body. The impact of this change on people is a series of adverse effects such as dizziness, dizziness, nausea and even difficulty breathing.

If the spacecraft cannot solve the problem of internal inertia, it means that the spacecraft is still incomplete!

Of course, whether it is perfect also varies from person to person. For example, Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian, because they have been strengthened, so they do not have any incompatibility. For them, the spacecraft is now technically perfect.

After solving the problem, Cheng Yuan suddenly looked at Guo Xiaolian and yelled, "Yes, you told me about this, should Xiaoxin complain to you, right?"

Guo Xiaolian pouted and smiled: "Yeah, she said that her classmates are still a bit behind the standard given by zero. According to the calculation of zero, they have to answer the requirements and need three years of training, so ..." Shrugged.

"Three years !?" Cheng Yuan rolled his eyes. "No wonder that girl will complain to you."

"Hehe." Guo Xiaolian smiled and said, "Well, don't say that, have you watched the news before, half an hour ago, Huaxia's support troops have already set off."

"Already set off? How much is sent out in total?" Cheng Yuan didn't notice this, he looked at Guo Xiaolian curiously.

"There is no specific information about this report, but it is not likely to be too much. After all, so many countries are involved, and Huaxia alone cannot guarantee anything at all." Guo Xiaolian shook his head: "I don't think it will be able to resist even this time. "

"Why?" Cheng Yuan raised his eyebrows ~ ~ Although there are not many countries that need support, but not a few, how many countries can they share? There are no thousands of robots stationed, which is of no avail. I checked the loss of robots on our China border, and almost every station will lose one to two every day. This is the case when we have tens of thousands of defenses! "

At this point, Guo Xiaolian sighed from her nasal cavity: "I don't think it will be long before these support forces will be disintegrated by intelligent machinery."

"And I feel that every time intelligent machines are improving, although they don't know why the offensive has slowed down, it may not be easy next time ..." Guo Xiaolian was very worried.

Cheng Yuan looked at Guo Xiaolian, who had her eyebrows twisted, and patted the back of Guo Xiaolian's slippery hand, comforting softly: "Relax, if it doesn't work, I will take it."

Guo Xiaolian wondered: "Are you sure? Then why not eliminate them in advance?"

Cheng Yuan smiled bitterly and asked, "If I start producing large war robots, what do you think of the country?"

"This ..." Guo Xiaolian was silent for a while, and she really didn't think about it.

Without a reminder from Cheng Yuan, she instantly realized how naive she was just saying. If Cheng Yuan took the initiative to produce large-scale war robots, even if Cheng Yuan had a good intention, it would bring great benefits. trouble.

Because Huaxia does not allow individual enterprises to produce weapons at all! Especially a destructive war weapon like a large robot!

"I understand."


The next day, Cheng Yuan came to the company early in the morning. As soon as he arrived, he reminded him: "Sir, Mr. Rocarlos has been waiting for you for a long time. Would you like to see him?" (To be continued.) Come on, Book Friends' House! Unique URL:

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