Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 617:

Inside the California base, it was a busy scene.

Hundreds of men and women, young and old, lined up, dragging scattered luggage, and headed for the transport spaceship.

"Come on, everyone, hurry up. When you get there, you can live a stable life!" Rocarlos stood beside the team and shouted from time to time to remind the people in the team.

With the passage of time, it took almost half an hour to finish all the talents. Such a speed made Rocarlos frown inexplicably, and his heart was worried.

Although it is said that the offense of smart machines has slowed down, once they have discovered such a large movement here, these smart machines will certainly not easily let the senior human talents in the transport ship.

"Mr. President, how is the situation?" Rocarlos had not forgotten to express his concern to the new president Edward, who was still a general but was in danger after the death of the former president.

Edward glanced at the sentry tower in the distance, then shook his head and said, "They didn't find it, you should go quickly, the faster the better. Once they are detected, I am worried that you can't even run. After returning to China, no matter what Let Huaxia send troops to support it! "

Rocarlos nodded heavily, assuring: "You can rest assured, I will find support!" After finishing, he entered the ship, and the ship's hatch closed slowly after Rocarlos entered.

Looking at the transport ship that was about to take off, Edward stepped back slightly, looking at the two behemoths calmly.

At this moment, a sharp whistle came from the sentry tower in the distance. The sharp whistle cut through the silence under the night. At the sound of the whistle, Edward's face changed sharply, and he hurriedly turned, while shouting: Ready for everyone! Back to your post, no matter what the goal, shoot it the first time !!! "

When Edward shouted loudly, the soldiers inside the base returned to their posts almost at the same time, then took up the gun in his hand, stood on the line of defense set by the base, and waited.

The California base is square in shape, surrounded by a ten-meter-high fence, which is 23 meters thick. The center of the fence is not only concrete, but also special steel plates mixed into it.

The main body of the base is also buried in the ground. Only part of the building is on the ground. The entire base is a huge open-air nuclear defense base!

But because the communication was cut off, almost all the people in the base stayed outside the building, and the underground buildings and equipment all failed, so everyone was outside.

At this time, all the soldiers in the base stood on the fence and looked desperately at the dense red flashing lights far away!

They are familiar with the intelligent mechanical forces and they know very well what these red lights represent!

When Edward saw the scene after he boarded the fence, he was also frightened, but as the highest leader of the base, he quickly recovered and gritted his teeth. He yelled, "Give me the distance and give me the range. Shoot and hit hard! "

Edward glanced up at the sky, and the carrier stopped in the sky for only a moment, then immediately started to fly away.

At the start of the transport ship, dozens of flying robots rushed out of the army in the dense army of intelligent machinery in the distance and aimed directly at the transport ship.

Seeing this scene, Edward's heart was tightly clasped for a moment, he held his breath, widened his eyes and stared at the situation above his head.

While he was worried that the transport ship would be stopped by the flying robots, the situation in the sky suddenly changed.

I saw the transport ship turning a blind eye to these flying robots rushing to themselves, and rushed forward in accordance with their own flight trajectory!

This situation instantly stopped Edward. He originally thought that the transport ship would take a detour, but it turned out to be this way!

And those flying robots rushed towards themselves without facing the transport ship, they also responded quickly, raising their hands is a series of energy rays blasting towards the transport ship!

"Bang, bang!"

The hot energy rays blasted on the surface of the ship's hull, and a deafening rumble broke out. With the roar, the soldiers on the base wall also fired subconsciously. Numerous bullets covered the opposite intelligence The army of machines flew away.

The army of intelligent machinery is also reluctant to show weakness.

At the same time, more flying robots flew towards the sky and rushed towards the transport ship. When Edward saw this, he didn't care about the others, and he yelled at the soldiers around him: "Stop me who can fly! Keep the ship moving safely!"

The soldiers were ordered, and some of them immediately shifted their targets and aimed their muzzles at the flying robots in the sky.

But when they aimed at the sky, these people were stunned.

I saw in the sky that the transport ship hit by countless energy optical fibers stiffly resisted the high temperature burning, and rushed all the way without any damage. At the same time, the flying robots that were blocking it crashed into pieces and exploded one by one Come on!

"Mr. President, it looks like we don't need our help!" An officer stared blankly at Edward as he watched everything happening in the sky.

Edward also showed an unbelievable look, and then he sighed: "It's me who cares a lot, the technology of the technology crystallization company is really extraordinary!"

Between the two people talking, the transport ship accelerated instantly, directly out of the battle and disappeared into the sky.

Of course, while the transport ship was speeding up, it also crashed countless flying robots!

Edwards left safely, and Edward breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured, "I hope you will be well on your way."

For him, sending these scientists out is not only used as a bargaining chip, but the deeper meaning is to save the last scientific research power in the United States. As long as these people are alive, there is still hope for the rise of the United States.

Of course, this group of people is just the more famous group. There are not many people who silently pay at the bottom of various laboratories.

After all, the United States is so large, there are tens of thousands of top talents in this research, and he cannot gather so many people in one week.

These people are just people who can be named in their state of California.

As for people in other states, Edward is not sure what is going on.

"Notify everyone, retreat! Enter the underground bunker!" Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, Edward returned to God, and immediately commanded those around him.

They did not know how many times they used this method. After the first batch of support from Huaxia was destroyed, they would fight for a while every time they faced the intelligent machinery army. As long as the momentum was not right, they would hide into the ground immediately.

At this time, the numerous intelligent machines outside the wall are not at all resistant to them, so hiding is the best choice.

Fortunately for Edward, the metal gates between the ground and underground facilities at this base are thick enough that the gates used for nuclear defense are blocking and these robots cannot enter.

After he ordered the retreat, all soldiers began to slowly retreat, and then one by one went underground, but the situation on the battlefield changed rapidly. Although all the soldiers were very cautious, when everyone retreated into the ground and closed the door Rear.

This time the battle, which took only four or five minutes, cost hundreds of lives!

The long-range attack accuracy of intelligent machines and humans are not a grade at all!

On the ground, the sound of deafening bombardment, the people under the head of Edvard looked dim, and they had no ability to fight back in the face of intelligent machines.

The two sides are not at the same level at all!

They are waiting now, after these intelligent machines cannot be broken, they retreat on their own.

Huaxia, the top platform of Anhe's cutting-edge laboratory building, Cheng Yuan stood there with a smile on his face. Behind him were a group of security and intelligent robots. Looking at the two transport ships in front of him, his heart was not the same as his face.

For all the encounters in Rocarlos' trip, he kept looking at his eyes. He thought that this trip would be smooth and that he would not be attacked.

However, things are often so unexpected that intelligent machinery has attacked. Although it cannot hurt the armor covered by the outside of the transport ship ~ ~, Cheng Yuan sees another meaning from this attack.

That is, intelligent machinery also realizes the importance of human scientific research personnel, it seems to want to wipe out humans in this area!

Its behavior also made Cheng Yuan hesitate to give it a lesson. After all, his approach is almost ready to sever the progress of human civilization.

But this idea was quickly rejected by himself, and it is not yet time!

With a smile, Rocarlos and a group of scientific researchers and their families, Cheng Yuan let Zero quickly scan these people, and then record their identities.

After everyone came down and recorded their identities, Cheng Yuan said to those who were dusty and looked tired: "Everyone, welcome to Huaxia. You are safe. I have arranged for you. Housing, you can go to your own room according to the instructions, you have a week of adjustment and rest time. "

"After one week, I will arrange a suitable job for you." Cheng Yuan said softly and hurriedly.

His voice made these scientific talents relieved. Many people even looked up at the sky stupidly, enjoying themselves.

Regarding these people's fortunate performance for the rest of their lives, Cheng Yuan just smiled and said nothing, leaving a sentence: "You feel OK, just follow the instructions, my intelligence will give you the most accurate guidance. Of course, Qian Don't just walk away! "

"The building under your feet is currently the tallest building in the world, and it is also the most advanced building. There are many defense systems you can never imagine. If you go wrong, the consequences will be very serious!"

He warned everyone lightly, and Cheng Yuan turned and left. (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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