Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 615:

As the two major powers successively agreed, the remaining capital powers no longer hesitated, and they spoke in agreement.

At this time, they had no reason to hesitate. After all, even the United States and Russia agreed, and their little insistence and the dignity of the so-called big country seemed meaningless.

Before, they have been hesitant and hesitant. They just want that little country's dignity. They don't want to be treated the same as those countries they originally despise. They are superior.

And they also believe that as long as they survive this crisis, they can quickly bridge the gap between themselves and the small countries around them.

This is all their capital!

And their ideas also exist in the same idea. We and them are not on the same level, not a level. Cheng Yuan should also consider this level of factors, and will have different conditions to treat them.

But precisely because of their ‘I thought, I thought’ mentality, they made them misjudge Cheng Cheng ’s own ideas.

In Cheng Yuan's eyes, all the people who came here to beg him, there was no distinction between them, because these so-called big capital countries were worse than those of small countries.

At least, even though small nations are also being interrupted by communication equipment, these small nations themselves are not very developed in this regard. They are very familiar with how to live and how to cope with lack of smooth information.

Only those countries that can't keep up can make a big mess, such as the Czech Republic.

After no ambassador expressed his objection, Cheng Yuan smiled and ordered people to prepare to sign the contract. As to whether this contract is valid, Cheng Yuan can be said to have a hundred minds.

Holding the strongest strength, he is confident that no one dares to play with him.

The signing of the contract was quick and ended in about half an hour. Cheng Yuan watched the employees lift the thick stack of contracts away and secretly excited.

Global layout!

What is called global distribution, that is, penetration from all walks of life to all areas of the world, from the most basic mineral resources, to daily necessities, to medical facilities and drugs, and finally to all aspects!

Only by doing this can it be considered as a global deployment, not just technology.

But before, Cheng Yuan had no way to intervene in these at all. In itself, because the technology crystallization company has risen too fast, countries have a strong sense of prevention.

This is not only reflected in national governments, but also in various multinational groups! If Cheng Yuan had his own power at the beginning, he immediately reached out to the basic mineral resources, and then he was greeted by the various targets of these mining tycoons!

Where he likes, or mine, these tycoons can rely on all kinds of connections in their hands to play with him softly.

Through their influence on the local government, a series of restrictions are imposed through internal 'legal' means or 'policy'.

When this kind of thing happens, what can Cheng Yuan do?

Does it also send its own intelligent robot to force each other in the past? Once this is done, he will instantly become a global enemy, and even Hua Xia can't say that he has always stood behind him to support himself.

After all, if he did such a thing, there would be no difference from grabbing, and this method would have no excuse!

At first, he just asked Fang Jing to build a dock in the South China Sea, but he still did not encounter all kinds of things?

This is still the case in Huaxia, not to mention abroad. Cheng Yuan has no foundation abroad. If he invests money in these basic mineral resources, he will definitely not have enough money to invest!

This is also the reason why Cheng Yuan has always reached out to all walks of life, but has always been able to develop in the country, because China has the support of the Chinese government, but abroad ...

But now it is different. The crisis of intelligent machinery has all his concerns and obstacles disappeared without any hindrance. He can completely do what he couldn't do at this stage!

The most important thing is that if he does something now, he is not asking the foreign government, but the foreign government is asking himself!

In this way, the status of the two sides is different.

Now he can get the maximum benefit with the least cost, which is the difference.

Without those capitalists' obstacles, it is the best condition for him to start development. Cheng Yuan will not miss such an opportunity.

After the ambassadors from all countries signed the agreement, Cheng Yuan assured with satisfaction: "Everyone, please rest assured about the reconstruction of the network. At most one week, I will reconnect the global network!"

Cheng Yuan's self-confidence also made the ambassadors of the countries feel a little better. After all, the conditions he had previously proposed were absolutely unacceptable to them.

But now, even if they do n’t accept it, they have to accept it! Because even if they want Huaxia to provide assistance, there must be a communication channel that can quickly connect the two places!

Otherwise, how can they communicate with Huaxia in real time and then make strategic layout or tactical arrangements according to different environments in different places?

And war logistics also need support through contact! All of this is inseparable from the exchange of information, so no matter how harsh Cheng Yuan's conditions are, they have no choice.

Because the Chinese government can't solve this problem, they also rely on technology crystallization companies to ensure the smooth network and communication in China!

Of course, as for the internal network of Huaxia, the Huaxia Foreign Ministry official who received them told them, and it was the decision of Huaxia's senior management to arrange for them to meet with Cheng Yuan.

So they came here, this knife is set!

After speaking, Cheng Yuan turned around and walked out, and most of the ambassadors also went out from another exit. They discussed the network reconstruction at the technology crystallization company. Next, they talked with Huaxia City Government. Supporting things.

The first batch of support was over, so they need to discuss it again.

It is just that there is not much support, after all, there are still many places that have not been attacked by intelligent machines, so those countries do not need any military assistance.

Just when most people were leaving, the American ambassador Rocarlos suddenly trot to Cheng Yuan, with a charming smile, and whispered, "Mr. Cheng, can we talk alone?"

Cheng Yuan raised an eyebrow and looked at the slightly fat American ambassador meaningfully. "Of course, Mr. Rocarlos."

Cheng Yuan naturally knew in his heart that the American ambassador wanted to find something to talk with himself, and he did not refuse. After all, although the United States is in a bad situation, its foundation and background are still there, and it also contains some things that he is more emotional about.

Seeing Cheng Yuan agree, Rocca Carloston was overjoyed. He looked around and found that many ambassadors were looking at himself and lowered his voice again: "Mr. Cheng, can you find a quiet place?"

Cheng Yuan shrugged and was very funny about Rocarlos' careful manner. So many people looked at it. Can you still understand your actions?

But he didn't say anything, there was nothing he could do about it, he said casually, "Come with me."

Take Rocarlos to a small separate room next to the large conference room. This is a small lounge with two rows of chairs on opposite sides of the wall and a round coffee table in the middle.

After the two took their seats, Cheng Yuan said directly: "Well, it's quiet here, nobody will disturb us. Mr. Rocarlos has nothing to say."

Although Rocarlos was sitting on a chair, his slightly fat body was shrinking slightly, keeping himself in a low position in front of Cheng Yuan, and then he said flatly: "Mr. Cheng, what I want to say is whether you can One to arrange for the rebuilding of our US network. "

Having said that, before waiting for Cheng Yuan to speak, he immediately said, "Of course, this is not free of charge, and we will give you a satisfactory reward!"

Although Cheng Yuan has just assured that the global network reconstruction can be completed within one week, even if the time for one week is very short, there is a sequence in it.

For the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, the gap between the morning and the evening is huge!

After all, China ’s assistance can only be realized under a smooth network communication environment ~ ~, and the sooner the network communication channels are established, it is extremely beneficial for those countries in the state of war. .

Therefore, Rocarlos must seize this opportunity. After all, if they get support earlier, they can settle down earlier and they can develop again earlier.

This is good anyway!

"If you want to advance, it is not impossible, after all, it is to be established after all, so what can you give me?" Cheng Yuan also has nothing to do with it. In this case, the benefits are clear!

Rocarlos grinned: "Of course, the rewards we give will never let you down."

"You are so sure, what you give me is what I want?" Cheng Yuan couldn't help but be very curious when he looked at Rocarlos so confidently.

Rocarlos grinned: "Of course I know that you are definitely not short of money now. Although the depreciation of the dollar has caused you a lot of losses, it will not hurt you. As for the mineral resources, you are even more scarce. Now, you can say that there is no company or force in this field that can mine minerals in this field. "

Cheng Yuan nodded involuntarily. Rocarlos' analysis was very reasonable. Although the economy collapsed due to intelligent machinery and the currencies of various countries were affected and devalued, he did not really hurt his muscles.

As for the basic mineral resources, he is even more in need, but not as supported by space minerals as Rocarlos said, his goal has long been aimed at the mineral resources of the earth itself.

"I think you should be understaffed?" Rocarlos nodded at Cheng Yuan, and then whispered. (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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