Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 613:

Although Cheng Yuan already has such a weapon as a biomechanical nanoworm, having such a weapon does not mean that he does not need basic metal substances such as iron, copper, and magnesium.

Because this nanoworm also needs to be extracted from these most basic materials.

If you really master this nanoworm, you don't need any minerals, and Cheng Yuan doesn't need to deploy so many mining transport ships in the universe.

Now, because of the rebellion of intelligent machinery, many enterprises have suffered huge blows, and even some companies have disappeared at this instant.

Enterprises no longer exist, and those who mine for ore naturally lose their jobs. After all, they work hard and no one pays them.

When smart machines fully invaded the information network, let alone multinational companies, even domestic domestic companies lost control at this moment.

Without a channel for information transmission, workers are naturally restless.

Today, mines are still operating, except for small mineral companies that have not been invaded by smart machines and belong to Benedict.

More than 90% of mining companies are facing various problems, so many mines have stopped working.

And some of these closed mines are also occupied by intelligent machinery, because they also need to develop, so Fengchi has occupied some mines sincerely.

Nowadays, Cheng Yuan has set his sights on this target. Those unmanned mines are his goals. As for being occupied by intelligent machines, he has no idea.

After all, it is not wise to fight against intelligent machines at this time. Although he is not afraid, he still needs to be cautious about Huaxia.

And it wasn't just him who made the idea, Huaxia did the same!

Huaxia is also a country with large mineral demand. Every year, it purchases millions of tons of minerals from other countries, which contains a variety of minerals.

Of course, there is also a special black gold mineral resource such as oil.

Now countries that are invaded by intelligent machinery are too busy taking care of themselves. Huaxia naturally has the idea of ​​these resources. After all, accidents in these countries can affect more than one or two points.

Because of the collapse of foreign trade, many domestic things have become tighter, and prices have been rising steadily, especially under the deliberate speculation of some businessmen. Those so-called out-of-print toilet bowls can sell tens of thousands!

And this kind of unacceptable and imaginable thing has even caused a group of aunts to line up to buy crazy! At this time, although some people also scolded these people for their brain damage, but more people expressed 'understanding', because the name of the capital is actually dead, and it is naturally impossible to have a so-called domestic toilet circle in the future.

This is an authentic out of print!

In addition, the impact of intelligent machinery is related to all aspects, these have tightened Huaxia's high-level nerves.

In this special period of time, things are easy to cause trouble if they are not good, and they naturally dare not care.

Of course, the occurrence of these situations, Huaxia executives also adopted thunder means to regulate, fortunately, China now uses quantum networks in China, the information is very developed.

This allows many orders to be passed to everyone as quickly as possible when they are issued, so that they know.

When controlling the internal economy, Huaxia's senior management will certainly not sit back and eat. With the rapid development of science and technology, resources are the top priority.

The first place they looked at was the cold and uninhabited area of ​​Mongolia in the north and large areas in eastern Russia.

Because these two places have many mineral resources buried underground, and the outbreak of intelligent machinery in Russia directly affected this small country sandwiched between China and Russia.

Although the main battlefield of Russia's intelligent machinery is placed in Russian territory, the attack on Mongolia has not stopped. Not only that, they also want to use Mongolia's underground resources to develop themselves, attack Russia after destroying Russia.

Huaxia executives are naturally aware of the intention of this intelligent machine, so they are ready to operate on these two places. After all, not only will no one know what they are doing now, but their shot will make the other side thankful.

Because Mongolia, a small country, is now half-disabled, they are looking for help from Russia, and Russia itself is so anxious that it ca n’t make a shot at all.

Therefore, Mongolian President Chahia Bagdore can only seek assistance from the dying North Korea. At the beginning, Huaxia naturally agreed very easily. After all, this was a global disaster. So many countries looked at it and the Huaxia executives with ideas in their hearts agreed very happily.

However, after the subsequent 'Unity' conference, Huaxia changed his policy. After all, he did not stand on his side, and he certainly had no obligation to continue to help.

So there is a Z1 robot doing the same thing.

After that, intelligent machines invaded all communication channels, causing information to be interrupted and connections between all countries disconnected.

Today, Mongolia is filled with gunpowder smoke. President Begdor led a small part of the Mongolian army to defend the final square. This small landlocked country with only 1.56 million square kilometers of land almost fell.

While staying in the final position, President Bergdorf also sent a special envoy to China for help. The help this time is not only military assistance, but also various material needs.

However, when the Mongolian envoy came to Huaxia, he could not get a reply from Huaxia, and Huaxia executives only told him to go to Anhe City to find the help of a technology crystallization company and restore the information channel in his country others.

And he went to Anhe with many national envoys. Special envoys from hundreds of countries were present and gathered together, which naturally made them feel different.

After all, if there are too many people, it is definitely difficult to divide. China is a country. How can it support so many?

After they came to the technology crystallization company, they were shocked by Cheng Yuan's request. The most annoying thing was that they were afraid to refuse Cheng Yuan's request!

Huaxia executives aimed at the nearest northern neighboring countries, while Cheng Yuan did the opposite. From the beginning, he aimed at several major mineral nations in South America!

These countries themselves have rich mineral resources, but because their hard conditions cannot be developed at all, this has led to very poor conditions in these countries.

Countries with poor conditions are naturally chaotic, and chaotic countries are certainly not valued by businessmen.

Because in a chaotic country where basic security cannot be guaranteed, your investment has gone back and forth, so the capitalists gave up directly.

This has formed a vicious circle, so they will only become poorer, and if there is no significant change, it will continue to be so in the future.

But now it is different. The outbreak of the intelligent machinery crisis has completely lost hope for development in these countries! Originally, even if they were bad, at least some people could mine minerals and go for domestic sales, and most of them could be sold.

And they have no channels to sell and can only rely on those risky businessmen.

However, in today's international environment, those businessmen dare to run around, and honestly find a safe place to stay, so as not to be stunned by intelligent machines.

This has led to even more depression in these countries relying on mining and energy development.

Cheng Yuan values ​​their minerals for their own reasons. First of all, these countries are very weak and weak, and the crisis brought about by intelligent machines has made these small countries even more precarious. The government is busy suppressing the chaos and has no time to manage these mineral resources.

Secondly, communication is now interrupted. Even if they have opinions, they cannot find a reason, not to mention that there are some differences in the names of intelligent machines and intelligent robots. There is not much difference in style!

As long as Cheng Yuan doesn't speak, can they see whether it is an intelligent robot or an intelligent machine?

In the end, Cheng Yuan didn't want to grab food from Huaxia!

After all, with Huaxia's current strength and concerns, it can only fight the ideas of neighboring countries. If Cheng Yuan still blends in, it will be too embarrassing.

So he aimed directly at South America, thousands of miles away.

Because he has a high-end aircraft, he can go back and forth for a few minutes without much effort.

"Zero, mine the selected locations with the fastest speed ~ ~ Regardless of what the other party finds, they will ignore it. If the other party starts, don't hesitate to directly fight back!" A stroke across his chest showed a map of the Americas in front of him.

He nodded quickly, with a sharp tone.

"No problem." Ling Yingdao, he naturally understood Cheng Yuan's meaning, that the overlord slammed his bow and seized their minerals.

As to whether this is right or wrong, in the concept of zero, it is naturally right.

Because even if these minerals are left behind, they will only be cheaper for smart machines. After all, the battle and expansion of intelligent machinery in the Americas did not stop.

After the other party has occupied most of the area, these minerals will naturally be seen by the other party.

So, what they have to do is to get ahead first, and if they take these minerals, they can make more robots to ‘resist’ intelligent machines.

Speaking of them, they are still contributing to the world!

Moving quickly, Cheng Yuan smiled slightly, turned off the map, and got up to appreciate this city that began to change because of him.

Anhe City is now full of high-rise buildings. In the middle of the high-rise buildings, holographic screens are suspended there to broadcast news. Vehicles are moving in an orderly manner on the wide streets below the city, and there are many young people running around the street.

Their faces are full of exploration and joy, and it is very obvious that they are walking with different-looking Pokémon beside them.

The outside intelligence crisis has no effect on this city, because they believe in Huaxia, and they also believe in technology crystallization companies!

Cheng Yuan quietly looked at this living city, his eyes were deep and gentle. At this moment, Fang Jing suddenly came over and said softly, "Cheng Yuan, the ambassadors have already discussed their opinions." (To be continued.) ) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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