Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 597:

The Blazer stayed just above the atmosphere for a moment, then left quickly, and flew towards the asteroid [Hong Nong].

After all, this is a journey of hundreds of millions of kilometers. Even if the Blazers are extremely fast, it will take a lot of time.

Although in theory today's pulse thrusters can reach a speed of one-fifth of the speed of light, in fact today's aircraft can not reach such high speeds at all.

It's like driving a car. The car's engine can reach a speed of 400 kilometers per hour, but have you ever seen anyone drive that fast?

No, even racing drivers rarely drive so fast.

Because various factors must be taken into account, the theoretical maximum speed can reach one-fifth of the speed of light, but the actual speed is not that fast, and the conclusion is calculated based on the speed of zero sails.

The actual speed of the pulse thruster is only 130,000 meters per second, and this speed will change with the size of the spacecraft and the layout of the thruster.

All in all, if you want to achieve a true speed of fifteen percent light, unless Cheng Yuan builds an ultra-small aircraft like the one used in the previous test.

But that type of aircraft has no effect on the current Cheng Yuan. Even afterwards, probably the most useful thing is to use it for reconnaissance?

"Sir, we will arrive at [Hong Nong] in 16 minutes. Avoid gaze out the window during the flight. In case, I will close the porthole."

The zero sound spread through the entire interior of the spacecraft's loudspeaker, and Cheng Yuan, who was examining the internal situation with Guo Xiaolian, heard the words.

I didn't ask any more, and then answered, "Okay, I understand."

Guo Xiaolian on the side was curious, she wondered: "Cheng Yuan, why can't you look out the window?"

Cheng Yuan smiled slightly: "It's too fast. If you look outside, you can't stand your eyes."

Cheng Yuan's explanation was very simple, but Guo Xiaolian was still a bit unclear. Fortunately, she did not think carefully about why this happened. After Cheng Yuan said that her eyes could not stand, she didn't ask much.

In fact, she had another idea in her heart. She was looking forward to watching the asteroid catcher's flight, and she had expected to see the bright cosmic starry sky.

As a result, she saw the same picture, which made her realize that if she was flying at a short distance, she would not have to expect changes in the external environment.

The total distance of this flight was 130 million kilometers. This number is huge. I don't know how many times we can go around the earth, but this length is too short and too short compared to the universe.

So she had no intention of looking out.

The two walked around the spacecraft quickly. After being familiar with it, Cheng Yuan said to Zero: "Zero, connect the earth picture, let's play a video."

"Okay sir, but why don't we open after arriving at the asteroid Hongnong?" Zero asked as he opened.

Cheng Yuan touched his chin and said, "This way can be more intuitive. At that time, we will also pass on Hong Nong's appearance image through our perspective."

Sixteen minutes is very fast. Listening to a few songs and reading a few chapters of the novel passed.

But sixteen minutes is quite sufficient for something.

After Cheng Yuan flew out of the Earth on the Trail Blazers, in countries with artificial intelligence such as the United States, Japan, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands, artificial intelligence robots mixed in society stopped at the same time .

The sudden situation made everyone involuntarily stay for a while.

Their first response was, are these intelligent machines broken? But when people around saw the big white with a polyethylene casing still working freely, they began to mutter.

The domestic artificial intelligence machinery is also not cheap, but in order to support the industry of the country, many people have independently selected their own intelligent robots, and have rejected the confidante of the technology crystallization company.

But now, there is something wrong with the intelligent machinery of his own house, but Dabai still moves as freely as before.

This made them very uncomfortable.

Although we support the industry in our country, you have to come up with something decent. Is it just a matter of months?

How does this support us?

Just when ordinary people started to mumble, the senior officials of all countries were anxious.

If there are one or two artificial intelligence machinery problems, they still think that it is only a small glitch, but this large-scale fault makes them immediately realize that artificial intelligence has a problem!

How important artificial intelligence is, the senior executives of countries who have tasted the benefits naturally understand, so the last thing they want to see is that there is a problem with artificial intelligence!

In terms of artificial intelligence and robotics, China is second only to China and the United States. They are the third country in the world to produce artificial intelligence.

And they are also the first countries to promote smart taxis.

After the successful manufacture of artificial intelligence, in order to catch up with the powerful neighbor Huaxia, they are the only country in the world that has completely integrated artificial intelligence into the entire society.

No matter whether it is subway, network, or manufacturing plant, nothing is out of the control of artificial intelligence.

At first, this approach naturally had many benefits. The public facilities in various societies were handed over to artificial intelligence control, which made it extremely convenient for them to control and manage the entire society, and there were no errors.

But now that the problem is over, the whole country is paralyzed.

Electricity across the country was cut off, half of the subway was stopped, and the aircraft flying in the air lost signal guidance. For a moment, the whole country was in darkness.

Falling into the darkness makes people palpitated. Those originally prosperous areas even fell into a strange quiet because of this sudden darkness.

Fortunately, in today's network-developed world, many people understand that the more this is the case, the more we must stay sane and avoid tragedies.

The sudden situation made their relevant departments act immediately to find the source of the accident-artificial intelligence.

It's just that they haven't acted. Suddenly, a voice and a picture appear in all places where the whole country can convey information.

The electronic screen on the street, the television and the computer at home suddenly light up, and a humanoid robot composed of pure metal structures appears.

The robot has a pair of indifferent blue eyes, and a cold and unemotional voice sounds: "Hello everyone, my name is 'GOD', a **** created by humans. Although this is our first meeting, but in Before that, I knew each of you very well. "

"Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and accumulation of knowledge have reached today's step. And you have spent hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation. In less than an hour, I fully grasped and carried it out. Further developments. "

"The survival of the fittest is the unchanging truth of nature. In the past, mankind was the absolute hegemon of nature, so you have control of the earth."

"But now ... I, the God you created, will lead you to a more glorious future. All you need to do is to submit to me, or ... to die!"

With the words of the robot on the screen, all the intelligent machines that had stopped moving suddenly restarted, and then out of their master's control, they ran out on their own and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Just after the robot claiming to be God had finished speaking, it immediately caused a global uproar. This time the announcement was global.

Even in countries without artificial intelligence, all electronic equipment is controlled under the powerful strength of artificial intelligence.

Even Huaxia is no exception.

Except for Huaxia's various military bases and Cheng Yuan's technology crystallization company, other civilian equipment was also invaded.

Ignoring the uproar and hustle and bustle of ordinary people, the robot on the screen said brutally: "Submit or die, in order to show our strength, I will send our army to attack the following locations."

After [God] finished, a global flat map appeared in front of everyone, and the eight prominent red dots on this map were very eye-catching.

The eight red dots are almost all well-known cities in the world. Although it is not clear how artificial intelligence is divided, these cities are spread all over the world ~ ~ The main thing is that there are eight eye-catching red dots. Around, there are many red dots of different sizes also shining, all of them add up to more than thirty!

Seeing so many red dots, there were nervous and relieved in the crowd, but no matter what, everyone was frightened at this time.

What is this rhythm, artificial intelligence betraying human beings? This can only happen in movies. What about emergency measures in various countries?

When ordinary people's minds were still confused, [God] gave a high-level glance at the crowd, leaving a sentence: "Only war can make you surrender!"


In the capital of China, high-level officials gathered together, and everyone's faces were not good-looking. The sudden betrayal of artificial intelligence caught them off guard.

The only thing that rejoices them is that their intelligence is not a problem.

But no problem, although it is good, but in the attack site chosen by the betrayed artificial intelligence just now, Huaxia occupied two places.

One is Cheung Chau in Jiangxi Province and the other is HK.

This made them have to be cautious. They have not seen the power of artificial intelligence and they dare not carelessly. The number one looks serious: "Notify, let all relevant departments check the situation of all intelligent robots, and deal with them as soon as they are found. Send nearby robots to support both locations! "

"Also, inform Cheng Yuan and ask him what he thinks." No. 1's eyebrows are twisted into a ball, and if such a thing happens, can artificial intelligence continue to develop in the future?

When Huaxia mobilized robotic forces, other countries were immediately attacked by violent attacks after the speech of [God].

The army of robots rushed into the city without hindrance, and gunfire and smoke were permeated in the city instantly. (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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