Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 532:

"They?" Lei Jun looked at Sun Yafang's staggered face, his heart beating, he quickly asked: "General Manager, what do you mean by this, do you already have holographic technology?"

Sun Yafang looked at Lei Jun's impatient appearance. Suddenly, it turned out that Lei Jun had never had contact with those people.

However, for Lei Jun, he has no intention of concealing it, because he is very clear that if he owns the technology, he will first say if he can hold it. It is impossible for Cheng Yuan to be angry only by Cheng Yuan .

He needs an ally, and rice, which is not bad in the country, is naturally one of his choices.

"Yes, I already have very comprehensive technology." Sun Yafang nodded and admitted.

Lei Jun took a breath and looked at Sun Yafang in horror. He didn't expect that Sun Yafang had acquired such technology without a word. This is incredible!

However, he quickly reacted, and the technology that Sun Yafang obtained would certainly not have been taken from Cheng Yuan, because he knew very well how much benefit he would bring to himself when he mastered the unique technology.

And even if Cheng Yuan is willing to share it, what can Warwick pay Cheng Yuan? He can say without exaggeration that with holographic technology alone, he can build a Fortune 500 company stronger than Warwick!

But now, Lei Jun is not thinking about where Sun Yafang obtained this technology. The only thing he wants to do now is how to get this technology from Sun Yafang.

The man-made fortune is the death of the bird, and for the future, he can pay some price. Besides, Sun Yafang was definitely not here to show off to himself.

After all, such behavior will only tarnish his own face, but nothing else will be obtained, plus the good things he said before.

"Then, the good thing you said should not only be the news of holographic technology, right?" Lei Jun stared at Sun Yafang, his eyes flashing brilliant.

He felt as if he had guessed the other party.

As soon as Sun Yafang looked at Lei Jun's look at this time, he realized that the other party probably knew what he was doing. He frowned, and finally sighed, saying, "This time I'm looking for President Lei, I just want to cooperate with President Lei Come up with this technology. "

"It depends on whether you have agreed to Lei Lei," Sun Yafang said with a pointed finger.

When Lei Jun's eyelids jumped, he instantly understood the meaning of Sun Yafang's words. He cautiously said, "Courage, naturally, there is. Although I really don't want to do this, Cheng Yuan has done too much this time!"

At the words of Lei Jun, Sun Yafang smiled.

He understood that Lei Jun had already agreed to it. As for whether he really did what he said, Cheng Yuan was too much, which was not his control.

This mall is like a battlefield, and it is worthy of closing down because it can't compare with others.

Wasn't Nokia just a wrong choice that led to the situation today?

"Since President Lei has agreed, then cooperation is pleasant." Sun Yafang stood up and held out his hand.

Lei Jun also smiled and stretched out his hand: "Happy cooperation, President Sun, this technology ..." Lei Jun was anxious, after all, said so much, is it not for holographic technology?

Sun Yafang didn't care about Lei Jun's eagerness either. He took out a U disk from his pocket with a smile, put it in front of Lei Jun, and said, "The technology is here."

Lei Jun quickly picked up the USB flash drive, put it carefully in the inner pocket of his clothes, and then said, "After President Sun, after my technicians have thoroughly eaten the contents, we will discuss the next cooperation plan."

Sun Yafang nodded and said, "Of course."

In order to prevent the furious Cheng Yuan from doing too much, they must launch a brand new mobile phone at the same time.

In this way, we can minimize stress.

And until that day, even if Cheng Yuan had regenerated gas, he had no choice but to learn technology.

When the two of them reached an agreement, an elderly man in over sixty years of age looked at the middle-aged man standing in front of himself in a research institute in the capital.

"Is everything done?" The majestic voice said from the old man's mouth. Although he was old, his eyes were sharp and his old face had a strong temperament.

The middle-aged man nodded and quickly nodded: "Yes, it has already been handed over to that person. I think he may find someone to 'research' with him. After all, if this thing is passed into that ear, he may be alone. Can't bear the anger of the other party. "

The old man waved his hands casually, expressing expressionlessly: "No matter what his anger is, some things should be balanced when they should be balanced, even he is no exception. Some people above do not want to see a scene of a big family."

The middle-aged man froze and nodded heavily.

Just then, an employee of the institute opened the door, walked in, and reported to the elderly: "Bai Lao, the other party has contacted Lei Jun of Rice. It seems that they have decided to join hands to deal with this matter. We are now How to do?"

Bai Lao is just this serious old man. He only nodded slightly when he heard the words, and said, "I see, you go down."

The staff nodded and left quickly.

After he left, the middle-aged man was worried: "Bai Lao, what if the technology is leaked, after all ..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Lao waved his hand and said calmly: "Relax, it's just some basic holographic technology, even if leaked, it won't turn up any waves."

The middle-aged man was so calm when he saw Bai Lao. Although he was worried, he didn't know what to say. Bai Lao's personality determined the way he behaved, which made the middle-aged man speechless.

From his point of view, this approach is very stupid, and the holographic technology that has been so conservative for a long time is likely to spread to all parts of the world!

But the thought of Bai Lao saying that this matter is related to the above, he was very interesting and did not speak out these thoughts in his heart.

Anyway, there is a tall man standing against the sky. He doesn't care too much about these little shrimps.

"Then I leave first," said the middle-aged man, and then left.

After he left, Bai Lao said with expressionless emotion: "This is the case, I don't know if it is right or wrong, I hope it won't have much effect."

"Hey, old man, it's time to retire and enjoy the blessing." Bai Lao said, taking out a slightly yellowed retirement application from the drawer.

Looking at this retirement application that has been in existence for some years, he murmured, "I didn't expect three years to pass in the blink of an eye. It's time."

He can see more clearly than anyone, what kind of impact this leak of holographic technology will have, but just to see clearly, he can also see the good and bad of it.

Naturally, it goes without saying that undisclosed technology leaks are obviously a source of trouble for your country. After all, Huaxi now has an advantage in this area. His approach is obviously pulling others away, but he hasn't gained any benefit.

On the bright side, there is a saying, for the progress of all mankind! What a great idea.

"Unfortunately, this incident was the victim of the battle above."

In order to prevent future fires, retirement is imperative!

The source of this matter is, as Bai Lao said balance, they can tolerate Cheng Yuan to master a lot of high-tech, because they believe that Cheng Yuan is always under their control.

After all, everything that Cheng Yuan needs for development is inseparable from them, which makes them very confident that they can grasp Cheng Yuan. However, just a few days ago, when Cheng Yuan captured the asteroid and exploited it, someone immediately realized that if he left it alone, Cheng Cheng's future might be far beyond their control!

At that time, Cheng Yuan would truly become the group company that overtakes the country in the movie, just like the Ambrella company in the biochemical crisis.

Such a company can only appear in movies at best, and it is impossible to appear in reality. Because no matter which country you don't want to see such a company appear.

The Rockefellers, who had mastered petroleum resources at the beginning, had such a sign. After all, after oil, they relied on the huge benefits brought by petroleum energy to quickly spread their tentacles to all walks of life. Their ambition is naturally self-evident ~ www. ~ But what are their results today?

The result is this half-dead look!

However, Cheng Yuan's technology crystallization company is different from the Rockefeller family, because even if the Rockefeller family was strong again at that time, the private armed forces in their hands could not be comparable to the formal army.

So the actions of the United States can be bold.

But do they dare to attack Cheng Yuan? The twelve asteroid traps overhead were floating there. What were the consequences of their hands? They were like mirrors in their hearts.

Since there is no way to shoot directly, they can only take this gentle approach to remind Cheng Yuan.

We need balance!

Balance is what we need for mutual development and common development!

Now, when you develop cosmic mineral resources, you obviously have a tendency to get out of this balance. This is a euphemistic reminder.

Bu Chengyuan didn't know the balance at this time. After ending the call with Rockefeller Jr., he immediately contacted Zheng Jia and asked her to set up a mineral company.

Regarding Cheng Yuan's requirements, Zheng Jia is indispensable, and the technology crystallization company is very fast in terms of efficiency, whether it is on its own side or on the government's side.

After finishing the day, all the procedures were completed that day.

Also on this day, Cheng Yuan accidentally saw a report on the Internet: "Warwick and Rice jointly develop new domestic mobile phones."

Such a report only surprised Cheng Yuan, and did not cause him much attention, because he believed that his Lan Yin mobile phone had absolutely no rivals.

What he was surprised was that the other party even chose joint research and development at this time. Do they think they can surpass Lanyin mobile phones together? (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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