Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 496:

Every sentence of Little Rockefeller added a layer of fine sweat on the bald roof of Jun Island. Although the office was air-conditioned, Jun Island still felt hot.

He smiled reluctantly and lowered his head slightly. "Mr. Rockefeller is very honored to be optimistic about our company's Pokemon."

After hesitating, Jun Island said, "However, selling the Pokemon copyright is not my own business. It requires the unanimous consent of all our board members."

Rockefeller Jr. raised his eyebrows and looked at Jun Island with a smile. He hurriedly said: "So Mr. Jun Island, what do you mean? If you agree, I believe your company's directors will not refuse.

He naturally heard the excuse of Jun Island. Whatever the opinions of the directors were false, as long as he was the chairman, he could immediately sign a contract for sale.

Then he went to the directors of Nintendo to explain the situation. Under the absolute suppression of technology, this matter would not be much hindered at all.

Because what he said before is very clear, once the news of holographic games appears, it will be disastrous news for any game today.

The stock plunge is for sure, and by then Nintendo will not have the market value of these tens of billions of dollars today, there is no need to guess.

"This" Jundao's head exuded a layer of cold sweat, his face was struggling, and his teeth were hesitant.

Looking at this picture of Jun Island, Rockefeller Jr. smiled suddenly, he said lightly: "Rest assured, regarding the copyright of Pokemon, we will give a reasonable price."

Before he came, he also asked his assistant to investigate the relevant information. The previous evaluation of tens of millions of dollars was like a joke.

However, even if the evaluation was wrong, Rockefeller Jr. just smiled. After all, he hadn't really paid attention to this situation before, and naturally he didn't understand it.

So a ridiculous number was said. But with the information from the assistant, the current brand of this gadget is stealing money!

Therefore, there will be some changes in this price. At this moment, Jun Island looks like this, obviously he wants to hear his bid. He believes the other party will definitely sell.

Even if it hasn't happened before, it must be now!

Because the emergence of holographic games is an impact and change for the entire gaming industry, it is unknown whether Nintendo can continue to be brilliant in this change.

If it can still be sold for more than 10 billion US dollars to Rockefeller Jr., it can be put into the future. Even if they have diehard fans, their decline is doomed.

Because they can't keep up with the pace of progress! Holographic games are too far away for their company to make it almost impossible!

"Five billion dollars, I take all the copyright of this Pokemon." Rockefeller Jr. said his price lightly.

"Five billion dollars!" Jundao's face changed instantly, and he was very excited to oppose: "Impossible, I don't accept this price, and the directors will not accept it!"

Jun Island looked at Little Rockefeller angrily, and was very angry. How could the brand value of the Pokemon be only 5 billion US dollars!

This is too different from the number in his mind!

Looking at Jun Island with a look of excitement, Rockefeller Jr. sneered: "Mr. Jun Island, you may have forgotten a bit, you need to know how long you can support your Nintendo company once the holographic game appears?"

"One year? Two years? Or even shorter!" Rockefeller Jerks sneered, sarcastically: "At that time, how much more can your Nintendo be worth, one hundred million? One million?"

Rockefeller Jr. said, "I'm not alarmist. You are an old player in the game industry. You should be aware that players are increasingly discerning and fans will change."

Jundao pouted his mouth tightly, his expression was heavy, and his eyebrows were twisted into a ball. Obviously every sentence of Rockefeller Jerking was in his heart.

Although he didn't want to agree with Rockefeller Jr., the reality is this. In the era of red and white machines, class Marys became popular, making them Nintendo to become aircraft carriers in the game industry. With the development of the era, the class Mary of the year People who are still playing can almost count over!

They are also constantly updating the game with the image of class Mary, chanting the fun and playability of the game, while also making great progress in technology, making it consistent with modern game concepts.

Even so, the related games of Mary are gradually declining.

This is why they keep opening new games, and Pokemon is undoubtedly a successful example, followed by the Legend of Saidal. Although the latter is not as popular as Pokemon, the praise is far more than Pokemon.

Even now, do they still rely on the brand image of Pokemon and add a new concept of real-world technology to dogs?

Thinking of this, Jun Island was very unwilling, but what about unwilling, he looked at the calm and calm little Rockefeller, opened his mouth, and finally sighed helplessly.

Seeing this, Rockefeller Jr. smiled, knowing that the old man in front of him had been convinced by himself.

"You're right, Mr. Rockefeller, can I talk to the company's directors," Jun Island said with a sad expression.

Rockefeller Jr. shrugged, and chuckled, "Of course you can. How long do you need to know that I don't have much time."

"Not much time?" Jun Island looked at Little Rockefeller in doubt.

"Ha ha." Rockefeller Jr smiled sarcastically, still skeptical at this time? He sneered: "Yeah, there is not much time left. You can look at the official website of the technology crystallization company, there is a video there, you know it after watching it."

Rockefeller Jr. stretched out three fingers: "Three days! I only give you three days. If you don't agree, we will continue as planned. If we agree, we will sell for five billion dollars."

After speaking, Rockefeller Jr. ignored Regarding Jundao's expression at this time, and left with his assistants and lawyers, leaving Jundao who was lost.

As soon as Rockefeller Jr. went out, she saw that the female staff member who was leading the way was guarding the door, and smiled at her and left.

The female staff member only gave a curious glance at Little Rockefeller, and then gently shook and walked towards the office. When she wanted to come, this group was like those rejected by the chairman.

However, as soon as he entered the office, he saw Jundao's look of disappointment, and he suddenly covered his mouth in surprise. "Chairman, what's wrong with you?"

The female staff member asked anxiously.

Junshima looked back, looked at his assistant's worried look, and gave a strong smile, then sighed, "Nami, contact all the board members. I want to hold a board meeting. The meeting is related to the future of the company. Ask them. Be sure to participate! "

"Yes!" Nami realized the seriousness of the matter, and quickly proceeded to follow Jun Island's instructions. At the same time, she was also curious about what the Rockefeller said, which made the chairman look like this.

When Rockefeller Jr returned to the hotel, he immediately contacted Cheng Yuan.

"Cheng, I've met Nintendo's chairman Jun Island, and the possibility of winning copyright is very high! But the price may be around 10 billion U.S. dollars, will we each take half the time?" Rockefeller Jr.'s mood at the moment It's fiery.

After all, he knows how much benefits and effects this game will bring when combined with holographic technology. He naturally wants to take more share.

Cheng Yuan didn't expect that Rockefeller Jr. worked so smoothly in the past, which was somewhat unexpected, but he was surprised that Rockefeller Jr. said that he would pay half of the money for the copyright.

"Half each, how much share do you want?"

Little Rockefeller shook his fist and left his teeth: "20%!"

Cheng Yuan smiled, "Okay, as you said."

"By the way, can you make a news about the holographic game on the official website, this way you have a better grasp of it." After Cheng Yuan agreed, Rockefeller Jr. gave a happy heart and quickly expressed his thoughts.

"Oh? So urgent?"

"Yeah!" Rockefeller Jr. repeated the conversation between himself and Jun Island with Cheng Yuan ~ ~ This is a bitter smile: "Although these words scared Jun Island, I need you here Cooperate. "

Cheng Yuan smiled, and was very funny about the style of Rockefeller Jr., but it was related to the next exhibition. Cheng Yuan naturally did not drag, and immediately agreed: "No problem, I will immediately Let people hang up a statement. "

Such a thing was just a matter of his words, and he naturally responded immediately.

"With your cooperation here, I am sure that copyright will be obtained in three days!" Rockefeller Jr laughed even more, he seemed to have seen the scenes of money rolling in.

Cheng Yuanxiu, hung up the phone, and then commanded Zero: "Zero, do what you just said, it just gives a hint to the netizens who make wild guesses."

"Good sir." Zero responded.

Soon, a short text introduction appeared next to the video on the tech company's page.

"New technology, subverting the traditional model, holographic games take you into a new era of gaming!"

Just a few words ignited the entire network in an instant.

Holographic game!

Game fans are extremely excited. When Cheng Yuan showed holographic technology at the beginning, some people proposed the possibility of holographic games.

Unexpectedly, in just a few months, Cheng Yuan was really preparing to make a holographic game and watching the video next to the text, they suddenly appeared, this holographic game seems to be a big production!

If you change the content in the video to a holographic image, it feels like

They feel that their brain circuits are not enough!

However, some people are excited, and some people do not believe it. They think Cheng Yuan is a bluff and take a high-quality netbsp; after all, there is no sense of any holographic game in the video! (To be continued.)

[Remember the website three five Chinese website]

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