Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 485:

At the sight of Cheng Yuan's hesitation, Rockefeller Jr. thought he had other thoughts, and his expression changed suddenly, and he looked anxiously.

Cheng Yuan smiled lightly, and the tense tone of Rockefeller Jr. naturally understood why he was afraid of changing his mind.

"Don't worry, I'm thinking about one thing. You also know that although this game king is a classic card strategy battle game, this game itself has many problems." Cheng Yuan said his own concerns, this The problem is the most obvious of Yu-Gi-Oh cards.

Many kinds of cards are combined to form an endless loop of routines. It is almost the end of a round of battles. Even in the game held by Yu-Gi-Oh, many people's combo cards used this routine mode. The taste of wit.

Yu-Gi-Oh has tens of thousands of cards in total, and some of them have extremely ridiculous settings, and Cheng Yuan's holographic game needs to organize these cards if he wants to develop in this area.

This makes Cheng Yuan feel that instead of choosing from this huge card library, it is better to find a professional team to rebuild a game.

Anyway, the selling point of this game is holographic projection, he is the key to attract gamers!

So Cheng Yuan wanted to give up the development of Yu-Gi-Oh! And make a similar game again, just like Blizzard's Hearthstone legend.

Or directly develop some fighting fighting games. He believes that fighting games are more popular than card games, which are more focused on strategy.

And all he has to do is control a role controller and a connection relay to connect the two sides of the battle!

This brought Cheng Yuanshi to the end and hesitated. He also told Rockefeller Jr. about this idea, and wanted to hear his opinions.

After listening to Cheng Yuan's thoughts, Rockefeller Jr. was also tangled. In his opinion, he didn't need to hesitate at all, just copy it completely.

Because this new type of game will definitely bring an unprecedented experience to everyone who loves to play games, just as it is gradually becoming popular now, but this thing can only be left to watch movies and play games It also needs to provide supporting equipment and venues. It is still early to commercialize!

But although he thought so, he would never say such a thing, because Cheng Yuan's meaning is very clear. If he wants to do it, he will make a boutique!

Otherwise, he won't think so much, so Rockefeller Jr. can only cooperate at this time. He thought about it and proposed: "Mr. Cheng, let's contact a professional game company and let them develop a game for us set up?"

Rockefeller Jr. is talking about game settings, not a full set of games, because they do not lack the skills to make games. What they lack is only the settings, stories, character modeling, and so on.


Naturally, if you want to make a game, you need a professional game company. He asked, "Which company is the best game company?"

"Of course Blizzard Entertainment!" Little Rockefeller replied directly, and then explained: "Blizzard's games are famous and each one is quite classic. Although the hottest games at present are fist products, compared to the bottom line, Blizzard is more powerful. "

"Really, then find them, but if the game starts again, our holographic game launch time will continue to be delayed, you won't mind it." Cheng Yuan quipped.

Rockefeller Jr. said quickly: "Of course I wouldn't mind, if you match the first hologram with a classic design game, this would be better."

Although he doesn't think so, whoever lets the entire technology be in Cheng Yuan's hands is naturally what Cheng Yuan said he should do.

In such a situation, he suddenly had a feeling of empathy. Isn't this the case between Huaxia and Western countries, because many places behind the technology can only fit their teeth.

Now he also encounters this situation, at this time his feeling can be described in two words, that is, aggrieved! If you use four words to describe it is very wronged!

With a sigh in his heart, Rockefeller Jr. said immediately: "I immediately contacted them and believe that there must be a lot of creative vacancies there. We can pick one from the same and let them perfect it."

This is not an exaggeration by Rockefeller Jr. Many employees at Blizzard are not saying that you must focus on what you are doing in any position.

In this company, employees are free to spend their time outside work hours, they can learn other professional skills, they can also think boringly, and then record their joke-like thoughts, maybe later Be part of a game.

So he said that looking for game ideas in Blizzard was not a joke.

The next thing was far from being managed. After hanging up the call with Rockefeller Jr., he thought about it and asked Zero: "Zero, you still have the game clip we showed last time."

"of course."

"Well, just hang that video on the official website." Cheng Yuan smiled slightly and ordered.

Although Cheng Yuan was very puzzled about Cheng Yuan's practice, he still resolutely performed it. As Cheng Yuan's closest intelligent assistant, his task was to perfectly execute Cheng Yuan's correct commands.

The speed of zero is very fast. Just one minute after Cheng Yuan's order was issued, a small video playback window appeared under the golden color on the company's official website.

Ye Qing is a very ordinary office worker who works as an art artist in a game company. This game company is also tepid and not well-known, but it is also profitable.

However, what he hopes most is to enter a technology crystallization company, but he has been an introvert since his childhood. Although he yearns for a technology crystallization company, he has always denied himself.

He always thinks this way. I am just an ordinary person who can no longer be ordinary. How could a world-class technology company like a technology crystal company want him.

Except for his ability in art modeling, he couldn't take any action at all, which made him dare not to submit a resume to a technology crystallization company.

Because he considers himself an ordinary person, what qualifications can he use to enter a technology crystallization company?

My negation made Ye Qing dare not submit her resume after the technology crystallization company sent a recruitment message. And when I saw someone leave a message in the technology crystal company forum in the technology crystal company forum, I was very envious.

However, although he was denying himself in the heart, it did not prevent him from yearning for the technology crystal company. Soaking in the technology crystal company forum became his habit.

Because he has been in the forum for a long time, his forum level is as high as 36!

After completing the company's mission today, he once again habitually opened the website of the technology crystal company, but this time after opening the page, he immediately saw the gorgeous bottom of the technology crystal company, and there was even a video.

The video has no title, no introduction, only a white start icon, and Ye Qing clicked subconsciously.

An endless desert, sky full of wind and sand sweeping the sky, a bald man with copper-yellow skin dressed in ancient Egyptian linen walked barefoot across the desert, leaving a series of clear footprints.

The sand under the man's feet is very real. Some sand particles will be squeezed out when stepped on, and the fine sand will be lifted after being lifted, and then blown away by the wind.

When the man walked away, his footprints were gradually covered by the sand!

Although it is very real, it is almost the same as a real person, but Ye Qing can still see that these are made by 3 characters.

Ye Qing looked at it a little, the hazy beast in the sky appeared, the man's whole body radiated golden light, and a lifelike dragon rose to the sky, facing the beast hidden at the end of the sky!

Whether it's scenes, sound effects or renderings, it has the world's top level! This is the same as the Warcraft movie he just watched not long ago!

At this moment, he was excited and confused, and at the same time, he was thinking, what does it mean that the technology crystal company suddenly released such a video?

He is a bit puzzled. Is the technology crystallization company ready to enter the special effects industry? Or is it interesting? He couldn't guess.

Although he could not guess, this did not prevent him from admiring the technology crystallization company. Only such a company could refresh people's eyes again and again.

After watching this movie-like video screen, Ye Qing could not bear the excitement in his heart, and immediately landed on the forum to talk about his views and understanding of this video.

But as soon as he entered the forum, he found that many people were already discussing the intention of the technology crystallization company to post this video.

There are many speculations, some say that they are entering the special effects industry, some are that the technology crystal company is preparing to make a big movie, and some are that the technology crystal company is preparing to make a game!

Everyone's guess is different. Ye Qing's quiet and interesting look also posted his thoughts one by one.

As a user with more than 30 levels ~ ~ Ye Qing's account has a high degree of attention. Although his user is a very ordinary user tag, his dazzling level is extremely shiny. .

Whether it is the speculation of other netizens or Ye Qing's thoughts, these are all caused by Cheng Yuan. For him, this video is a trailer, but he doesn't say the specifics, let them guess on their own.

Sometimes maintaining mystery is more effective. Of course, this is for those companies that have a good reputation. If you do n’t have a good reputation and want to play this set, you are just killing yourself.

However, his company has never lacked attention, especially after the military parade. After all, he's showing up.

Now this approach naturally works better!

At this time, Zheng Jia also called and asked: "Boss, what are you playing, that video is not"

Cheng Yuan immediately interrupted Zheng Jia's words and said, "You know, just don't disclose it. You also know that the satellite will be completed in a while. These plans can be implemented by then. We will make a notice first." Continued. ..

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