Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 463:

Cheng Jie's behavior Kong Jie and Zhao Jun naturally saw it clearly, and when Zhao Jun looked at Cheng Yuan's posture, he also understood what he could do to find himself or Kong Jie.

However, at this time, he did not allow Cheng Yuan to interrupt Kong Jie's speech. After all, such a harsh face interrupted their government.

He motioned to Kong Jie next to him, and Zhao Jun quickly stepped off the stage to welcome him.

"Mr. Cheng, it's been a long time." Zhao Jun put a hand on his face with a smile on his face.

Cheng Yuan was somewhat unexpected about Zhao Jun's actions, but he looked at Kong Jie, who was still speaking on the stage, and he understood what Zhao Jun meant.

"Sorry, although this behavior is abrupt, but I'm in a hurry, let's talk aside." Cheng Yuan's outspoken attitude made Zhao Jun smile.

"Okay." Zhao Jun led the three of Cheng Yuan to the side of the stage and found a secluded corner. He asked with a smile: "Mr. Cheng has anything to discuss with us?"

Cheng Yuan said directly: "It's about the land around the technology crystallization company. The land around the company was originally unoccupied, and the reason why our company originally established the company was to expand it in the future."

Zhao Jun nodded. Before he came to Anhe City, he naturally understood the technology crystal company and Cheng Yuan in detail. For the technology crystal company to buy a piece of land directly in the surrounding unmanned environment as the company's residence, he naturally knew their plans.

"Then you want to buy all the surrounding land now?"

Cheng Yuan nodded: "Yes, but although we want to buy, the problem is that the surrounding ground has been taken down by others. If I trade from them, this seems to be illegal, and they have been sitting idle after buying the ground. There, it doesn't seem to be compliant. "Cheng Yuan looked at Zhao Jun meaningfully, the meaning is very obvious, these people bought the land without doing anything, it is clearly the intention to sell the price, this is not only contrary to the purchase of the ground The current contract also hindered Cheng Yuan's expansion.

Zhao Jun immediately understood Cheng Yuan's meaning, but he understood it, but he could n’t take any action on this matter. After all, people who bought the ground around them had some investigations in the government. These people are considered to have the face of Ontario. Some of the characters are big groups from other provinces, and they have no plans to buy land for use, so he naturally cares about it.

Is Zhao Jun wondering: "Mr. Cheng, I will remind these people, but if you want to expand the company, you may still have some trouble. After all, according to the conditions in the contract, they have three years, as long as we complete our government within three years. Limited construction requirements, during which we will not ask questions. "

Cheng Yuan frowned and looked at Zhao Jun with dissatisfaction. He said, "Mayor Zhao, don't tell me this. At the beginning, our company established the company in such a remote place. Our plan is not I believe none of you can tell. "

"You only sold the land around my technology crystallization company based on the immediate interests, and now it is blocking my development. This is your problem in itself!" Such a rude comment made by Cheng Yuan made Zhao Jun's mouth twitch. If this If you just change someone, he won't even care.

After all, no company dares to question the government face to face in this way, and if you already fancy this land, why not buy it in advance and have to be empty there, their people will definitely make this valuable land for economic considerations Sell ​​it.

He was bought by others now, but it is time to blame them, how wronged he is!

Then, when Zhao Jun was aggrieved, Cheng Yuan's voice sounded again, only to hear Cheng Yuan said lightly: "Mayor Zhao, I will not embarrass you, I will give you a month to solve this matter, if not if……"

Zhao Jun's heart was tight, and he looked up at Cheng Yuan nervously, for fear that he would say something that made him unable to step down.

However, he thought too much. Cheng Yuan didn't even think about confronting him. He didn't have that kind of special hatred.

"If you can't solve it within a month, this will make me think if I continue to develop in Anhe City!" Cheng Yuan's fluttering words made Zhao Jun feel more thrilled.

What does Cheng Yuan mean by this sentence, is he going to move the company? This is not possible. There are so many important buildings and research institutes in the technology crystallization company.

Not only that, they have just built a satellite base that is still in the suburbs of Anhe, as well as the physics laboratory that is being established. Did Cheng Yuan just give up?

This is totally not in his interest!

Zhao Jun didn't believe it, and there was a doubt in his eyes. Cheng Yuan smiled casually when he saw it, saying, "Mayor Zhao, the company's existing projects will not stop, of course, but you If this matter cannot be resolved within a month, I will find a suitable place for development again. I think someone will be willing to accept our company, and this will not be the center of gravity of the technology crystallization company. Do you understand?

Cheng Yuan's explanation made Zhao Jun surprised. Cheng Yuan's meaning is very simple. In the future, the technology crystal company in Anhe City will become a branch of the technology crystal company.

The focus will not be placed here, and once the news spreads, it will undoubtedly be a heavy blow for the entire Anhe city!

After all, the better and better business environment of Anhe City is slowly changed due to the existence of technology crystallization companies. If Cheng Yuan wants to relocate the company, it will make businessmen who come to Anhe invest hesitant.

They will doubt the investment environment of Anhe City. After all, this is a place where even global companies such as technology crystallization companies are forced to go out. Will their investment be frustrated?

Once such doubts arise, it is not good news for Anhe City.

Zhao Jun was in a heavy mood, not only heavy, but also a little crying, and in his thoughts, Cheng Yuan's first meeting should not be like this!

But there is always a gap between reality and fantasy, which makes him have to face the cruelty of reality. What makes him feel helpless is that this matter has nothing to do with him, but he came to this corner of the eye. He is in an awkward position.

In this regard, he could only hold his nose to recognize it. After all, he might be watching No. 1 in words and deeds. If he can't do it himself, isn't that disappointing No. 1?

As a member of the physique, Zhao Jun also has his own ambitions, he also wants to climb up!

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Junping calmed his emotions and said seriously: "I understand Mr. Cheng, I will help you solve your problem as soon as possible."

"Okay." Cheng Yuan smiled with satisfaction, and said, "In this case, it is troublesome to Mayor Zhao. I will not stay here anymore." Cheng Yuan took Fang Jing and Chen Yu from the side of the banquet hall. The passage left.

He didn't want to go out through the main entrance, otherwise he would definitely be entangled by those people.

After Cheng Yuan left, Zhao Jun smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile. To such a person as Cheng Yuan, he really didn't know how to contact him.

At this time he quite admired Yang Qiaoyuan, and he was able to get along so well with Cheng Yuan.

After leaving the banquet hall, after the three got in the car, Cheng Yuan instructed Fang Jing: "Tomorrow you will go to Mr. Zheng and let her find a suitable place in Linhai, I will be useful."

Fang Jing heard the words, and for a moment, she was surprised: "Isn't this a month left?"

"I have other uses for this land, and this behavior is also shown to the Anhe Municipal Government. After all, this mayor of Zhao hasn't come to Anhe for a long time. Maybe he hasn't settled yet. His personal execution ability can Not enough. "Cheng Yuan explained with a smile.

Fang Jing was very surprised by Cheng Yuan's explanation, and a special look appeared in her eyes. It was the first time that she discovered that Cheng Yuan's views and analysis of things were still very sharp. So unbearable!

Cheng Yuan naturally saw the look revealed by Fang Jing, and he smiled bitterly: "Why do you look at me with this look? Such a simple truth can be analyzed just by thinking about it, and I don't like to play these bends I still like some interesting research and inventions in the curve routine. "

Fang Jing was right when he thought about it. How could a person as smart as Cheng Yuan not understand these things? He usually didn't want to waste his brain cells in this aspect.

Nodded in understanding ~ ~ Fang Jingying said: "I will talk to President Zheng tomorrow, but do you have any special requirements for the location? Are you planning to place it on the north or south coast?"

Cheng Yuan didn't think about it. He planned to choose a place in the river basin of Ontario, but after the Star Warship was enlarged again, Cheng Yuan abandoned this somewhat naive idea.

"Give priority to the south, after all, the north is still farther away." Cheng Yuan groaned for a moment and said.

"OK." Fang Jing wrote down Cheng Yuan's request.


Cheng Yuan attended the banquet and came and went in a hurry, which did not cause much disturbance. In the next few days, Cheng Yuan was always concerned about the materials and equipment.

As the days passed, finally on September 22, the production lines needed to build the satellites arrived at the satellite base under the transport of dozens of large transport trucks.

On this day, Cheng Yuan also left the company and took Chen Yu and the guard robot to the satellite base himself, while Fang Jing was handed over to Zheng Jia by Cheng Yuan, and then sent to various coastal cities in the south to inspect suitable places.

Of course, in the past seven days, the city government also sent good news to Cheng Yuan, that is, the land around the company has been recovered by the government, and the technology crystallization company also bought it at a relatively favorable price.

As for why it was so fast, Fang Jing's behavior was a big boost. Although the news that Cheng Yuan was about to buy land in the severe cold south was not publicized, Zhao Jun knew it.

Then things went unexpectedly smoothly.

To put it plainly, neither Zhao Jun nor anyone else in the system will let go of Cheng Yuan at all, because once Cheng Yuan leaves, the impact will be too serious and they cannot afford it! (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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