Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 442:

In the early morning of the next day, Cheng Yuan had just arrived at the company, and the ringing of the phone sounded like the alarm that was about to ring. Cheng Yuan smiled slightly: "Zero, answer."

Cheng Yuan did not take out his mobile phone, but ordered to zero.

Upon hearing Cheng Yuan's words, Zero immediately opened a holographic window in the living room, and at the same time, the name of the caller was also on it. Cheng Yuan glanced at the above name without surprise, and connected the phone. Cheng Yuan laughed: " Colonel Yang, why are you free to call me? "

"..." Yang Qiaoyuan was silent for a while before he said, "Cheng Yuan, why do I always say this when I talk to you?"

Cheng Yuan froze and was surprised: "Are you there?"

"No?" Yang Qiaoyuan was speechless, but Yang Qiaoyuan didn't tangled with Cheng Yuan on this issue, and said, "You should know what I called."

Cheng Yuan grinned and joked with a smile, "I should know? You don't say how I know."

"Don't you watch the news webcast? This was all told in the news webcast." Yang Qiaoyuan said, but after this time, he didn't give Cheng Yuan a chance to speak because he was afraid of Cheng Yuan. Talking to him about something useless, he continued: "Forget it, don't say it, the airship is about to arrive. Are you ready there?"

Regarding Yang Qiaoyuan's approach, Cheng Yuan shrugged and didn't say anything, but just nodded gently: "It's been prepared for a long time. Unfortunately, you haven't been moving, and you don't know what it is, it's too slow."

"Just be ready. What I want to say is that there might be some trouble this time." Yang Qiaoyuan said calmly without paying attention to Cheng Yuan's complaints.

"Trouble? Someone is going to make trouble at this festival?" As soon as Yang Qiaoyuan said trouble, Cheng Yuan raised an eyebrow and immediately became interested.

Yang Qiaoyuan almost didn't breathe in. He didn't breathe out, "What do you think, such an important thing is definitely the highest level in terms of security. What I want to say is that there will be a CCTV team this time. Come along with the airship, and now the central video channel on TV is still doing live broadcast. This time, we need to do a full live broadcast! "

"That's it." Cheng Yuan suddenly lost any interest, and slowly said, "Then let them come, I will arrange someone to receive them."

Cheng Yuan's words surprised Yang Qiaoyuan, and he was surprised: "Are you not ready to come forward?"

"Why should I come forward?" Cheng Yuan said strangely: "Don't bother me with this kind of trivial matter, you know that I've been busy studying anti-gravity applications recently. How can I waste time here?"

Cheng Yuan's distasteful tone suddenly made Yang Qiaoyuan not know what to say. He was even more speechless about how such a big thing got into Cheng Yuan's mouth and became a small thing like sesame mung beans.

Since Cheng Yuan wo n’t show up, he ca n’t force him out, so after Cheng Yuan ’s decision not to show up, he thought for a moment, and sighed helplessly: “Okay, since you have decided this way, I will Tell me about it. "

"Well," Cheng Yuan said with a slight hum, and then asked, "Is there anything else, I'll just hang up."

"It's gone." Yang Qiaoyuan said depressed. He called Cheng Yuan this time, didn't he just thought Cheng Yuan would come out, so he just wanted to inform him, and let him make adequate preparations. As a result, Cheng Yuan didn't care about it What else can he say?

After ending the call with Yang Qiaoyuan, Cheng Yuan didn't think so much. To him, such a thing is out of trouble, and it will not bring him much benefit.

Just like this, just give it to someone who can do the work.

As soon as he thought of the principal, Cheng Yuan couldn't help but think of Cheng Yueming, "Maybe let her try it." Cheng Yuan muttered. For him, Cheng Yueming, Cheng Zhipeng, and Cheng Yueying will definitely be his entire future. An indispensable person for a technology crystallization company.

After all, they can be regarded as Cheng Yuan's most trusted other than close people such as Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia, so Cheng Yuan sometimes feels that he can't always let them do small things in one place.

If necessary, let them exercise more. Only with more contact, more study, and more exercise will they be able to stand in the position expected by Cheng Yuan in the future.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yuan said to Zero: "Zero, Zheng Jia is at work."

"Yes, sir. At 8.30, Zheng Jia has arrived at the office." Zero replied immediately.

Cheng Yuan nodded and said, "Contact Zheng Jia."

"OK, just a second."

In the president's office, Zheng Jia and Fang Jing were working together on the transfer of bank funds. In the office, in addition to the two of them, there was a beautiful woman in her early thirties wearing a gray professional skirt.

She had fair skin, slightly applying pink daisies, mild eyebrows, wearing a pair of golden silk glasses, black long hair curled up, and an intellectually mature dress.

At this time, she looked at Zheng Jia and Fang Jing slightly nervously. At the same time, there was a hint of excitement in her eyes.

This is not to blame her for not being excited, but this huge fund of nearly 300 billion yuan will soon be transferred to their Agricultural Bank. With this fund, their banks will naturally develop faster.

However, before thinking of Huaxia Bank's front car, they naturally realized Cheng Yuan's decisive and attitude towards things.

After a day of deliberations, from the provincial branch to the headquarters, the basic savings of the technology crystallization company were uniformly rated at 50 billion US dollars!

Although the figure of 50 billion US dollars was left in their accounts in this way, it was very painful to them, but compared to the figure of 300 billion US dollars, the heartache is still tolerable.

And when they think of it, they also think that people at Hua Xia Bank have a problem. With such a large amount of funds, you can spread out a little more, wouldn't this happen now?

The beautiful woman couldn't help feeling a little funny when she thought about the gloating look of the head of the head office, Niu Qingtian, yesterday.

It's almost sixty years old, just like a child.

However, the beautiful woman also knows why people at Hua Xia Bank did not think of this. After all, they are also the first time to accept such a large amount of personal deposits, and they have not dealt with such technology-oriented personnel as Cheng Yuan. Such things are taken for granted.

After all, the technology company that Huaxia can get at is not her own pessimism, but she has her own business. There is no company other than a technology crystallization company.

And the people of Hua Xia Bank can be regarded as a touchstone for their various branches. With this precedent, they also know how to deal with the funding problems of such high-tech companies.

High technology not only represents a high return, but also represents a huge investment. Cheng Yuan used so much money in one breath. Although it sounds incredible, the development of technology is always full of surprises. Be considered an accident.

"Ms. Niu Qingqing, here is the first fund sorted out by Hua Xia Bank, totaling $ 99.3 billion, let's go to your bank to go through the formalities." Just as Niu Qingqing was thinking about things, Fang Jing suddenly left Come here, holding a thick stack of documents in your hand.

"Well." After seeing the documents in Fang Jing's hands, Niu Qingqing was stunned, and then went downstairs beside Fang Jing, and after they left the president's office, a group of armed police with live ammunition also followed, and The two were protected in the middle.

US $ 99.3 billion. This money has to be taken seriously by people from the technology crystallization company and the Agricultural Bank of China. After all, if this money is put into war, I don't know how many battles can be waged.

Not to mention the armed forces.

Therefore, a strong defense force is also essential, and after the two people left the building, four full-body silver-white guarding robots came over.

One of the robots said, "Assistant Fang Jing, we are the creators to protect you."

Fang Jing nodded and said nothing. The creator of these guard robots said who she was, she knew naturally.

As for Niu Qingqing and an armed police officer, I was a little curious to look at four guard robots. Although the white robots are gradually popular in society, it is nothing new, but they are still in the shape of guard robots. See you for the first time.

When they saw these robots, they could not help thinking of Z1 robots, and only the inventors of Z1 robots could make such precise small robots.

A group of people took a explained medium-sized transport vehicle and left the technology crystal company. As soon as they left, Zheng Jia received a call from Cheng Yuan.

"Boss, the first fund has just been handed over to the room assistant." Zheng Jia thought Cheng Yuan was asking about money and immediately answered.

Cheng Yuan froze for a while, but did not expect that he had not spoken yet, Zheng Jia said first.

"I see. I wanted to tell you something else this time. Know that the airship above is coming to us right away?" Cheng Yuan is naturally not too worried about the safety of funds.

Zheng Jia nodded: "I know, it is difficult to know such a big thing. After all, it has been on the news webcast ~ ~ What do you have to explain?"

"Well, I'm not going to show up this time, so I will leave the overall planning to you, but I want to give the specific person in charge to Cheng Yueming. Do you think it can be done?" Cheng Yuan asked, although he had the intention to let Cheng Yueming do it But he really didn't know much about Cheng Yueming's ability, so he needed to listen to Zheng Jia's opinions.

"Cheng Yueming?" Zheng Jia thought for a moment, and said, "It can be true, you cousin is quite capable, but I'm afraid she may be difficult for such a big thing."

Cheng Yuan saw that Zheng Jia did not directly object, and he smiled and said, "Isn't there still you? I look at you, but I'm very relieved. If my cousin doesn't do it, you can remind me, just exercise She is. "

Zheng Jia was naturally clear about Cheng Yuan's idea, but she did not express her dissatisfaction. After all, the president of the company would only be her, and Cheng Yuan wanted to train her own people. She also knew crude oil. After all, a technology crystallization company It will not go on like this forever, and it will definitely become larger in the future. At that time, it will not only need capable people, but also trustworthy people to help them.

Therefore, naturally, she will not refuse what Cheng Yuan did. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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