Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 423:

"Is there anything else?" Cheng Yuan rubbed his forehead.

Fang Jing looked at Cheng Yuan with a look of distress and understood his thoughts in her heart, but she didn't say anything about relief. After all, this was Cheng Yuan's private affairs. She could not interfere as much as possible.

"No more," Fang Jing said.

"Okay, then you have to handle the things at hand first. By the way, after going to Zheng Jia, you also went to the Biology Institute and told Chen Yu to make him as fast as possible, after all, I do n’t have People can use it. "Cheng Yuan waved and let the room calm down.

And Cheng Yuan needs Chen Yu's company to protect him. Naturally, he is not deliberately attracting or having other thoughts, but he really needs a bodyguard like Chen Yu.

Although Chen Yu could not be the opponent of the guarding robot even if strengthened, some things cannot be solved by the robot.

For example, if Cheng Yuan went to the banquet on the 15th, although he could also bring a guard robot, he would definitely not follow him when he entered the field. What would others think of him?

At this time, with Chen Yuzai, there would be no problem, after all, an extra Chen Yu would not make others think of anything.

After Fang Jing left, Cheng Yuan was not idle. The anti-gravity application was perfectly presented under zero control, which greatly inspired Cheng Yuan's ambitions.

What is the original intention of anti-gravity technology, that is, to prepare for the exploitation of cosmic resources, and the basic technology is already in place, then the subsequent development of finished products naturally cannot fall, although Cheng Yuan currently cannot manufacture a huge interstellar warship independently, but He can still master the relevant manufacturing technology first!

Thinking of this, Cheng Yuan rushed to the laboratory, then opened the holographic screen, and began to search for related technology movies on the Internet.

Starship is plainly a weapon used for interstellar warfare between planets, but at the same time it also has multiple uses. In the military, it can be used for deterrence, war, conflict, suppression and protection. It is easy to reach any point on the earth, and no country can resist such a tool of war unless the other party also has equal technical support.

In addition to military use, it can also be used for immigration, exploration, transportation, and space navigation in other aspects. In these uses, immigration and space travel are far from directly considered.

Cheng Yuan's focus is on exploration and transportation. After all, he created this kind of thing in order to exploit cosmic resources. It is not far from being an idiot. He can't give up his means to strengthen himself, so he owns mining resources. At the same time, he will not give up on weapons.

After all, if you want to protect yourself, you must have strong enough force to deter, legal and moral, that is just the amulet of the weak, maybe even the amulet is not ...

Cheng Yuan does not consider the issue of immigration. That is because the technical level is not high enough. What is the most important thing in space navigation?

Speed, energy, radar detection.

The latter Cheng Yuan can still solve it, but the first problem is that there is no way for him at present. After all, if you want to travel in the vast space of light universe as the speed unit, there is no speed beyond the speed of light, you simply No need to think about cosmic voyages.

The second is energy. At the moment, there is no such thing as a powerful energy source that can support the super light flight of a huge battleship such as Starship.

Even nuclear fusion will not work. The huge energy required for hyper-light flight is beyond imagination. Not only is the material that can support hyper-light flight at present not clear, perhaps from the outside world, the new material graphene is a kind of, But in Cheng Yuan's view, this is just an illusion.

In the same way, there is no power drive that can transform such a huge amount of energy. Maybe it is still in the mind of some people. It will take a long time before they realize it.

If these two problems are not resolved, then interstellar immigration, interstellar exploration, etc. can only exist in dreams. Of course, in addition to these two points, there are many problems that need to be solved, such as during the flight of super-light, What kind of discomfort will be caused to the human body, and how do we need to ensure our own safety during this flight, these are all questions.

The known theory proposed today is just an idea, and has no actual reference value, but a corollary of related persons.

Of course, Cheng Yuan already has a clear goal with regard to energy sources, that is, antimatter and dark matter energy, whether antimatter or dark matter, can provide energy hundreds of times stronger than nuclear fusion.

And this is still in the foreseeable future, because dark matter and antimatter do exist, but the current technology of human beings cannot use them.

Similarly, no related equipment and technology can guide this substance.

Therefore, everything is explaining one thing, that is, the star warship chosen by Cheng Yuan can only surround the solar system, and explore resources farther away. Cheng Yuan never thought about it, because only the resources in the solar system would be Chengyuan has been mining for a lifetime!

Looking at the holographic screen to quickly review the past movies, Cheng Yuan's brow was tight. In many interstellar sci-fi movies, interstellar navigation is no longer an issue, and the technology in these movies is naturally extremely advanced.

For example, such as "StarCraft" and "Alien", but after combing the technology of these movies, Cheng Yuan found that it totally did not meet his requirements.

No, it should not be that they do not meet Cheng Yuan's requirements, but that Cheng Yuan's existing conditions cannot keep up with these technical basic standards!

It's like that in Iron Man, Tony Stark's father was unable to make many inventions because he was limited by the technological environment.

This is the case with Cheng Yuan today, but his only advantage is that although he will be temporarily confined to the backwardness of the technological level environment, he can change the surrounding environment with his own hands.

But if it is too much, it will take too long, and it is not suitable for Cheng Yuan's plan, so he can only find suitable ones from the movie with as much hair as possible.

"Sir, what are you looking for?" After observing Cheng Yuan for a long time, watching a movie from him, but with a glum look on his face, he couldn't help but ask a curiosity.

In his understanding, movies are a means by which human beings relax themselves, but Cheng Yuan has shown the opposite.

"For some information about space battleships, you also know that if we are going to mine space resources, this thing will definitely be indispensable." Cheng Yuan rubbed his eyebrows. He felt his head was a little swollen, whether it was Star Wars or the alien, the interstellar inside The warship has a lot of information. Although the internal technology is relatively unified, except for the warship, there are also a lot of scattered technology products. After receiving so much information in one breath, he felt a little discomfort again.

Of course, Cheng Yuan also thought about applying the other's design shapes and some applicable technologies, and then re-matching them elsewhere.

However, as soon as this idea came out of his mind, he was directly rejected. Starship is a whole. Although the solution of the patchwork is feasible, it is easy to go wrong. He doesn't want this situation to happen. It's better to study slowly.

"Then you have any problems you can't solve? Speaking maybe I can share some for you." Zero care said, although the sound is still electronically synthesized, it is full of human feelings.

Cheng Yuan is naturally accustomed to such a performance of zero. After all, it is the product of a combination of his own thinking. It is natural to have such changes.

Besides, there has been such a performance long ago, but it is rarely shown.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yuan said the problem: "The technology I am considering is too advanced, far beyond the current level of science and technology. There is no way to make it. I wonder if it is lower."

"Then why don't you change the method, we can modify it from the existing tools, just like I remodeled the sports car." After listening to the problem of Cheng Yuan, he was very puzzled and said that he did not expect Cheng Yuan to be Such a simple problem is disturbing, which is unexpected!

Cheng Yuan froze and murmured, "Existing?" Immediately, his eyes lighted up, he reached out his hand on the holographic screen, deleted all existing contents, and then said with a little excitement: "Zero, Help me open the movie Avengers! "

"Okay, sir." Although Zero didn't know why Cheng Yuan was suddenly excited, he still executed the order very simply without any delay.

The Avengers is a sci-fi movie with multiple heroes. The storyline in it is far from natural, and the villain technology in it is also not, or it ca n’t be done, because no matter the space As a villain alien biotechnology, he can only stare when there are no relevant raw materials.

And Cheng Yuan's goal this time is not these messy things ~ ~ but appears in the film, the aircraft carrier that can fly in the air!

This is what Cheng Yuan thinks is an aircraft carrier. It is worthy of the name because it can fly! In fact, Cheng Yuan is also very puzzled. Why is it that the name of an aircraft carrier is now sailing in the sea? Is it because this huge warship can let the aircraft fly?

So why not call it an airport warship?

Cheng Yuan despised it in his heart, and then began to include all the information about the aircraft carrier in the movie!

The internal information of this capable aircraft carrier is quite good. Although some ground equations are far behind, the optical stealth technology and the anti-radar detection technology are very good.

After packing all the information of this aircraft carrier, Cheng Yuan closed the movie, what he wanted had been obtained, and there was no need to continue watching.

And what he has to do now is to add some technology to this flying aircraft carrier, so that this behemoth can smoothly conduct space navigation. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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