Yang Qiaoyuan left and Cheng Yuan started his own business.

Enter the building, nodded to the staff at the front desk, and boarded the public elevator next to their own elevator.

Although the company and the biopharmaceutical company co-founded above have begun operation, but he has never been there once, although Zheng Jia has paid attention a little, but her identity is always different from Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan believes that he needs to go once at this time. Only in this way can the other party feel that he still values ​​the cooperation between the two sides, so that those who have a change of heart will slightly converge.

That's right, it's convergence, not elimination.

Although Cheng Yuan also wanted to put an end to it, in fact it is impossible. Whether it is a Huaxia company or a foreign company, it is impossible to banish some of the financial secrets inside the company.

After all, money is so exciting. Even if you catch a group of people and fire them, what about the new recruits?

Can you guarantee that they will not tamper?

This is completely impossible. Maybe they will keep their own position in the early stage, but over time, it will definitely appear more or less. This kind of repeated banning phenomenon has nothing to do with Cheng Yuan.

Unless he can generously install a zero-like presence in a biopharmaceutical company.

However, this approach is obviously impossible.

Although the two parties are cooperating, the things of the biopharmaceutical company are far from intervening. This is a condition that has been negotiated before, so even if he is willing, others will not.

No one likes outsiders pointing at themselves.

Taking Fang Jing and Chen Yu directly to Zheng Jia's office, Zheng Jia was still busy at this time. She is still busy promoting the airship.

The stratospheric solar power station is definitely a new technology beyond imagination.

Although solar power generation is nothing new, it is the first time that she can set up a power station in the sky, so she takes this matter very seriously.

"What are you working on?" Cheng Yuan didn't know what Zheng Jia was working on. Seeing her toil, she asked with some concern.

"You're back? But you knock on the door before you enter the next time. Ok, you didn't knock on the door before. It's still like this." Zheng Jia was surprised when Cheng Yuan came.

But after being surprised, he relentlessly accused.

"Uh, didn't you forget it for a while?" Cheng Yuan smiled awkwardly. "Looking at you very busy, what are you doing?" Cheng Yuan didn't want Zheng Jia to get too entangled in this matter, and Cheng Yuan immediately shifted the topic.

Regarding Cheng Yuan's approach, Zheng Jia naturally saw it, and she was very clever and did not continue to dwell on this knocking topic. Answered: "The airship propaganda question, after all, this is the first power plant in the stratosphere in the world. Although many countries have similar ideas, they have never been realized, so we must grasp this rare opportunity to let Our company goes further! "

Cheng Yuan shrugged his lips. He disagreed with Zheng Jia's point of view. Although stratospheric solar power stations are indeed scarce, he thinks that this thing can be discussed and discussed as a clean energy topic, and he wants to talk with animated movies. It's all-round. That would be a bit difficult.

And this too obvious target is not a very practical power supply facility, after all, that main cable is too conspicuous and can easily be destroyed.

Seeing Cheng Yuan's indifferent look, Zheng Jia shook her head secretly. She could see that Cheng Yuan didn't care about this at all. If she didn't ask for a camera at the beginning, maybe Cheng Yuan would just let the airship take off.

"Perhaps in his eyes, this technology is very simple, right?" Zheng Jia muttered in his heart, and then asked, "What's the matter with you suddenly coming to me this time?"

"You clean up. Let's go to the biopharmaceutical company to see their work progress. Anyway, it's also a cooperative company. We can't help but ignore it."

"Isn't your purpose so simple? Just look at it in the past?" Zheng Jia looked at Cheng Yuan with some interest.

"Uh ..." Cheng Yuan touched his nose awkwardly, pretending to be stupid: "Is there anything else?"

Looking at Cheng Yuan pretending to be stupid. Zheng Jia rolled his eyes: "Well, let's go over now, and let the assistant inform the other party."


Anhe Biopharmaceutical Company.

Independent building, huge red corporate font, come and go with excited staff on face, in this company that has been established for less than a month. Everyone is very motivated.

Because this business is so unusual.

It is not only a state-owned enterprise but also a company's partner!

And that company is a world-renowned technology company, a technology crystallization company!

Everyone who works at this company feels so lucky that they not only have the iron rice bowl of the state-owned enterprise, but also can join the technology crystallization company. Such a job can envy someone to die!

Although there are still some gaps compared with technology crystallization companies, they are undoubtedly better than other companies!

Office of the Chairman.

"Chairman Feng, Secretary Meng, just received a call from the headquarters of Science and Technology Crystal. The assistant to the president of Science and Technology Crystal said that their company's chairman, Mr. Cheng Yuan, and their president, Ms. Zheng Jia, will come to our company in a while. The woman in her early twenties pushed the door in excitedly and walked in.

At this time, Fengqing and Meng Kuo were discussing the company's media promotion. Although the CCTV team was specifically responsible for helping them with the promotion, even if they did not dare to care, they had been to a technology crystallization. After the company, they immediately conducted an in-depth study of the publicity plan.

Because the recovery liquid is something that the upper layers have personally explained, they dare not make any mistakes. If there is a leak in the publicity, no matter what the CCTV team will do, the two of them will never run.

At this time, suddenly when his assistant came in with an excited look on the door, Feng Qing froze, then stood up suddenly, surprised: "Xiaoyu, what did you just say? Uncle Feng just didn't hear clearly."

When Feng Qing asked in amazement, the side-by-side embarrassment also showed a stunned look.

Peng Yu breathed a sigh of relief, saying loudly: "Chairman Cheng Yuan and President Zheng Jia of the Crystal Technology Company are coming to our company soon!"

This time, they both heard clearly.

"Cheng Yuan is coming?" Feng Qing first glanced, followed by great joy.

Similarly, Meng Kuo is also quite excited. After the establishment of the biopharmaceutical company, they have not even met Cheng Yuan, which is undoubtedly a pity.

But they really wanted to see a young genius like Cheng Yuan. They thought that coming to this company was an opportunity, but they didn't expect so many contacts and they didn't get it.

The two of them still regretted this for a long time, but unexpectedly Cheng Yuan came here this time!

"Hurry up and tell people to clean up the company's environment. It doesn't take ten minutes to get us from the technology crystallization company and tell them that they don't need to clean up. Just give me the messy places!" Feng Qing immediately ordered.

"Well!" Peng Yu nodded, and then trot out of the office. For her, there are enough surprises these days! She was just an ordinary female student who had just graduated from college.

The parents of the family just live on the three-acre field of the family. She was planning to change the conditions of the family by her own efforts.

Unfortunately, the reality is cruel, and the resume you submit is either unqualified or despised.

just graduated? Inexperienced we don't!

She is helpless about such things. After all, who has experience from nothing? Accumulated by time and familiarity with the working environment?

No one can be born.

If there is such a person, what company will you apply for? Started my own business long ago!

Peng Yu was very distressed after repeated application failures. Just when she was going to return to her hometown to see what similar studios could be found, a call from her father completely changed her life.

She clearly remembered that when she returned home, her father and Feng Qing were sitting at the table, drinking wine with red eyes. It was also at this time that she learned from her mother that her father had previously been a soldier, and the man who was drinking with him was his comrade!

Since that day, Peng Yu followed Fengqing to Anhe Biopharmaceutical Company and became the assistant to the chairman!

This kind of dream-like thing happened to him, Peng Yu was naturally surprised and happy.

After learning about the specific situation of the company, she was even happier!

The company is not only a state-owned enterprise, but also an enterprise connected to a technology crystallization company.

This made her look forward to meeting Cheng Yuan very much.

If she is in another position, she may not dare to expect it, but she is an assistant to the chairman! How can there be a chance!

Now, the opportunity is coming, faster than she imagined, she thought it would take at least months or even a year and a half.

But before she took a few steps, she heard Fengqing's shout suddenly coming from behind him: "Xiaoyu! Xiaoyu! Don't worry, you have something to tell you."

"What's the matter, Uncle Feng?" Peng Yu stopped and turned to look at Fengqing ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Feng Qing said quickly: "When you let the notice go, let the comrades of the Finance Department inform the two After all, the supervisors of the technology crystallization company, their bosses are here. What if they are not there? "

"I know, just leave it to me." Peng Yu patted her **** swiftly, responded, and then left in full swing.

Looking at Peng Yu's appearance, Feng Qing could only helplessly grin: "This girl!"

Back in the office, Feng Qing said to Meng, "Secretary, let's prepare for it."

"it is good!"


Ten minutes later, Zhang Li opened the Rolls-Royce Phantom and took Cheng Yuan and his team to the Anhe Biopharmaceutical Company. (To be continued.)

PS: I ’m sorry, it ’s a little late, an hour later than usual ~~ ("Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the point of view of the black ant who ran wild, if you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. 'S position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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