Dense footsteps came and went, and a total of one hundred Z1 robots flew to the designated place at a very fast speed.

"Technician, how fast are they?" No. 1 asked a technician who was in front of the computer. Through the large screen, he could see that the Z1 robot was fast, but he couldn't see how much.

Seeing the question from the head, a technician quickly answered: "Head, the Z1 robot's speed has exceeded 300 kilometers per hour. This value is still increasing, and it is expected to reach its destination in 36 seconds!"

The technician said it in detail. After No. 1 heard, there was a hint of relief on his face. He looked at Cheng Yuan and said, "Cheng Yuan, Z1 comes from you. Do you know why it can run so fast?"

Here, Cheng Yuan did a good job of solving the questions for many people. At this time, he was not surprised when he heard the chief's inquiries. He looked at the big screen and calmly replied: "The most superficial thing is that their shapes are very in line with mechanical movement. Principle, let them reduce the resistance in action. Inside the Z1 robot, the built-in V8 engine provides them with powerful power, allowing them to have higher explosive power and mobility. "

"Of course, the joints we connect with new magnetic connection technology minimize their frictional resistance and make their movements smoother, which is one reason."

Everyone listened to Cheng Yuan's words.

Even Cheng Zhihuai, the deputy chief of staff of the Northern Military Region who has been watching Cheng Yuan's eyes for a long time, is no different.

Seeing everyone looking at themselves, Cheng Yuan proudly said: "The most important thing is to match the super intelligent core of Z1. Without intelligence, all actions cannot be planned and coordinated uniformly."

Looking at Cheng Yuan's proud look, Cheng Zhihuai could not help but snorted. Although his voice was not loud, several people stood closer, and Cheng Yuan could hear clearly.

No. 1 naturally heard it, but I do n’t know what No. 1 ’s idea was, and his face still smiled, as if he had n’t heard it just now.

But number one can pretend not to hear it. Cheng Yuan couldn't help it. He frowned and looked at Cheng Zhihuai, dissatisfied: "We have seen it before?"

Cheng Zhihuai did not expect that Cheng Yuan was looking for himself in the presence of the number one chief, which surprised him. But after being surprised, he ignored the inquiry of Cheng Yuan and looked at the big screen.

On the first, he smiled and said, "Okay, let's take a look at the Z1 robot's performance." This sentence directly interrupted Cheng Yuan's urge to follow up.

Cheng Yuan glanced at No. 1 and Cheng Zhihuai with a few words. This turned to look dullly at the big screen.

At this time, through the big screen, Cheng Yuan saw that the Z1 robot had reached the designated location. Although there was no next order here, after arriving at the destination, they all patrolled like sentry sentiments, showing great vigilance.

"Let's get started." Watching Z1's performance, No. 1 Shen Sheng gave orders.

Hearing the No. 1 order, the technicians acted immediately.

"Division number. 540-589 is divided into one team, 600-649 is divided into two teams, and the two teams are separated by ten kilometers in the east and west directions!"

With the instructions of the technicians, one hundred Z1 robots quickly separated in the east and west directions according to their respective numbers without any clutter.

Soon, the Z1 robots that were divided into two teams arrived at their designated locations.

"Thirty seconds after the battle, the restrictions on weapons will be lifted! The battle ends with the elimination of all target units in the local area!" The heavy voice of the technician rang in the camp.

With the instructions of the technician, the two-dial Z1 robot was officially launched!

On the wide plain, wind and sand whistled past, and the sand particles collided with the metal body of the Z1 robot. There was a crackling sound.

At 6.45, the sun just showed a sharp corner, and a bright red sun fell from the sky, shining on the red metal body of the Z1 robot. Radiating a dazzling light.

"The battle begins!"

With the countdown of thirty seconds, fifty Z1 robots on the left and right will start immediately!

Neither team has a true leader, but their charge is orderly! The No. 1 team in the east was charged with twelve Z1 robots in the middle, with ten Z1 robots on the left and right, and the last eighteen unexpectedly did not directly advance to the target. Instead, I chose a roundabout way to go around from the rear right!

Seeing this scene, No. 1 was a bit surprised, he quickly asked the technician: "Is anyone in control of No. 1 team?"

"The head of the report, no one controls them, their actions are completely based on their own intelligent judgment!" The technician answered loudly.

At the same time, they are also very shocked. Without any person's command, these Z1 robots will still use their own tactics? ’

Upon hearing the technician's answer, the head of Chief No. 1 flashed a fascination. When he looked at the Z1 robot, he became more interested.

He looked at Cheng Yuan again and laughed: "Aren't you surprised?"

Cheng Yuan shrugged and said with a smile: "The intelligent core inside the Z1 robot is loaded with countless war data. I am not surprised that they will use tactics in battle."

"It turns out that these tactics are fixed?" No. 1 continued to ask.

Cheng Yuan pouted and said proudly: "It's not me bragging. Their use of tactics may not be comparable to that of most trained generals. When tactics are loaded into the intelligent core, they are not fixed. The situation and the environment. "

"Well, why didn't Team 2 move?" Suddenly, Cheng Zhihuai exclaimed.

Hearing his shout, everyone was shocked. When they looked at the big screen, they found that the fifty robots of team two did not have any special movements. Most of them were simply standing a few. Location, behind only a few hills on the side.

"Is it a technical failure? Why don't they charge?" A technician looked at the performance of Team Two in surprise, wondering.

The doubts of the technicians caused the experts on the side to frown slightly. Of course, they were not questioning the Z1 robot itself, but they were wondering why the No. 2 team chose to fight in position.

"Lao Pang, come and explain to us, why did Team No. 2 choose positional battles?" No. 1 immediately called the accompanying weapon expert Professor Pang after seeing the performance of Team No. 2.

After seeing the performance of the two robots, Professor Pang was not only nervous but very happy. He walked to the head of the No. 1 smile. Explained: "Head, it is wise for Team Two to choose positional battles."

"How to say?"

Cheng Yuan is also very curious. For Z1 failure, he feels that the probability is lower than 99.9%. After all, after the Z1 robot is assembled, the intelligent core will perform a self-examination of the body. If a problem has been detected long ago, it will not be manifested at this time.

"Several people will understand by looking at the weapon lineup of both sides." Professor Pang pointed confidently at the big screen.


Cheng Yuan moved in his heart and quickly looked at the big screen. At this glance, it was found that the weapons of team No. 1 and No. 2 were completely different!

Just one hundred Z1 robots have not seen anything, but this separation becomes extremely obvious.

The weapons equipped on the No. 1 team are relatively light machine guns. Of course, these guns belong to the cannon class in the eyes of ordinary people.

The heavy weapons of the No. 2 team are all equipped with two super-long barrels on their shoulders. The huge muzzle is trembling!

"The second team is all equipped with heavy long-range weapons. They bear heavier weights than the first team, so if they choose the same charge as the first team, then they cannot match the first team in terms of energy and speed. Team comparison.

Therefore, the No. 2 team chose a secure positional battle so that the weapons they were equipped with could play their greatest power. "

Professor Pang began to explain to everyone.

"The number one team is the opposite. Their weapons are relatively light, and they can hardly affect their energy and mobility, so they choose to take the initiative to attack, after all, in order to use their flexibility and mobility."

Professor Pang's explanation surprised everyone.

Cheng Zhihuai suddenly asked, "Why is Professor Pang such an extreme distribution? Isn't it better to mix and match?"

"Hehe, Staff Cheng is right, generally speaking, but our exercise is different. This exercise is not only to reflect the Z1 robot's combat effectiveness, but also to fully test the Z1 robot's different equipment. After the weapon, what kind of temporary response will be made, or what kind of fighting method. "Professor Pang still answered with a smile.

"Do you want to test its intelligent response?" Cheng Yuan spoke at this time. He looked at Professor Pang, who was fat, in surprise, about the old man who had known him at the Z1 base. He is still very fond of it.

Of course, it would be better if he didn't keep pulling him into some weapon department.

"Well." Professor Pang put a smile away and said solemnly, "On the battlefield, how can there be so much time for us to constantly adjust the Z1 robot? On the battlefield, we cannot allow a robot to use only one weapon. We will equip them with more weapons according to the needs of the battlefield, so I will see how they will react when equipped with different weapons. "

When Professor Pang explained to everyone, the first shot on the battlefield had already been fired.

It wasn't the No. 1 team that dared to charge, but the No. 2 team that stood firm!


A loud cannon sounded, and a cannonball whistled out with a smoke tail, violently rubbed in the air, and flew towards the target.


At the front of the Z1 robot numbered 580, the internal alarm sounded sharply, while in its one eye, a series of data passed like a waterfall.


580 stopped abruptly, and the huge soles lifted a piece of sand on the ground ~ ~ After forcibly stabilizing the forward body, he suddenly turned sideways, and the cannonball shouted over it and rolled it. A hot air stream!

After hiding the cannonball, before waiting for it to straighten the body, a series of alarm sounded, 580 did not turn his head, the red one-eye automatically turned to the target source, and the body rolled quickly on the side of the place, avoiding for a while. Blockbuster shells.

The Z1 robot of Team No. 1 also performed a series of rapid evasion actions like the 580, avoiding all the dense shells.


Although the shell did not hit the target, it bombarded the ground and made a deafening explosion!

Everyone who looked at the Z1 robot's average dodging ability was stunned.

And all the countries that have been following Huaxia's robot show look surprised at speechless after watching the satellite broadcast.


Is this the war of robots? (To be continued.)

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