"Compression technology?" Cheng Yuan froze for a moment, then laughed out: "You think wrong Odom, compression technology is not as advanced as what I want to give you."

Cheng Yuan also feels a little funny about Odom's thinking of his streamlined code as a compression technology, but he just feels funny, and there is no sense of ridicule, because he knows that as long as you say that The file size has been reduced from a few GB to a few hundred MB. People's first reaction will definitely be in compression technology.

Seeing Cheng Yuan deny that Odom stayed, if Cheng Yuan was not talking about compression technology, what would it be?

Cheng Yuan looked at Odom with a smile and said, "I won't tell you more about the specific situation. I will let someone take you to a place, and you will know when you get there."

"Fang Jing, ask Chen Yu, did anyone receive it?" Cheng Yuan turned to look at Fang Jing.

Fang Jing heard that Lisuo took his mobile phone out of his arms and said directly in front of Odom: "Veronica, please help me contact Chen Yu."


A holographic projection appeared instantly above the phone screen when Fang Jing opened.

Odom, who saw this scene, almost dropped his eyes from his eye sockets. "This, what kind of phone is this?" Odom horrified.

Fang Jing's personal intelligent assistant, Veronica, ignored the surprised Odom, and after receiving the order, directly contacted Chen Yu.

At this time, Chen Yu met Liu Changfeng carrying a small black schoolbag outside the company's door. She did not give her a chance to speak. Chen Yu said directly, "Liu Changfeng, come with me."

Liu Changfeng glanced at Chen Yu, who had met Chen Yu, Cheng Yuan's personal bodyguard.

Without hesitation, she followed Chen Yuchao Technology Crystal Company directly.

The actions of the two people instantly surprised the outside reporter. A fat reporter said, "I'm going. Who was that woman who just went in?"

"Who knows. Maybe it's a relative at a senior level in the company." Another reporter groaned at the seeds and said lightly.

The fat reporter frowned slightly, wondering, "Dude, aren't you curious?"

"Haha. Curious?" The reporter who spit out the seeds of the seeds said, "We only pay attention to the major incidents in the technology crystallization company, as well as things related to Cheng Yuan. No one will care about the other things even if you report it . "

"Why?" The fat reporter wondered.

"Why?" The reporter continued to yell at me, smirking: "Brother. Just a reminder, not all news can pass the review. The newspaper sent us here just to be aware of what happened in the first place. A major event of a technology crystallization company, or something related to Cheng Yuan. Even if you report this hour, the editor-in-chief will not use it. "

After listening to the explanations of colleagues, the fat reporter became even more depressed. He mumbled, "Then we don't have any news, do we just stay here?"

"Then what else do you want? If you have the ability to go in. I don't mind, otherwise you will stay here honestly. Alas, this bag of seeds is for you, I'll get a bottle of water to moisten my throat, throat It almost smoked. "Throw the seeds in his hand directly to the fat reporter, and the man got up and ran to the reporter's car to get water.

Seeing the appearance of a colleague, although a fat reporter is unwilling, he can only confess his fate. After all, he was sent here to collect news, certainly for the big news.

Looking at Chen Yu and Liu Changfeng, who were getting away, the fat reporter could sigh secretly.

He felt that there must be news value in the two men.

Chen Yu and Liu Changfeng didn't care about the reporters' reactions. Chen Yu's walking speed is very fast. His step is equivalent to the distance of about one and a half steps of Liu Changfeng, and the frequency of exchanging his legs is fast, which makes Liu Changfeng follow some difficulties.

Although she often goes to the mountain alone for exercise. But compared with a tall man like Chen Yu, the innate height is a gap.

"Sir, I have your contact number."

Just when Liu Changfeng felt secretly struggling, a neutral current suddenly sounded. Her ears were very sensitive, and it was clear that the voice came from the man in front of her. This voice made her curious.

She looked slightly surprised at Chen Yu.

Chen Yu was also stunned by the sudden sound, but he quickly reacted. Take out a solid-color mobile phone from your pocket. The phone looks like a crystal and is very dazzling in the sun.

The moment she saw Chen Yu pull out her mobile phone, Liu Changfeng's eyes lit up. She had never seen this mobile phone before!

But the next scene surprised her even more.

She didn't see any operation by Chen Yu. Then a holographic projection was projected on the phone. The projection was a virtual face with blurred features, which was very similar to the intelligent image in science fiction movies.

"Who called?" Chen Yu asked, but not curious.

Because he knows that only a few people can connect with this phone at present.

"Ms. Fang Jing called."

"Then connect it," Chen Yu ordered.

For a moment, when Chen Yu ordered, the fuzzy blue face disappeared, and a holographic virtual screen suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. A cold woman appeared in the screen.

"Assistant, what's the matter?" Chen Yu asked.

Fang Jing answered blankly: "The boss asked me to ask you, did anyone receive it?"

Chen Yu heard that he raised his hand to make a small adjustment to the screen angle, and immediately exposed Liu Changfeng: "People have arrived, we will be there soon."

Chen Yu, who was sitting on the sofa, saw Liu Changfeng through Fang Jing's mobile phone, and chuckled, "Odom, someone is already here. She will be your future partner. You will learn from me. The streamlined code for you, she's much better than you in this regard. "

Cheng Yuan's voice was not deliberately concealed, so it was clearly transmitted to the ears of Chen Yu and Liu Changfeng at the other end of the video.

Hearing Cheng Yuan's arrangements to her, Liu Changfeng had no objection. She knew about the streamlining of the code when she came last time. Unfortunately, Cheng Yuan seemed to forget her afterwards and never contacted her.

Unlike Liu Changfeng's calmness, Odom felt like he had entered a brand new science fiction world at this time, whether it was the streamlined code spoken by Cheng Yuan or Fang Jing who was able to communicate with the screen by hand Mobile phone.

Let him have a dreamlike dream!

Looking at the dumb Odom, Cheng Yuan laughed secretly. For the shocked Odom, Cheng Yuan didn't care. After all, he will be working in the company in the future, and there will be more and more things to see. These are only part of it.

"Fang Jing, take Mr. Odom to the computer room on the 20th floor, where I asked Zero to make a separate studio for them." Cheng Yuan ordered.

Fang Jing nodded, glanced at Chen Yu in the video, and said, "Take someone directly to the 20th floor. Mr. Odom and I are waiting for you there."

"Okay." Chen Yu didn't talk nonsense, he answered.

After turning off the phone, Chen Yu said to Liu Changfeng, who was still thinking about it, "Hear me, I will take you directly to the 20th floor."

"Well." Liu Changfeng nodded his head with a restless expression.

"What's the question?" Chen Yu glanced at each other.

"Yes." Liu Changfeng pursed his lips and said, "Can you show me the communication equipment you just showed?"

"You say my cell phone?" Chen Yu glanced at Liu Changfeng in surprise.

"It's a cell phone too? It's so advanced!" Liu Changfeng said in surprise, then looked at Chen Yu with expectation.

To Liu Changfeng's request, Chen Yu hesitated, then took the phone out of his pocket and handed it to Liu Changfeng. "The boss gave it to me. It's very advanced, but I don't use it. Generally, it is operated by its own intelligence."

Liu Changfeng took the mobile phone carefully and carefully looked at this crystal-like thing in his hand.

Very thin, thinner than the 6th generation of Apple, and light in weight. There is no external interface around it, and there are no buttons. If it wasn't for Chen Yu's use, she thought it was just a piece of crystal glass that looks like a cell phone.

Fiddled with the phone. Liu Changfeng's slender eyebrows suddenly frowned. She gave Chen Yu a distressed look, wondering, "Why ... how did it react? How to start it?"

Liu Changfeng pressed with his finger on the phone screen. After finding no response, he asked Chen Yu for help.

Chen Yu scratched his head and explained: "I don't know this very well, it seems to be a recognition function. No one except me can open this phone." As a result, Chen Yu took it back from Liu Changfeng. Mobile phone. In Liu Changfeng's surprised eyes, as soon as the mobile phone touched Chen Yu's hand, the blue avatar that had just appeared lit up instantly and appeared in front of the two.

"Mr. Chen, do you have any instructions?" Zhi Zhi asked.

Liu Changfeng looked at Chen Yu's mobile phone and murmured, "It's amazing, is it also made by Cheng Yuan?"

"Well." Chen Yu nodded, then put away the phone and said, "Let's hurry up to get them, we can't let them wait long."

They quickly came to the office building.

Although he has been here once, Liu Changfeng is still shocked when passing by the large exhibition hall. Unless such a hall is seen every day, it will always shock people.

On the 20th floor, Liu Changfeng saw Cheng Yuan's assistant, cold Jing Jing, and a foreigner she had seen in the video once.

"Come here." Fang Jing nodded, and then took out two silver cards from the briefcase and gave them to Liu Changfeng and Odom. "This is an access card. You will use it in and out of the company in the future. In addition to the internal identification of the company, it also has the key to open the door behind me. Do n’t lose it. If you lose it, report it immediately to www.novelmtl. com ~ understand? "

Fang Jing looked at them seriously.


Liu Changfeng and Odom nodded at the same time.

"Okay, come with me." Fang Jing turned and opened the door.

The two looked in at the same time, and the scene in the room shocked them at the same time. This is a big room, almost three hundred square meters!

In the center of the room are three huge LCD screens hanging from the roof. On the right side of the wall, there is a row of large servers flashing blue lights. Below the middle screen is a semi-curved siege. Table with several computers on it.

On the left side of the room are some living utensils. On the side near the floor-to-ceiling window, there is a row of resting chairs, and there are several potted plants beside the chairs.

"This is where you work from now on."

As the two looked at the room, Fang Jing's voice sounded again. (To be continued.)

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