The Minister of Justice was not reconciled, he did not know why the above was indifferent to this matter, or that there would be corresponding arrangements above, but he did not leave the matter to himself!

Is it that they do not trust themselves?

But this is unreasonable. If you don't trust yourself, you won't be able to sit in this position all the time. The Ministry of Health is also a real power department anyway. Under the direct control, he can reach a lot of areas, such as food safety, environmental pollution Professional management of state-owned medical personnel, etc.

There are also a lot of related fields of various types, all of which belong to the Ministry of Health.

These things are regarded as the top priority of a country. He can certainly sit in this position without distrusting himself.

But why does it bypass itself?

The Minister of Penalties was sitting in the office with a lot of trouble. As for the trouble of finding Cheng Yuan, he temporarily left behind, compared with looking for Cheng Yuan's stubble, his future is the most important!

This is the most important thing in the mind of the Minister of Justice.

However, the Minister of Criminal Affairs did not know that in order to prevent too many secrets around Cheng Yuan from being leaked, the nine headed by No. 1 issued orders directly from them and then transferred them to relevant departments under the central government for processing.

This time, the Ministry of Health was not bypassed, because the testers of the recovery fluid were found in the retired cadre bureau, so the process of registration and review must be indispensable.

It is because of this that the Minister of Justice is aware of something here.

However, the above did not intend to allow the Minister of Justice to continue to participate in this matter, so after No. 1 received his report, he would forward him a letter of encouragement expressing encouragement.

Although No. 1 is the highest head of West China, he is just an ordinary person. It is impossible to know what others are thinking, so he did n’t know. A letter of encouragement would make the Minister of Justice so trembling and start. Suspicious.

And Cheng Yuan, who is still a technology crystallization company, didn't know that he simply refused. Even caused a small reaction on it. As a result, a leading cadre was disturbed.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Anyway, there is no relationship between the two people. Even if the recovery liquid starts to be sold outside, he believes that the people above will directly give a green light. It doesn't do much checking.

Because Cheng Yuan is very clear, the recovery liquid is sold outside. It is definitely a good thing to benefit the country and the people. If such a thing spreads in China, it will not be good for Cheng Yuan. It's also a happy event for them.

After all, how stressful is Huaxia's medical treatment, as long as it is clear to everyone.

Why is Huaxia's medical pressure so great?

Still not a population base?

1.3 billion people in China. But medical services across the country only account for a few tenths of the total population, and how many people are sick? Plus, these medical staff. It also includes working nurses, etc., which is even smaller.

For the time being in rural areas. In towns and cities, a doctor receives hundreds of patients a day, and hundreds more.

This is not alarmist. It's the fact!

And the proportion of doctors who died early is very high!

How much medical pressure can be relieved once the recovery fluid is launched? How many doctor-patient tensions can be resolved?

Needless to say, the solution that can cure most diseases will definitely be the gospel of the Chinese people, and it will be the gospel of the people of the world!

Therefore, Cheng Yuan never considered the issue of implementation.

He believes that even if he does not do this, he will definitely promote the recovery liquid after eating it thoroughly.

However, although Cheng Yuan thought easily, he did not consider another issue.

That's the relationship of interest!

Interests are moving, and mutual interests have led to many things. Even if orders were issued above, sometimes the response was flat.

And Cheng Yuan's recovery liquid will touch a huge interest group, and this interest group has penetrated deeply into all walks of life in China!

The Minister of Criminals also thought of this problem. He was in a panic and didn't know what it meant, so in Pan, he picked up the phone and dialed the phone of a huge interest group.

Yunnan Province, the provincial capital of Nanyun.

When it comes to Nanyun Province, people do n’t think of Nanyun ’s most famous tourist spot, nor the cultural environment, nor the special food, but a special thing that has spread throughout the whole of China.

Nanyun Baiyao!

Few people don't know or know this famous name!

Not only has this Chinese medicine spread all over China, it has penetrated into all classes, even some special forces in the country have deployed such medicines as urgently needed products, and their prescriptions, dosages, and manufacturing methods have been listed by the state as top secrets.

In terms of the country's confidentiality equivalence, the topmost is top secret. There are two levels of confidentiality and confidentiality, and top secret means permanent confidentiality. It is conceivable how important this Chinese medicine is for the country!

Such an important drug still belongs to the national industry, and the distribution of benefits involved is naturally not small.

"Secretary of Justice, why do you have the time to call me? Is there a new directive from the Ministry of Health?" Nanyun City, Nanyun Baiyao Group Headquarters, a man in his fifties, with a fat body and a round face Very smooth, apparently this man is usually very heavily maintained.

This man is now the chairman of Nanyun Baiyao Group, Qu Guran.

Hearing the voice of the other party, the Minister of Justice had a moment of hesitation. He didn't know the consequences of notifying the other party about it, but there was always a voice in his heart saying: let ’s say, let ’s just let They knew it before they could muddle the water, and then they had a chance.

Under the influence of a ghost, the Minister of Justice spoke: "No instructions, but I may have some bad news here."

"Not very good news?" On the other side of the phone, Qu Guran was taken aback by the sentence of the Minister of Sentence, with some uncertainty and suspicion in his heart. As a state-owned enterprise, as long as there are no major accidents, there will be basically no bad news, even if there are major incidents, but the country is behind, Nanyun Baiyao will basically have no problems!

To be clear, many people were jealous of Nanyunbaiyao at the beginning, and deliberately created various events to discredit them. But is the country still standing by?

Besides, the local interest groups in Hong Kong and Macao originally created a massive aconite incident in order to resist the entry of Nanyun Baiyao. Even though Nanyun Baiyao did not have any accidents in Hong Kong and Macao, it was driven out by local forces , Was also driven away, and stated that Nanyun Baiyao may contain poisoning substances.

But even then, no one from the Ministry of Health came to investigate Nanyun Baiyao. Isn't all this support from the state?

But now, the "bad news" that the Minister of Criminal Affairs said really made Qu Guran very confused.

The voice of Qu Guran who obviously did not believe it was naturally expected by the Minister of Criminal Affairs. If Cheng Yuan did not have the anti-recovery liquid in his hands, maybe Nanyun Baiyao could still occupy his absolute lofty position, but this was only willing can!

The appearance of the recovery liquid will definitely affect everything of Nanyun Baiyao, whether it is sales or production, or its status!

The interests involved in Nanyun Baiyao Group are too huge. Many people who have interests in them will not allow such things to happen, because this has already touched their interests. The hatred of breaking people's money is a huge feud. !!

Therefore, the Minister of Justice believes that as long as the other party knows this, then someone will definitely act!

Only in this way can he quietly confuse some benefits in it!

Originally, for a cadre at the ministerial level, such an approach was not only illegible but also very unwise.

But everyone has their own pursuit, or money, or beauty, or status, or power.

The pursuit of the Minister of Justice is power!

Because the Minister of Justice has always believed that only if he has power can he have everything before him, which may not work in other countries, but here at Huaxia, power represents everything!

The ambiguous encouragement book above gave him a sense of urgency, which forced him to do such a thing.

Next, the Minister of Criminal Affairs told Qu Guran everything about the recovery fluid!

But Qu Guran had only one feeling at this time, was that the Minister of Criminal Affairs had lost his mind?

According to what he described, what kind of recovery fluid is this, it is simply the magic drug of the fairy in the myth, life and death, flesh and bones!

Isn't this elixir?

I want him to say that the recovery liquid of Laozizi may be powerful in some aspects, but it is definitely not as exaggerated as the Minister of Justice said, what is the rebirth of limbs, what is the treatment of various neurological diseases, what is the repair of internal organs in the human body Have you watched more movies?

"Willn't it be the Minister of Criminal Affairs who wants to do something for himself?" Qu Guran thought to himself.

But on the bright side, he couldn't say anything ~ ~ Could he tell him directly: you still have to go to the psychiatric department?

Is this unknown? Although he is the chairman of Nanyun Baiyao, he is not weaker than the minister of punishment in any aspect, but after all, the two sides are considered to be a system, and the relationship between the two is relatively close, so it is not easy for him to offend the other party.

The Minister of Justice kept holding the mobile phone, but there was no response for a long time, thinking that Qu Guran was also scared by the powerful effect of the recovery liquid. He set his heart at rest and said in a deep voice: "Lao Qu, I will mention this to you , How to do your own plan, once this recovery liquid is promoted, it will be a devastating blow for you Nanyun Baiyao! "

Naturally, the Minister of Criminal Affairs did not know that Qu Guran had already included him in the category of neuropathy. The Minister of Hearing had a very serious attitude, and Qu Guran had to respond: "I know, thank you here first, and I will let people start survey."

After hanging up, Qu Guran rubbed his eyebrows with a headache. He didn't know how the technology crystallization company offended the minister of the Ministry of Health. Although he didn't want to participate in this matter, he promised others. No matter what, you have to do something like that.

He notified his secretary at the moment and issued a series of instructions. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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