Before Dabai did not appear, artificial intelligence has always been the product of fantasy in the mind and the imagination of technology in movies for young people and people who are concerned about science.

Although many intelligent programs have relatively high ‘intelligence’, the gap between these things and artificial intelligence is obvious.

For ordinary people, artificial intelligence is at best seen in science fiction movies.

"Yang, Yang Mi, what you just said is artificial intelligence? Did I hear it wrong? What you just said is really artificial intelligence?" Zheng Rui stuttered, she felt her head dizzy. Although many people have previously speculated that the process is far more advanced than artificial intelligence.

But from the beginning to the end of the journey, Yuan Yuan never made a positive statement on the matter. Everything was guessed by everyone, but at this time they were surprised when they heard Yang Jie tell the story without concealment!

But after being surprised, everyone showed a natural look. After all, the appearance of Dabai has already announced that artificial intelligence has begun to enter human society.

People are used to ‘artificial intelligence’ living around them, so when they heard the news, the shock in their hearts was not very strong.

If there is no premise, Cheng Yuan directly states that he has artificial intelligence, then it is certain that this news will definitely spread the whole world crazy and attract the attention of the entire intelligent field.

Soon Zheng Rui calmed his surprise, his face was excited and curious, and asked, "Yang Mi, have you ever seen that 'zero'?"

Yang Jie smiled and said, "I have felt its existence, but I have never really seen it."

Yang Jie answered Zheng Rui for a moment, and then she showed an awkward look, apologizing: "I'm sorry, Yang Mi, I was too excited just now, this question is a bit stupid. Zero in your company should be confidential The highest degree, I don't think most people can see it? "

Regarding Zheng Rui's apology, Yang Jie shook her head with a smile: "No need to apologize, when I knew that the company has such artificial intelligence. It looks similar to you."

During the conversation between the two, the elevator flew up, and Cheng Yuan received a zero report at the same time.

"Sir, the TV station is here. Seven seconds left."

Cheng Yuan is now arranging the position of solar panels above the airship. Although the solar collection will not be affected by the weather after the airship rises to the stratosphere, the distribution distance and arrangement of each solar panel need to be carefully considered, but these things are very simple for Cheng Yuan with zero assistance. You only need to set up a few frameworks, you can carry out a large number of calculations, and then come up with a more secure or perfect solution.

"Time flies so fast. Why didn't Fang Jing come to inform me?" Cheng Yuan stopped the work in his hands, raised his head a bit surprised, and according to the scheduled time. If the TV station comes, it means that the conference is about to begin.

So when Cheng Yuan heard that the TV station was here, he naturally knew where it was time.

As soon as Cheng Yuan's voice fell, she quickly replied: "Ms. Fang Jing is waiting for you below. She has already prepared the clothes you need for the conference. By the way, she asked me to ask you if you need makeup? You have a cosmetic case ready. "

"This is not necessary." Cheng Yuan quickly shook his head and refused. To be honest, he was allergic to the makeup thing, and was not very used to being painted on his face.

"Okay. Are you going down now, the TV station people have arrived, and Chen Yu and Fang Jing are receiving them."

"Go on."

"Does that require me to save your current design for you?" Zero continued to ask.

Cheng Yuan didn't pause and said as he walked. "Save it for me. By the way, we will add a wireless network signal base station to the airship, and the range will cover our company's resident area. When we test it, we can directly adjust the above robot if there is any problem.

"Okay, sir." Zero responded. Began to follow Cheng Yuan's instructions.

At the same time, Cheng Yuan also stepped down from the spiral staircase in a hurry, and as soon as he saw him, Chen Yu and Fang Jing were accompanied by two strange men and women, a woman dressed as an ol sitting on the sand, and that The man was carrying a camera and the camera was still facing him.

As Cheng Yuan came down, the audience in front of the TV also began to get excited.

"Cheng Yuan is out!"

"It's young, but the skin is so white. Is it makeup?"

"Sure, on TV, you must put on makeup or something."

"Why the host doesn't go up, why does this look like a normal home environment, we want to see the laboratory!"

"Stupid upstairs, I want to go up without Cheng Yuan's permission. This is not an interview, but a fault!"

The audience commented that several people at the scene could not see it, but although the host Zheng Rui was also observing Cheng Yuan, a genius who was eight years younger than her, she quickly reacted and converged to look at herself. With a smile on his face, he got up and walked up and stretched out his hand, saying, "Chairman Cheng, I have been a long-known name. Today is the first time I see a real person. Thank you very much for being able to accept an interview with our TV station."

Cheng Yuan smiled slightly and waved his hand: "You're welcome, I'm honored to be able to accept your interview."

After the guests from both sides settled, Cheng Yuan took the boiled water handed over by Fang Jing after taking a seat and looked at Zheng Rui.

When Zheng Rui saw this, she immediately understood the meaning of Cheng Yuan. She smiled, opened the topic, glanced at Cheng Yuan's cup, and asked, "Mr. Cheng, can I ask you what special water you drink? ?"

Cheng Yuan froze, looked at his water glass, looked at Zheng Rui with some wonder, although he intentionally asked Zheng Rui to ask, because he didn't know what to say to open the topic, but the hostess's question also It's amazing.

At the same time, a group of viewers began to coax on the webcast.

"The host's question is sincere 6, special water to drink!"

"6666, host, please hurry up, there are only ten minutes, you quickly ask the products in the exhibition hall below and there is nothing about artificial intelligence!"

"Is the genius drinking water different from me and us?"


"I drank plain boiled water." Cheng Yuan replied earnestly, paused and said, "It was boiled."

After hearing Cheng Yuan's answer, Zheng Rui thoughtfully and continued to ask, "You have been drinking boiled water when you are thirsty?"

"Yes." Cheng Yuan couldn't interrupt the host's inquiry and continued to answer.

Seeing Cheng Yuan's so decisive answer, Zheng Rui froze, wondering: "Do you have any special opinions on those functional drinks or alcoholic beverages, so you chose to drink plain water?"

Cheng Yuan is a little depressed, and I don't know why Zheng Rui is so interested in what he is drinking.

He shook his head and said, "It's not there, it's just a matter of personal preference."

Zheng Rui nodded and asked, "Why do you like drinking plain water?"

"In the past, the economic conditions of the family were relatively poor. The parents had to support a family of four on a meager salary, so they naturally drink whatever province they drink." Cheng Yuan did not hide the reason for drinking plain water. After all, many people in his previous family knew that he didn't need to hide.

"I thought that geniuses would be different from others in eating and drinking." Zheng Rui laughed with her mouth covered.

Cheng Yuan smiled and didn't speak.

"Well, then we officially entered the interview. As far as I know, Chairman Cheng has an artificial intelligence called Zero that helps you manage some things of the company. Are you afraid that it will be wrong? After all, zero is powerful It is always an artificial intelligence. It is an intelligent program that you write. There is still a subtle gap between it and human beings. "Zheng Rui asked with a straight face.

Cheng Yuan smiled indifferently, with a touch of pride on his face, and said, "Host Zheng, I must correct some of your misunderstandings."

Zheng Rui was slightly surprised.

"First of all, the main responsibility of Zero is to supervise certain aspects of the company's data, and it will not involve company management. Otherwise, I will not hire employees. Second, Zero's intelligence is not lower or even higher than ordinary people! In the end, the strength of zero is completely your understanding and imagination. "At the end, Cheng Yuan raised a confident smile in his mouth.

He is convinced of the level of zero intelligence, because zero is no longer the artificial intelligence that people know, and he has begun to evolve in the direction of intelligent life evolution!

Looking at Cheng Yuan with a confident face, Zheng Rui pursed his lips and had nothing to say. Although she would like to refute, but today's conditions are not allowed, after all, her interview time is only ten minutes, and the audience certainly does not want her to waste all of these ten minutes on a problem.

Thinking of this ~ ~ she immediately shifted the topic, "Chairman Cheng, can you tell me that under this building, the construction of the exhibition hall like the auditorium is your own decision?"

"Yes." Cheng Yuan nodded affirmatively.

Zheng Rui smiled and asked: "What is the purpose of your establishment of this exhibition hall?"

Cheng Yuan converged with a smile and said positively: "In addition to showing the company's new product trends, the role of this exhibition hall is more to give the company's employees a confidence."

"Confidence?" Zheng Rui curiously.

"Yes." Cheng Yuan said solemnly: "Our China's scientific and technological strength has always been at the midstream level in the world. Compared with foreign countries, there is a huge gap. This gap is not only in product innovation, but also in other areas. All kinds of factors. I want to tell my employees that your company has world-class technology strength and world-class manufacturing technology. We do n’t need to worship foreign technology products because of our own technology products. Better and stronger than them! "(To be continued.)

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