"The Capital Municipal Party Committee was taken away by the Procuratorate, and the suspect Song Zhi was taken away by the public security organs in many cases ..."

In less than a day, such a news appeared on the Internet. ww.

After seeing this news, all the netizens concerned about it all applauded. Although they also know that such people will have it whether in Huaxia, the United States or other countries, but can kill one or the other. As for those who hide deeper Yes, they may have speculations, but the other party doesn't show their horses, and they can only whisper in their hearts.

At the Beijing Capital Airport, a middle-aged man sat in the terminal and saw the news on his mobile phone, his mouth opened a smile, and then a relief and relief appeared on his face, "Wen Wen, in Let's live a good life now, your dad is going to live in another country! "

Sighed, the middle-aged man quickly pressed his finger on the phone, and then an email was sent to the capital procuratorate!

"Dear passengers, the uxxx flight to the United States will take off in ten minutes. Please wait for boarding as soon as possible."

Just after the man sent the mail, the airport radio sounded in time. After listening, the middle-aged man threw the mobile phone worth thousands of yuan into the trash can, and then carried a simple parcel directly to the boarding passage ...


All of this has nothing to do with Cheng Yuan. When he heard the news of Song Zhi's arrest, he did not show an unexpected expression. After all, in this society, Internet communication is extremely developed, and some things are exposed on the Internet. Can be resolved in a very short time.

Especially behind this matter, the middle-aged man has been working secretly to make this matter known to the whole people, so for Song Zhi's end. Cheng Yuan will not have much surprise.

If nothing happens, it would be disappointing.

And this matter, can be regarded as the more depressed thing Cheng Yuan encountered. Because he didn't do anything from beginning to end, but people on the Internet all thought. It's all under his control.

He shook his head and set aside this matter, which was also ended when the two of the Song family were arrested.

As for whether other members of the Song family would seek revenge from Cheng Yuan, Cheng Yuan expressed no pressure on this.

Compared with them, the protection of Cheng Yuan's people is very strong, not only beside him, but also his family, there will be so many people or two in the dark to protect them.

Therefore, Cheng Yuan has no worries about the threat to the personal safety of himself or his family.

Moreover. Cheng Yuan also very much hopes that someone can get in trouble at this time, because he wants to see how strong his robot guard is. After all, no matter how many tests there are, the tests are ultimately tests, no matter how many times, they won't be able to meet the actual action.

Unfortunately, no accidents have happened since the last time the foreign mercenaries acted.

At this point, Cheng Yuan was standing in the processing area of ​​the laboratory. Here, a brand new v8 engine was freshly baked, and two experimental assistants carried the engine to Cheng Yuan. After putting it in front of him, he stepped back slightly.

Regarding the technology of the v8 engine, for outsiders. It may be a secret, but this engine Cheng Yuan was handed over when designing the z1 robot.

After all, those engines are not suitable for z1 robot operation, but the torque or speed is not up to standard! Think about it. If the z1 robot makes a leg-stretching action, under intelligent control, it would only take one second to complete the action because of insufficient power. As a result, its response slowed down, and one second became three or even four seconds. So will z1 be as flexible as it initially appeared?

The answer is naturally no!

and so. After Cheng Yuan initially accepted the above request, he considered all the requirements in it.

Regardless of the overall design of the robot, or the configuration requirements of the built-in engine and the energy transmission track, Cheng Yuan and Zero have carefully considered it, and it is impossible to change it in half.

Although he was also quite heartbroken and let himself pull out so many techniques that the above people gained in vain.

But he also knew in his heart that there was no room for gain.

Although the development of the z1 robot seemed to make him very deficient, the indirect benefits of this manufacturing were more abundant.

The construction of a z1 robot not only allowed Cheng Yuan's reputation to spread more widely in the Chinese scientific community, but also made everyone involved in this matter understand his wisdom and research level!

Let those who have doubts in the past really convince themselves.

Through this time, Cheng Yuan believes he will be more convenient when recruiting researchers in the future! After all, they knew Cheng Yuan's level, so the research project initiated by Cheng Yuan did not need Cheng Yuan to promote recruitment by themselves. After hearing the news in this circle, they would naturally flock to it.

This is also an intangible benefit.

Just like Cheng Yuan's research and development of gene fortifiers, in order to allow outsiders to 'participate' and not let himself act too much, he also ran to find Yang Qiaoyuan's key person. If he has the appeal, he does not need to pass Yang Qiaoyuan himself put this news in the Huaxia science and technology circle. Those scientific researchers, as long as they feel that they have that level, will naturally participate.

Of course, can we pass Cheng Yuan's screening?

However, this is an intangible advantage. Cheng Yuan can rely on his reputation to attract a large number of top scientific researchers.

Regarding the v8 engine in front of him, Cheng Yuan did not observe it in detail, not to mention that the experimental assistant will not make mistakes. This v8 engine is on display, and there is no need to start it, so Cheng Yuan does not need to do any testing.

As long as it has no problem with its appearance.

"Okay, send it to the booth." Cheng Yuan waved his hands and dismissed the two experimental assistants.

Upon hearing Cheng Yuan's order, two experimental assistants stepped forward to raise the v8 engine and walked out.

After the two experimental assistants left the laboratory, Cheng Yuan asked, "Zero, what about the conscious connection helmet?"

"Sir, the helmet has been made and placed in the exhibition hall." Zero answered.

Cheng Yuan heard the answer, and froze suddenly, surprised: "So fast, when did it happen?"

"The production was finished at 3.22 am the day before yesterday, and it was placed in the progress hall at 3.45 am," Zero explained in detail.

"Uh." Cheng Yuan was speechless and asked, "What else on your list was made when I slept."

Zero listed a form, presented a virtual window in front of Cheng Yuan, and then introduced: "There are thirteen products, including consciously connected helmets, miniature robots, neural control head ring models, and stratospheric solar power station model graphite. Graphene composite ceramic graphene mobile phone ...

As each item was spoken from zero, Cheng Yuan became more surprised when he heard it. If consciously connected helmets and micro-robot stratosphere solar power stations are okay, are those technologies such as transparent materials such as graphene composite ceramics come out? Too early?

It seemed to know Cheng Yuan's doubts and explained with zero openings: "Our technological strength has been improving. With the transformation of various industrial equipment, our company's industrial production capacity is stronger than the world's top science and technology research institutes. These technical materials are just middle-level in our technology tree today. "

"Like the more advanced neural control devices, micro-nuclear fusion reactors, advanced artificial intelligence are replaced by models and labeled [Future Research Directions], and most of your technologies are powerful high-tech weapons. Do n’t you want these things on display? ”

"This is nature." Cheng Yuan scratched his head. The high-tech weapon in his mind naturally came from the movie "Iron Man".

"Let ’s take these weapons technologies slowly. I'm not prepared to take the route of the arms company. Maybe I may cooperate with the above. Remember the weapon expert Professor Pang at the z1 base? We will contact him when we have a chance. , After all, the fists above are tough, so we can be more secure, right? "

For these high-tech weapons, Cheng Yuan also has his own ideas. Although he cannot manufacture them by himself, let alone the people above are willing or not, even if he manufactures, will he switch to selling arms?

He now knows exactly where he is. Because of his **** at Huaxia, he can develop himself without worries. Once this level of protection is absent, he will definitely face the puppet of capitalists all over the world!

After all, the intelligent robot's ability to make money in his hands can make people as jealous as rabbits ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ If Huaxia has not been supporting Cheng Yuan, now Cheng Yuan will be swallowed by this group of people. Nothing left!

Although this sounds like Cheng Yuan seems to be a vassal of the high-level, in fact, the relationship between the two is mutual benefit. The upper layer protects Cheng Yuan. Through the young genius of Cheng Yuan, the country can catch up with European and American powers faster.

And Cheng Yuan needs to rely on Huaxia's protection to let him develop at ease, so that the technology he masters will not be stolen or even snatched by the powers!

The relationship between the two of them will gradually change with the technological strength held by Cheng Yuan.

When Cheng Yuan can not fear everything, the relationship between the two may change.

Of course, this change does not mean that Cheng Yuan developed and abandoned Huaxia directly, but that Cheng Yuan did not need the above protection to live. When Cheng Yuan's technology crystallization company Cheng Yuan was the world's strongest technology company, When the power can make everyone fear, then he can stop staying at Huaxia like he is now! (To be continued.)>

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