"Kremer Computer !?"

Cheng Yuan's eyes brightened, and he was interested: "Did they say anything?"

Zheng Jiadao: "The other party did not specifically say what was the matter, but pointed out that it is an important thing, I must tell you in person!"

Cheng Yuan frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, "Then you reply to each other, I will meet them and see what they are thinking."

Cheng Yuan did this because he had his own ideas.

He thinks that his company doesn't have anything to ask of others at the moment, according to this idea, that is to say, what the people of Kramer Company said has nothing to do with himself. But if it has nothing to do with him, then the other party will certainly not talk to him about the importance of this matter.

In other words, although this matter has nothing to do with his technology crystallization company, it may have an indirect relationship or indirect interests with him.

This made Cheng Yuan slightly curious. What was it that made the other person so sure that he would participate?

"I know."

At the other end of the phone, Zheng Jia heard Cheng Yuan say that he could see each other, and then he understood what he should do next.

In Chenguang Building, after Zheng Jia hung up the phone, he picked up another landline directly from his side, and then dialed the contact of Kramer Company.

The phone rang only once and was immediately connected.

"Hello, Ms. Zheng, what does the chairman of your company mean?" A pure English tone sounded at the end. Although the other party tried to hide his eagerness, Zheng Jia could still hear some of it.

With a slight smile, Zheng Jia calmly said, "Mr. Freddy, our boss agreed to have a meeting with your company, but the location can only be in Huaxia. As for the time, your company chooses."

"Oh! This is really good news! How about the time set at nine o'clock tomorrow morning?" Upon hearing the news, Freddie was immediately overjoyed, the tension and eagerness had disappeared, which made him like Release the weight.

From a long time ago, Freddy received an order from his boss asking him to communicate more with the technology crystallization company. It would be better to promote closer cooperation between the two companies, and the boss made it clear that the order came from the big boss.

Ever knowing that what he did was explained by the big boss himself, Freddy felt that his shoulders suddenly became a lot heavier.

this matter. It is both a burden and an opportunity.

If it is not done well, it will definitely affect his position, but if he can complete the tasks explained by the big boss, then he will have more opportunities for promotion and salary increase. What made Freddy most fancy is that if this task is completed, he will enter the sight of the big boss, which will definitely be a great help for his future work in the company!

Can be valued by big bosses, this ...

Freddy was in a throbbing mood and had begun to imagine his bright future.

It is a pity that since a supercomputer transaction, he seems to have lost contact with the technology crystallization company all at once.

Although he has been working hard to communicate with the other party, unfortunately the other party's response has been modest. Even the first time the big boss wanted to meet each other, he never succeeded. Now, this second meeting requires the other party to finally agree!

After Freddy hung up the phone, he quickly dialed the phone number left by the big boss.

Freddy was very nervous. He didn't know what the other party would say when he brought the news to the big boss.

As the phone ringed in his ear, Freddy's heartbeat grew faster and faster. Soon after, a young voice rang out over the phone. "Mr. Freddy, you contact me today. Did I do what you ordered?"

"Yes, Mr. Rockefeller, the other party has agreed to your meeting request, but the location is in Huaxia. I have set my own time for tomorrow morning at nine o'clock." After that, I stopped talking and waited for the other party's response.

In a luxurious manor, John Rockefeller raised a smile on his mouth, which made his handsome face even more charming.

After Freddy finished speaking. He laughed: "You did a great job, Mr. Freddy, I remember the personnel manager seems to be empty. If you have any intention, bring a material to report to Quinn tomorrow."

"Thank you, sir!" Upon hearing Rockefeller Jr.'s words, Freddy's face turned red instantly. He tried to keep his tone calm and thanked him solemnly.

Rockefeller Jr smiled slightly and said, "Don't thank me, this is the reward you deserve."

"I know the boss, I won't let you down." Freddy responded.

Rockefeller Jr. heard Shady's assurance and shook his head silently. To him, it was a trivial matter.

Pressing the phone, Rockefeller Jr. called the bodyguard and said, "Charlie, get me a ticket to Huaxia Anhe, and I will have an important meeting tomorrow morning at nine."

"Okay, sir." Charlie, a strong Bayern bodyguard, heard his employer's orders, bowed his head and nodded, then quickly left.

After the bodyguard left, the smile on Rockefeller's face worsened, and he murmured, "I'm really looking forward to meeting tomorrow. I don't know what the" father of intelligent robots "will know when he hears this news. reaction?"

With his mouth raised, Rockefeller Jr. placed a document beside him on the table with four large English letters-ITER on the cover of the document.

This is a document of the International Nuclear Fusion Research Project!

Zheng Yuan, the crystallization company of the company, just returned to his private laboratory and Zheng Jia called again.

Cheng Yuanshun turned on.

"What does the other party say?" Cheng Yuan asked directly.

Zheng Jiadao: "Boss, the other party will come at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Where shall we arrange for them to meet?"

The meeting place is also a question that needs to be considered. After all, it is too bad and it will give people a bad influence.

Of course, this impact does not mean that the other party's evaluation of the technology crystallization company will be reduced. After all, the technology crystallization company can make countless technology companies sigh with only one big white.

Zheng Jia's consideration is the other party's own.

After all, if the arrangement is too poor, the other party will think that they do not value themselves, which will have a certain adverse effect on possible future cooperation.

As for why Zheng Jia was sure that there would be cooperation between the two sides, she naturally had her own opinion.

Since Cheng Yuan promised to meet with each other, no matter what the reason for this meeting, the result must be a win-win cooperation between the two parties.

Otherwise, the other party is not too stupid?

Miles rushed across the ocean, and the result was to say a few things?

Such a stupid thing except a fool, it is impossible for normal people to do it.

Cheng Yuan blinked and said, "Just arrange it in my private laboratory."

Since the completion of the private laboratory, Cheng Yuan has had a clear impulse, whether it is to meet Liu Changfeng or to meet Kramer soon, he wants to put it here.

Because in this way, he can show his masterpiece in front of others, looking at the shocking, surprised, incredible expression of outsiders, Cheng Yuan has a very satisfied feeling.

For Cheng Yuan's approach, there is only one evaluation given by Zero: stuffiness.

The behavior of Bu Chengyuan is not stopped because Cheng Yuan is very young. According to the age of human beings, his life has just begun. At this time, he should be at the age of self-presentation, and now there is a certain protection in the company. Strength, he will not be too worried about Cheng Yuan's safety.

"Okay!" Zheng Jia responded with a heavy voice. Over time, Zheng Jia no longer reminded Cheng Cheng of some practices and decisions. After all, Cheng Yuan has experienced a lot of things, as well as himself. With corresponding growth.

He can tell the importance of some things, and doesn't need her to say anything more.

After discussing the meeting place, the two hung up the phone and went to work separately.

The next day, around 8 am, a passenger plane from Donghai International Airport slowly landed at Anhe Airport.

Inside the airliner, several tall, blond foreigners came out of it.

Headed by a very young and handsome white youth, the young man has a straight eyebrow and a straight nose. His blue eyes are like gems, bright and charming. With a smile on his lips, the young man got out of the plane and asked the bodyguard next to him: "Charlie, it's about an hour before the appointed time. Can we catch up now? Does the other party send someone? Come and pick us up? "

This group of people came to Anhe City to meet with Cheng Yuan Xiao Rockefeller and his party.

Bodyguard Charlie quickly said, "Boss, the other party said that someone would come to pick up the plane. I'll contact them."

"Okay, hurry up, I can't wait anymore!" The thought of meeting Rocket Jr., Rockefeller Jr. was excited for a while, something he hadn't seen in twenty-six years since he was born!

Even if he met with famous American stars, he never felt that way.

Because in his eyes, a star is a show with a relatively large exposure. For a rich man like him, a star is nothing at all.

However, Cheng Yuan is different. He has won the global attention by his talent ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ and his own worth is very huge. Although his background is very shallow, no one will doubt his potential! He is a rising star!

"Boss, come with me, the other party is outside!" Just as Rockefeller Jr.'s thoughts fluttered, Charlie suddenly said, taking a few steps forward and walking in front of Rockefeller Jr. to lead him.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people accelerated to step outside the airport.

Going outside, Charlie called again.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man hurried towards them and saw the movements of the middle-aged man. Several bodyguards behind Little Rockefeller were immediately vigilant.

"Don't worry, I think he's the one to pick us up." Rockefeller Jr smiled slightly and waved his bodyguard to relax.

"Some, please follow me. I'm here to pick you up at the company." The middle-aged man ran all the way, and at the same time his cell phone ringing kept ringing. (To be continued.)

PS: Three ‘2 ’s are very memorable, so I added a few more words.

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