Liu Changfeng flatly refused to let He Ping and Zheng Wei's faces be confused.

Looking at the girl who couldn't get into the oil and salt in front of them, they were helpless for a while.

After all, the twisted melon is not sweet, and the order above is also a bottom line of their action. The two looked at each other and showed a touch of disappointment. Although they said that the task was not completed, the corresponding reward would be gone.

This made the two somewhat helpless.

Looking at Liu Changfeng halfway, He Ping smiled bitterly. "It's a pity that since Liu is not willing, we don't say much. I hope you must think twice before doing things. You have to know because you have no intention. How much trouble it caused. "

Liu Changfeng looked at the two with disapproval, skeptical in his heart, and secretly said, "What kind of strength is hidden in this kind of thing, isn't it better to put it out directly as a deterrent?"

Regarding Liu Changfeng's actions, the two of them who have been police officers for more than ten years have clearly seen them. Of course, they also know that it is very difficult to change a person's thinking, not just a few words.

And they don't think they can change a person's point of view with a few words.

He shook his head, He Ping sighed, and said, "Then let's say that today, we will leave first. I just hope that Liu must do things clearly in the future!" He Ping looked at Liu Changfeng seriously and reminded him Road.

Leaving his lips, Liu Changfeng said indifferently: "I see, police uncle!"

Looking at Liu Changfeng who didn't care about it at all, He Ping and Zheng Wei couldn't help crying and laughing, so they had to take the lead out of the guard room.

As soon as the two went out, the three Jin Xin who had been standing outside the door got up and walked over.

"Comrade police, classmate Liu's affairs ..." Teacher Meng asked first, after all, Liu Changfeng was a student in her class, and she cared more than anyone else.

He Ping smiled, and said, "Mr. Meng need not worry. We are here mainly to talk about special tricks with Liu."

He Ping lied without blinking.

"Special move !?" The three shook their heads and looked at each other. Jin Xin frowned, and asked quickly: "But are n’t the special recruits usually come from the special recruit school, why ..."

Regarding the rules of special recruits, they, who are teachers and teaching directors, are still very clear.

But this time it was two policemen who came here to make a special move. This is too weird! It has to be doubtful!

It seemed to have long known that the three would question, He Ping smiled and explained: "We came to contact Liu on behalf of the National University of Defense Technology. Unfortunately, Liu seems to prefer to go to Huaxia University of Science and Technology, so this time it was a failure! "

He Ping's explanation left Meng and Jin Xin momentarily sluggish. I opened my mouth and couldn't say anything!

For He Ping University of Defense Technology, they are very clear!

Unlike Huaxia University of Science and Technology, which is more popular with the public, the National University of Defense Technology can be regarded as an in-country enrollment! Although usually not well-known, it is stricter than the two famous universities of Huaqing Beida!

This school not only requires you to get enough grades, but also rigorously reviews the family background of the students who are enrolled!

Once one aspect is not enough, then sorry, no admission!

Regarding such a school's special recruit, two people who have such treatment are also slightly understandable.

But what surprised them even more was that Liu Changfeng refused!

This makes both of them look slightly weird, facing such a school. She turned it down! I don't know if this child is big-hearted, or I don't know.

But when people heard He Ping say that Liu Changfeng was preparing to apply for the Huaxia University of Science and Technology, the two expressed their understanding!

Huaxia University of Science and Technology, now China's first young genius, chairman of the technology crystallization company, father of intelligent robots, the school where Cheng Yuan is!

Because of this relationship, Huaxia University of Science and Technology has 50 internal places each year, which can send students to this technology giant that has just risen for half a year!

Entering a technology crystallization company, that's a worry-free life.

Who doesn't know the generous treatment of technology crystallization companies in Anhe City now?

Assign a single-person house to each worker. It's also a 160-square-meter family home, which is a good way to move the family in!

Regardless of housing, the company provides three meals a day inside the company, and the wages and benefits are excellent. This is a company that everyone dreams of.

No one will give up this opportunity!

Of course, it would not be bad if Liu Changfeng entered the National University of Defense Technology. After all, it is close to the country and basically works in international agencies after coming out, which can be regarded as an iron rice bowl.

But the benefits are certainly not as high as those of the technology crystallization company.

As for who is better and who is worse, no one can compare them. It depends on personal intentions.

Between a few people talking. Liu Changfeng also came out of the doorman's room, her face was still bland, and there was no regret for rejecting this special move.

Taking a look at Liu Changfeng, He Ping was slightly bitter in heart, and smiled at Jin Xinqiang: "Then I disturbed this time, let's go!"

He nodded to Jin Xin, He Ping and Zheng Wei left the school gate and got off in a car.

"Changfeng, you really have ambition! But you have to work hard. Now that there are so many people applying for Huaxia University of Science and Technology, the school's admission score line will definitely improve. You can't be so lazy!" Teacher Meng saw Liu Changfeng , Immediately stepped forward, clutching her tender little hand, smiled and encouraged.

"Well, I know, Teacher Meng." Liu Changfeng nodded to Teacher Meng with a smile. She just came out intentionally late just to make it clear for the two of He Ping to explain to Teacher Meng first, so she saved a lot. Spoken.

Jin Xin looked at the calm and calm Liu Changfeng, and sighed secretly, "Isn't this my daughter?"

As a parent, I naturally like to compare other people's children with their own children. Even Jin Xin, the director of teaching, is no exception. Although his daughter is also very good at the education of two couples, she is now a junior in high school. Compared with Changfeng, there is still a little gap!

"Yes, just a little bit!" Jin Xin thought to himself.

Immediately afterwards, the three left the guard room and returned to their posts. They all said nothing about today's incident. If Liu Changfeng accepted this special move. Jin Xin may also think about propaganda and give the school a good reputation.

Unfortunately, Liu Changfeng refused!

Although this incident did not make any waves, but the content of the conversation of several people. After He Ping and Zheng Wei reported, they passed into Cheng Yuan's ears.

Of course, when Cheng Yuan heard the news about Liu Changfeng, it was already a few days later.

May 1.

Labor Day, this is a traditional festival in China. It is also a short break for employees after hard work.

Zheng Jia made a big splash, and all employees of the technology crystallization company took three days off!

In these three days, they are free to do what they like to do, shopping, traveling, dating, can take advantage of this time!

Of course, they think so, but the actual situation is not very satisfactory.

Regarding the time of the May 1 vacation, the company made an early notice. Gao Junhuan is an ordinary employee of the advertising planning department of a technology crystallization company. He used to work with Ningya Advertising Co., Ltd. of Yingning. Later, the entire small company was merged into the crystallization of science and technology. At the beginning, he had the intention to resign. However, he thought that it is not easy to find a job today, and although the company was acquired by an alternative, it was considered an errand.

He himself can be regarded as easy-going, and has no big ambitions. He can eat and wear warm clothes, and his family is not hungry.

But with the sudden rise of technological crystallization, he suddenly found out how wise he had not resigned! At the time, a colleague who worked at Ningya Company had regretted the scalp. He wanted to enter a technology crystallization company, but the company's boss, Zheng Jia, would not accept anyone who resigned!

Now that colleague is working in another small advertising company, holding a fixed salary of 3,000 yuan per month, and himself?

Do the same thing. The monthly salary is more than 8,000 yuan. Counting the company's three meals and accommodation, as well as full-time bonuses, job awards, etc., there are 10,000 yuan a month, which is a big difference!

He now spends basically no money except for the three expenses of the water grid each month.

And after the company's staff building was established. He allocated three bedrooms and two living rooms, one kitchen and one bathroom, and a large house with a balcony. He also took over his parents who are still working in the countryside and earning 1,000 yuan a month! The company did not prohibit employees from bringing their families in, but they were very welcome, and they could report to them if they needed work, so that their families could do some chores in the company.

Of course, there is a limit to the number of positions available to everyone.

Gao Junhuan started slowly. His parents didn't get any positions. Recently, they played chess with a group of old men and old women in the staff building.

But this can't change his good mood. Being in such a company is his luck!

And by virtue of the company's name, he also talked about a girlfriend who was his former high school classmate. The family members of the female classmates knew that when he worked at the technology crystallization company, it was a welcome face, and it also made him think about ways See if you can arrange your girlfriend's brother to the company.

Gao Junhuan is helpless with this request. After all, he is just an ordinary employee and can't touch such things at all.

And Zhao Yazhi, the manager of the personnel department, was an unselfish master.

Aside from the messy thoughts in his mind, Gao Junhuan sat quietly at home watching TV!

On May 1st, he originally wanted to take his girlfriend to travel together, by the way, let the relationship between the two people go further. But what made him helpless was that his girlfriend's company had only one day of vacation!

In one day, the plan of the tour is bound to fall into ruin!

In this regard, he expressed deep grudges.

But what made him even more angry was that his girlfriend was on the night shift the day before May 1st. This time, the holiday of May 1 was like a flying egg. When the girlfriend who worked hard all night returned home, she fell asleep.

If he can, he also wants his girlfriend to enter the technology crystallization company ~ ~ but he knows the difficulty of applying for the company. If he doesn't have the luck, maybe he can't enter the company, which makes him really helpless!

His helplessness is also the helplessness of hundreds of company employees. We let it go for three days, but our friends let it go for one day, which made them want to find a company to hang out with.

Regarding the helplessness of the company's employees, Cheng Yuan didn't pay too much attention. At this time, his energy was focused on the recovery medicine. Over time, one case was successfully cured!

This is a case of a torn ankle ligament and a comminuted fracture of the kneecap.

After half a month of treatment, although his knee has not healed, he has begun to grow again, but the ligament at the ankle has fully grown. Although the other party cannot move down, he cannot observe the new ligament specific situation.

But the spirit of everyone is very excited. The recovery of this case represents that the recovery medicine can not only regenerate the limbs, but also treat some cases that cannot be treated by medicine today!

Muscle atrophy, nerve rupture, ligament damage, how much impact these cures will bring, it is difficult for anyone present to estimate! (To be continued.)

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