Time is like a white horse crossing the gap. Two days may be long in some people's eyes, but very short in some people's eyes. Alas,

Within two days, Cheng Yuan and his robot operation team began the renovation of the laboratory.

This is a very strict job. No slight errors are allowed.

Under zero integration, twenty engineering robots completed the complex structure inside the wall at the fastest speed, because the robot did not need to rest, and the transistor laying on two floors was completed in only one and a half days.

Of course, this is only the first step, and subsequent graphene composite plastics need to be laid, a material with extremely strong toughness and light transparency, which can be used on the wall to ensure that the precious materials on the wall are not squeezed , Can also allow the built-in laser to penetrate the wall smoothly, so that the impact is always present indoors.

And whether the laser light of the laser can pass through the wall smoothly has a great influence on the holographic projection. A laser placed in the transistor gap emits laser light and refracts the light source through a beam splitter to a plane mirror installed inside the wall. The light is concentrated on the holographic dry plate after being refracted by the plane mirror.

Finally, through the control of the dry plate, the image is projected into the air through the principle of diffraction. The water vapor in the air is dispersed. In order to ensure the normal image, the light will be continuously adjusted, and in order to achieve the physical collision ability of the holographic projection, the air will be raised to an extremely high temperature.

Under the action of two groups of hot air, the reaction generated is simulated by a specific calculation method to complete the physical collision effect.

As for direct application by human hands, this involves deeper diffraction principles.

The internal matrix of these data zeros already has relevant data, and Cheng Yuan only needs to wait for the results.

The development of the robot is urgent, so just after the time arrived, Yang Qiaoyuan couldn't wait to call.

"Mr. Cheng, the place and the staff are ready for you. Are you free now?"

"I've been preparing, come and pick me up." Cheng Yuan had no ink, in fact, he was also very excited. The eight-meter-high robot gave him the feeling of creating a 'Gangdamu' himself!

Soon, Yang Qiaoyuan drove himself to the entrance of the institute.

Cheng Yuan already took Chen Yu waiting early at the door.

"Mr. Cheng, have you waited a long time, shall we set off immediately?" Yang Qiaoyuan got out of the car a little politely. Then invited.

"Well, I also want to see what kind of place has been prepared for me." Cheng Yuan was also very polite. After seeing Yang Qiaoyuan, he got in the car the first time. Chen Yu, who followed him, did not hesitate to get in the car directly, and the two directly occupied the back seat of the car.

When Yang Qiaoyuan saw the action of the two people, he suddenly smiled awkwardly. He originally wanted to sit behind and talk to Cheng Yuan, what exactly was his robot design.

You can see how Chen Yu looks. Obviously, he would not give up the position of the back row, but Yang Qiaoyuan had no choice but to switch to the co-driver's seat, and then ordered the driver to leave.

Along the way, because of distance. Yang Qiaoyuan doesn't say much, he can only hold the thoughts in his heart.

The car was speeding quickly on the road. After leaving the company station, four black cars followed each other. See these cars. Chen Yu stared, looking at Yang Qiaoyuan.

Seeing Chen Yu's gaze, Yang Qiaoyuan explained with a smile: "In case, just in case. Special protection personnel above."

Yang Qiaoyuan's explanation made Chen Yu slightly relaxed, and then he looked forward without saying a word.

The car quieted down, and for almost an hour, the entire convoy had left the city and came to the suburbs.

On the car, Cheng Yuan watched the surroundings become desolate, and asked Yang Qiaoyuan, "Where is the place arranged?"

After hearing Cheng Yuan's inquiries, Yang Qiaoyuan smiled and replied: "Because of the special nature of this matter, I decided to arrange this matter in a nuclear shelter established a long time ago. Our people were in these two days. It was cleaned and remodeled to meet your requirements. "

"That's it!" Cheng Yuan heard that there was no accident in the nuclear-proof cave. The surrounding area of ​​Anhe City was in a mountainous and hilly area. The terrain was more complicated. It was not impossible to have more secret bases in the mountains. Immediately afterwards, Cheng Yuan asked again, "Now that the personnel in the base are all here?"

Yang Qiaoyuan froze. I don't know why Cheng Yuan asked this question. Didn't he say it clearly before?

He said immediately: "Everything! Everything is here, including the scientific research team that develops the micro-fission reactor, and the nuclear power engine production team. Inside the base, we also prepared a complete production line and production tools, waiting for you to pass. "

"That is to say, I am the only one who hasn't arrived yet?" Cheng Yuan's face was a bit weird. Such treatment has always been for those with high status. I never thought I would experience it for the first time. But it feels very strange.

"Of course!" Yang Qiaoyuan nodded without hesitation, explaining: "We have made the most complete preparations according to your instructions, and we can start construction directly after you pass!"

After listening to Yang Qiaoyuan's explanation, Cheng Yuan didn't say a word at all. From above, he had expressed their determination and attitude towards him from their actions.

Soon after driving for almost four hours, the car stopped in front of a bare hill.

A sentry post was set up here to gather the soldiers with live ammunition. When they saw Yang Qiaoyuan and his convoy, they immediately ran over to the two soldiers and stepped forward to check.

"Please show me your credentials." A soldier knocked at the driver's window, and looked at the four people in the car with vigilant eyes.

Yang Qiaoyuan quickly took out his credentials and said, "Say to him, Mr. Cheng has arrived, and let them prepare."

The soldier took Yang Qiaoyuan's credentials, and then glanced at Cheng Yuan in the car and nodded and said, "Wait a minute!"

The soldier turned around and ran to the sentry box with the papers to communicate with the people inside, while another soldier stared at the car motionlessly.

Soon, the soldier returned, saluting Yang Qiaoyuan, and solemnly said, "Colonel Yang, your identity has been reviewed, please go. In addition, we have already sent you the information you want to convey."

"Okay, trouble." Yang Qiaoyuan retrieved his credentials and nodded slightly.

The soldier standing in front of the car gave way. The fence is raised. The car drove steadily towards the inside, but the eighty-two accompanying car did not follow, but left the road directly.

It only took five minutes to drive from the sentry box to the base, and the pavement was paved with asphalt, which was very new. Obviously, it was only recently paved, and there are almost five posts, one post and ten posts around. Many soldiers carrying weapons are patrolling here!

The car came to the base. In front of the base was a huge square with only a few large transport vehicles parked on it. Most places are empty and very empty.

"Mr. Cheng, here." The car stopped in front of a huge metal door. Yang Qiaoyuan got off first, and Chen Yu was not behind. He also opened the door for Cheng Yuan at the same time.

After Cheng Yuan got out of the car, he began to look at the gate of the base. The gate was nearly ten meters high and eight meters wide. The dark metal gate is painted with the word [z-1] in white paint, and in the middle of the gate is a small control switch.

Yang Qiaoyuan came to the control switch, entered the password and pressed his palm on the screen next to the number key.


The door shook slightly, then slowly opened to the sides.

Yang Qiaoyuan glanced at Cheng Yuan. Walked inward, then motioned to Cheng Yuan and Chen Yu to keep up.

Seeing this, Cheng Yuan quickly followed.

This base is very old-fashioned and walks in through the gate. In the eyes is a huge space. At the foot is a simple passageway made of red iron plates and steel supports. The passageway is in the shape of a mouth and surrounds the huge space. Below the aisle is a huge work site, where people walk back and forth, and the huge space below is like a huge basin.

Cheng Yuan was next to the fence, looking down, and found that he was at least four or five meters above the wide space below.

"It's really big!" Cheng Yuan raised his head and glanced up at the top of his head. The top of the head was a circular vault wrapped in metal. The vault was supported by a metal support that was as thick as an arm. To make the whole space bright.

"It's big, but it's simple. After all, this is an old building decades ago, and now it's OK to renovate it a bit." Hearing Cheng Yuan's sigh, Yang Qiaoyuan smiled slightly and then said: "We Go on, you have already come, then this project can be officially started. "

"Well." Cheng Yuan responded softly, and followed Yang Qiaoyuan down the stairs.

The appearance of Yang Qiaoyuan's trio was naturally seen early. For young people standing next to Yang Qiaoyuan, they don't need to guess to know who they are.

Seeing the three men coming down, they stopped their movements and looked at them all together.

"Colonel Yang, is this Cheng Yuan?" A man with black and white hair and a white research suit came over, looking at Cheng Yuan.

"Hello, I'm Cheng Yuan." Cheng Yuan smiled politely to this middle-aged man who looks like the person in charge here: "Excuse me?"

"Haha! You ’re welcome. My name is Ma Zhicheng. I am the person in charge of this micro-fission reactor. You must have read our research data. How do you feel?" Ma Zhicheng smiled, his face was slightly proud, but he was watching When Cheng Yuan Yuan, his eyes were slightly excited.

Although he is dozens of years older than Cheng Yuan, he has a reputation for Cheng Yuan. He would like to hear Cheng Yuan's evaluation of his research.

"Very good invention! It is the core of this project." Cheng Yuan didn't know what to say about Ma Zhicheng's attitude. The "mini" he invented was indeed miniature enough in Cheng Yuan's eyes! So I can only perfunctory a sentence.

Hearing Cheng Yuan ’s evaluation, the smile on Ma Zhicheng ’s face was even stronger. When he was about to say something, Yang Qiaoyuan said, “Mr. Ma, the task is important. From today on, you will be able to communicate much more ~ ​​www .novelmtl.com ~ Don't rush! "

After hearing the words, Ma Zhicheng was suddenly awakened and said quickly: "The right thing is right! Let's start quickly, I would like to see what kind of things my invention will be used for!" Then, he looked at Cheng Yuan, he knew that from the moment the mission started, the entire base had to obey Cheng Yuan's orders.

Seeing everyone looking at themselves, Cheng Yuan glanced around and nodded, "Is the person in charge of each project here?"

"It's all here!" Ma Zhicheng looked around and responded quickly.

Several people nodded as he spoke.

Seeing this, Cheng Yuan continued: "Then everyone follows me, where is the computer, and the information of the robot needs to be in your heart."

When everyone heard the word "robot", everyone was shocked, and at the same time he was excited. Ma Zhicheng greeted quickly: "Come with me, I will take you to the computer room."

…… (To be continued.)

ps: Three more! ~

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