With the information given by Yang Qiaoyuan, Cheng Yuan returned to the laboratory. He urgently needs to see what the so-called miniature nuclear fission reactor developed above looks like. Then he can further adjust the robot's assembly.

As for the materials on the car, Yang Qiaoyuan knew what to do without Cheng Yuan's instructions.

Back in the laboratory, Cheng Yuan opened the briefcase for the first time, took out the folder from it, and turned it around with zero.

Only the process is far away to see with the eyes, while the zero is scanned with a mosaic camera inside the laboratory.

One person, one artificial intelligence quickly read the data.

After reading it, Cheng Yuan glanced at the design on his computer, which caused a headache. The information about the miniature nuclear fission reactor handed over to him was very different from the ‘micro’ sky he imagined!

Compared to a small reactor that is now the size of a truck head, this reactor can indeed be called miniature-only the size of a basketball!

However, such a large reactor runs counter to Cheng Yuan's design!

Cheng Yuan needs to expand the size of his robot by two or three times before he can accommodate this 'massive' nuclear fission reactor!

But the only thing that can make Cheng Yuansong relieved is that the overall data of this miniature nuclear fission reactor is still very complete, no matter from the construction of the frame or the output of energy.

"Zero, design a proper body shape based on this information." Cheng Yuan rubbed his head and looked at the nuclear fission reactor information in his hands, quite cried.

His designs are based on that slap-sized reactor in Iron Man!

"Sir, if the size is increased, our engine power will not be able to support the robot's movement. In today's design, the V8 engine is already the best engine for this robot with an estimated total weight of 300 kg." Zero has no hands-on design, instead it will Seeing the problem came out.

"Engine!" Cheng Yuan frowned, his face expression slightly changed!

Indeed, he forgot to think about it, and the motivation was there. But running engines don't. Because it does not require humans to control as Iron Man, the engine inside the robot instead of humans is the engine!

For example, nuclear power is food, and it is the basic substance for maintaining the human body. Then the engine is the human heart. Without the heart, this body is just a dead thing!

"Can't you add more?" Cheng Yuan's brows frowned tightly, a little helpless.


Hearing the voice of zero apology, Cheng Yuan knew that it was simply not useful to add a few more. A strong body needs to be matched with a healthy and strong heart. It's like you put ten babies' hearts in an adult's body. Although there are a lot of them, they are not very useful.

Maybe it will be directly exploded in the internal circulation of the human body.

Explaining so much is the reason that the V8 engine cannot carry the energy output of a nuclear reactor!

"Do you have any suggestions?" Cheng Yuan asked, looking at the constantly changing robot design on the screen.

"Adding a nuclear-powered engine is the only solution, but the size of the nuclear-powered engine does not match the overall shape of the current robot. Maybe we will change more!" Zero carefully explained. Then stop and wait for Cheng Yuan's choice.

When hearing the zero explanation, Cheng Yuan was speechless, "That is to say, we might make a big guy?"

"Yes, according to the calculation results, such a situation will indeed occur. It is expected that the height of the robot will reach eight meters. Due to the increase in volume, in order to maintain the flexibility of each part, an engine that adds power to the joints is needed, so the weight will also vary with Increase. "

If it is zero, let Cheng Yuan pull his mouth straight. If he made such a big guy, I don't know what the expression above would be.

"There is no other way?" Cheng Yuan was a little reconciled. The manufacture of such a big thing is absolutely shocking, but in terms of technical content. It's simply ruining his design. The reason is still a technical issue.

If the microfission reactor above is only the size of a palm, and if a small nuclear-powered engine can be taken out above, then all of this is not a problem!

Now, he needs to expand the overall size by two or three times, and he must also add some engines that do not need to increase.

The size looks great though. However, the huge reminder also means that it is easy to be found, and the range of hits will be widened. If there is not enough protection, it is definitely a moving target.

Especially after loading a large number of engines inside, the weakness will increase accordingly!

Of course, there are disadvantages and benefits, of course. A tall appearance can not only stun the opponent's appearance, but also add more heavy weapons to the robot.

However, Cheng Yuan's previous flight design can only be canceled, and the palm cannon is simply not thinking about it, and it is best to leave this energy as the driving force!

Cheng Yuan thought so, and zero calculation came out.

"Yes, sir. In the absence of more advanced miniature nuclear power engines and built-in miniature nuclear reactors, expanding the volume is the best way. At the same time, we need to add twelve microprocessors to the robot to ensure the program control of the robot."

After hearing the zero analysis, Cheng Yuan instantly felt a tearful face. A guy of this size does n’t say its power at first. I do n’t know how many times it will cost. Not to mention the addition of twelve microprocessors, nuclear power engines, and dozens of small V8 engines installed on the limbs to increase kinetic energy. , Multiple protective plates, large area of ​​material added.

However, Cheng Yuan didn't have much thoughts on this, anyway, as already mentioned above, what he wanted to give!

Moreover, if you want to build a robot with nuclear power as the core, you must not only look at its combat power, but also prepare to use it as a deterrent. Although the country will not show it upright, it will also deliberately leak the news.

Large robots are still powered by nuclear power. This is what appears in science fiction movies!

Such a news is enough for Huaxia to deter the surrounding Xiaoxiao.

"Well, just design a copy according to your calculations, delete the flight function and palm guns, and add heavy weapon slots."

In this regard, Cheng Yuan doesn't want to say anything more. For the country, although small robots have high technology content, they do not have the kind of shock that large robots should have. Think about it. How shocking is an eight-meter-high robot carrying various huge gun barrels and giant long-range weapons?

"Anyway, no matter how big or small, they can be considered to have their own advantages and disadvantages." Thinking of this, Cheng Yuan let go of this thought, and then began to contact Yang Qiaoyuan.

The robot's size has increased, and Cheng Yuan's laboratory cannot support him to make such a big guy. If he wants to make it, he must change places. This matter is so important that it cannot be placed in ordinary places. It needs an absolutely spacious and confidential place.

"Mr. Cheng, what's the matter?" The call was connected, and Yang Qiaoyuan's slightly excited voice came instantly.

As far as Yang Qiaoyuan's excitement is concerned, Cheng Yuan naturally understands that he did not restrict Chen Yu to keep the news confidential, so Yang Qiaoyuan can know some things that are not important.

According to Cheng Yuan's understanding, in fact, all countries have the capital and strength to manufacture large robots, but the energy and control of large robots do hinder the most basic conditions of this plan, so the emergence of Cheng Yuan is definitely the most critical to break this obstacle. character!

"There is something, and it is very important!" Cheng Yuan said solemnly without concealing it.

"What's the matter!" Yang Qiaoyuan held his breath and asked cautiously.

"I need to look at the workers, a huge confidential construction plant, enough materials and scientific research personnel, nuclear reactors and nuclear power engines all need you to be responsible. If you come out, I will be responsible for the entire construction project, project code ..." said Here, Cheng Yuan considered it.

It wasn't that he didn't think of the name, but he thought that it was the first large robot, and he had to take a bullish name.

But even though Cheng Yuan had a brilliant head, he still couldn't help his name.

On the other side of the phone, after hearing Cheng Yuan's opening, Yang Qiaoyuan's face showed ecstasy. When Cheng Yuan said so, it means that he had already designed the drawings and construction was left!

However, when hearing about the engineering code of Cheng Yuan, Yang Qiaoyuan knew that Cheng Yuan was going to give the robot a name, and Yang Qiaoyuan didn't stop Cheng Yuan's actions.

After all, he is the designer and developer of this robot and has the right to name the first robot.

So, he listened quietly, ready to hear what code Cheng Cheng would take to name this robot.

"Uh ..." Cheng Yuan groaned and asked suddenly: "What kind of name do you think is cooler?"

"Cool !?" Yang Qiaoyuan, who was waiting for Cheng Yuan's name, suddenly hesitated ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ and then cried and laughed, meanwhile sighing in his heart, it seems that genius is not everything.

"This, I don't know too well." Yang Qiaoyuan wiped his forehead without the slightest sweat, and didn't answer. Regarding this, he felt that he should not participate.

"This way ..." Seeing Yang Qiaoyuan unwilling to answer, Cheng Yuan thought about it and said, "Just use [Z-1] instead."

Seeing Cheng Yuan's decision, Yang Qiaoyuan didn't care too much about the name, and quickly nodded and said, "Yes, the project code is Z-1. I will arrange everything as quickly as possible. Then I will go back first. "After speaking, Yang Qiaoyuan was going to hang up.

However, before he hung up, Cheng Yuan began to remind him: "Colonel Yang, you have the materials you sent to the institute, I'm useful."

Yang Qiaoyuan heard a word of silence, but he did not refuse, and responded, "OK."

Seeing Yang Qiaoyuan agree, Cheng Yuan was relieved, but his guard was still short of materials. (To be continued.)

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