"Okay, I ordered to go immediately."

Zheng Jia's behavior was still the same, and Cheng Yuan's approval was given. He immediately hung up the phone and started to arrange various matters.

Cheng Yuan put away the phone and was about to see the research progress of the old professors, but the phone rang again.

The call came from my assistant room, Jing Jing.

"Did you report the purchase process of laboratory materials?" Cheng Yuan answered the phone with confusion, "Hey?"

"Boss, according to your schedule, tomorrow is your day to return to your alma mater, please don't be late." Fang Jing's cold voice rang from the phone.

As soon as Fang Jing reminded him, Cheng Yuan patted his forehead. He almost forgot about it. At the beginning, he promised the principal Ruan Yuming. If the pigeons were released, don't be embarrassed to meet afterwards.

"I know this, are there any other things?" Thinking of tomorrow's arrangements, Cheng Yuan also took a break to observe the research progress of the old professors. He must be prepared for the lectures. It is absolutely impossible for the current reputation to be publicized by the school.

At that time, he must face not only students, but also many other people from all walks of life!

"And the procedure for the car you purchased has already been completed, and the procedure for the villa you purchased is complete, but it will take time for the decoration. Are you going to put the car in the garage of the villa temporarily?"

Speaking of this matter, Cheng Yuan thought for a moment and decided to do what Fang Jing said: "Do what you want, the car will be parked in the garage."

With this arrangement, Cheng Yuan also has his own intention. Moving is certain. The car should be a surprise to his sister and Guo Xiaolian. After all, there is already so much money in the family. Ca n’t you enjoy it with your family?

"I see, let's say that first."

After Fang Jing hung up the phone, Cheng Yuan packed up the things on hand and saved most of the program code he had entered. Then he got up and left the institute.

"Boss, go home?"

As soon as he went out, Chen Yu followed immediately and got into the car. Zhang asked.

"Well." Cheng Yuan nodded slightly, thinking in his head. What kind of words should he say tomorrow's school speech. He has never encountered such a thing, giving so many people a lecture. This is the first time.

"What to say tomorrow, like Ruan Yuming, keep telling the history of the school, and the glorious history of any well-known professor who came out of the school?" Cheng Yuan shook his head, not to mention whether he knew these things or not. Knowing that he would not speak.

Because it's too shameful to do that!

"So talk about inspiration?" Cheng Yuan came up with such an idea, but then shook his head to veto it. Such inspirational speeches are not suitable for him, because such speeches are too common. If you talk about these things, you definitely won't. Will be accepted.

Because Cheng Yuan's rise is irreproducible. Even if they listened, it didn't help much. Which of the students who can be admitted to Huaxia University of Science and Technology is a fool?

So this method is ruled out again.

In the car, Chen Yu sitting beside looked at Cheng Yuan frowning for a while and shook his head for a while. Although he was puzzled in his heart, he didn't open his mouth to disturb Cheng Yuan's thinking. Who knows whether Cheng Yuan's mind is thinking of something magical new If science and technology were interrupted by himself, wouldn't he have become a sinner?

If Cheng Yuan knew what Chen Yu was thinking, he would definitely say to him, "You think too much!"

Just when both were thinking. The car has come to the gate of Jinyijiayuan. At the gate of Jinyijiayuan, a group of reporters who had been squatting here immediately saw Cheng Yuan's car, and a sudden surprise appeared in his eyes. But they haven't waited for them to rush to interview.

However, he saw a middle-aged couple rushing to Cheng Yuan's car with a young man and stopped Cheng Yuan's car. Simultaneously. The middle-aged woman cried with a sad face and shouted, "Cheng Yuan, Cheng Yuan, you have to rescue your cousin! She was arrested!"

The middle-aged woman's eyes were red, her face was frizzy, her hair was messy, and her face was nervously blocked in front of the car. Ai Aidi looked into the car with a look of despair.

Beside him, the middle-aged man was also supporting the middle-aged woman with sorrow. His eyes were covered with bloodshot, his chin was covered with messy scum, and his clothes were clung on his body. Obviously They have been here for a long time.

The young man's eyes turned red. He supported the middle-aged couple, and his tears turned. Looking at Cheng Yuan's car, with hope.

This family of three is the uncle Cheng Yuan!

After listening to his mother ’s description, he naturally hated what his family had done to their parents, but looking at the miserable appearance of the three, he frowned, and in his heart Microsoft, commanded Zhang Li, "You first let Come on up. "

"OK." Tension nodded and got out of the car. Walking towards the three uncle Cheng Yuan.

Seeing someone coming down from the car, the Cheng Peng family suddenly looked at the person nervously.

"This ... Cheng Yuan ..."

Seeing tension, Cheng Peng bumped his mouth and said nervously.

"The boss asked you to get in the car, let's talk about something." Zhang Li nodded to the three and said, "Come with me."

When they heard Cheng Yuan let them get in the car, the three of them suddenly showed a pleasant surprise. After listening, Cheng Yuan's aunt sobbed and sobbed. After hearing the mother's cry, Cheng Zhipeng whispered and comforted: "Mom, don't cry Cheng Yuan is willing to help, sister will be fine! "

Cheng Zhipeng comforted his mother, and the three followed the tension and got into the car.

Outside, when those reporters heard the words of Aunt Cheng Yuanda, their eyes suddenly glowed. What kind of rhythm is this? There are big things to happen! The words "cousin", "help" and other words came together and immediately made people think!

However, just before they came forward to find out the specific situation, they saw Cheng Yuan's driver coming out, and then invited the three of them to the car.

"Cheng Yuan, Cheng Yuan! You must save your cousin. Auntie knows that our family was sorry for you before, but for the sake of family, you must save your cousin!" Cheng Zhipeng As soon as his mother got into the car, she cried loudly to Cheng Yuan and begged.

"Yes, Cheng Yuan. It was my uncle who was sorry for you. After I went to your house that day, I also knew it. After that, I didn't plan to come, but this time you really want to help your uncle, your cousin was People took it, and I don't know what happened! "Cheng Peng also said.

Cheng Yuan heard. Immediately frowning, watching Auntie crying, he quickly asked: "What's going on, you say it clearly. Without knowing how I know how to help you."

Although he doesn't treat this family, after all, the blood is thicker than water. He can not help them in ordinary life and let them die on their own, but if they encounter an accident. He couldn't help it. This is not only a question of relatives, but also of Cheng Yuan himself.

If he doesn't do anything, even if his father doesn't say anything, what outsiders will say about him and how to look at him?

To understand the allusion that three people become tigers, how many well-known artists now have been ruined by Internet speech, and those who are attentive will know at a glance.

If Cheng Yuan remained indifferent, once the incident was passed on, the impact would be huge, even if he didn't care. But what about his parents, his sister, Guo Xiaolian's family?

They all have their own friends and life circles. If it is affected because of this, it will definitely disrupt their life rhythm and environment at this time.

Therefore, Cheng Yuan couldn't ignore it.

Of course, under the premise of management, we must also look at the cause and process of this incident.

If it's jealous of something, then he will never help. However, judging from the performance of this family member, it seems that this is not the case.

and. Since he knew that many foreign mercenaries were lurking here in Anhe City, he had some doubts about whether those people did it. In order to achieve the goal, whatever method is used, this is like a routine for those mercenaries who lick their blood.

"That's it. Last Sunday, my sister and my friend made an appointment to go shopping together. This went out, and she didn't see her back until the evening. At that time, we called and the phone reminded us to shut down. At that time, we felt bad. Now. "

It was Cheng Zhipeng who spoke.

"It's only a little late, are you nervous?" Cheng Yuan caught the fault in Cheng Zhipeng's words.

"Well." Cheng Zhipeng nodded. Said: "The family is under strict control. My sister and I will go home on time at any time except when I am a child." Cheng Zhipeng also glanced at his parents before continuing, "We have been At eleven o'clock, I didn't see my sister go home, and the phone couldn't be reached. When I asked my friends who went shopping with my sister, the other said that at five o'clock in the afternoon, they went home separately. "

"After knowing this, we realized that something might have happened. Mom went to the police station to call the police, but the police believed that her sister was an adult in her twenties, and the contact time had not been exceeded forty-eight hours. Yes, but no case has been filed. "

"Then it hasn't been contacted until now?" Cheng Yuan frowned, he realized that it might not be easy. "Then have you asked your friends who went shopping with your sister in detail?"

"Ask!" Cheng Zhipeng nodded the same way as smashing garlic ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Hearing Cheng Yuan asked, he knew that Cheng Yuan was willing to help their family, with Cheng Yuan's current influence, even if there is no case filed, the police Will also act immediately, after all, Cheng Yuan's identity is there!

"We went to her house the next day, and she was very anxious when she knew that my sister had disappeared. That day, they took us to find all the places where they were shopping that day, but there was no news." Cheng Zhipeng was sad. "If it's a kidnapping, why not contact us !?"

"I'm afraid ... I'm afraid ..." Although Cheng Zhipeng didn't say it, everyone in the car realized that if that was possible, it would be really bad.

As soon as his uncle Cheng Yuan heard what his son thought of, he immediately buried his head in his husband's arms and wept loudly.

After hearing the narration of Cheng Peng's family, Cheng Yuan also realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately instructed Chen Yu: "Chen Yu, it will bother you to search for personnel."

"Tension, turn around and go to the company!"

Looking for someone, can anyone be faster than zero? (~ ^ ~)

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