In the villa area of ​​Huaxia University of Science and Technology, in a classically decorated room, Liu Zhengci lay on a chair and looked at a science magazine. He was holding a cup of hot tea, took a sip of fragrance tea, and looked at the science magazine in his hand. , Looks pleased.

The science magazine in his possession, not the magazine belongs to the American Weekly, was mailed to him by a student studying abroad.

On the cover of this scientific magazine, a string of big red letters reads: "China's youngest Turing Award nominee Cheng Yuan!"

In the center of the cover is a photo of Cheng Yuan, in addition to Cheng Yuan, his invention, an intelligent personal health assistant.

The Turing Award is dedicated to individuals who have made important contributions to the cause of computing. Its name is taken from the pioneer of computer science, British scientist Allen Mathieson Turing.

The Turing Award has extremely high requirements for the award conditions and the evaluation process is very strict. Generally, only one computer scientist is awarded each year, and only a few of the two years have two collaborators or scientists who have contributed in the same direction to share this award.

Therefore, it is one of the most prestigious and noble awards in the computer industry, known as the "Nobel Prize in the computer industry".

Although the Turing Award is not as famous as the Nobel Prize, it is clear that there are only five awards in the Nobel Prize: Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Peace. There are no computer awards and no math awards.

Therefore, those who have made outstanding contributions in the computer field will target the Turing Award. In the field of mathematics, the Fields Prize is the driving force.

These two awards are 'Nobel' in their respective fields.

Now, after seeing this magazine that has just arrived from abroad, Liu Zhengci smiled immediately.

There was only one person who won the Turing Award at Huaxia, and that was more than a decade ago. Now, there is another one, and he is younger and has greater potential in the future!

Most importantly, he came from Huaxia University of Science and Technology!

This is not only the honor of Cheng Yuan, but also the honor of their school!

How many universities in the world. How many universities have such honors?

The thought of it made him overjoyed!

However, this matter has just been mentioned in the United States. It may have to wait until tomorrow for Huaxia.

But even so, the old principal was still cheerful. Students in the school have such an honor. For Huaxia University of Science and Technology, the meaning is extraordinary. With such an honor, Huaxia University of Science and Technology will certainly thrive in the future.

Just then, the phone rang suddenly, interrupting his illusion.

A nanny hurried over holding the phone. Then whispered in Liu Zhengci's ear, "It's President Ruan's phone."

"Ruan Yuming?" Liu Zhengci froze and muttered, "Isn't this boy inviting Cheng Yuan to give a lecture on school, how can he do his job well and call me this old man?"

Although muttering, Liu Zhengci didn't delay and connected the phone.

"Yuming, is there anything wrong?"

Liu Zhengci's voice was old but full of vitality.

Hearing the tough voice of his teacher, Ruan Yuming calmed down and took a deep breath. Calm down one's emotions and solemnly say: "Teacher, great event!"

"Oh?" A doubtful voice rang out from the other end of the phone and asked, "What's the big thing that will make you call me?"

"Cheng Yuan has already arrived. Didn't you always want to meet the great genius of our school, so I will call you immediately!" Ruan Yuming reported the news to Liu Zhengci with a little excitement, and then waited for his teacher Reply.

After listening, Liu Zhengci was quite emotional. He had long wanted to see Cheng Yuan. I just admire this young man who is only eighteen years old, even his old bones. But while admiring it, there are infinite sighs.

"If you can be in the same era as Cheng Yuansheng, that would be great. Although you can't compare with Cheng Yuan, at least you can watch Cheng Yuan step by step to the highest point and witness the rise of the Chinese scientific community!"

This is the greatest wish of all people since the development of the Chinese scientific community.

No one wants to keep falling behind, let alone a country?

If you are backward, you will be beaten. If you are backward, you can only condemn!


Over the phone. Ruan Yuming didn't hear the teacher's reply for a long time, and could not help but remind him.

After returning to God, Liu Zhengci said quickly: "See you then, help me to ask him, if he wants, come to me."

"Yes, teacher. I will do my best." Ruan Yuming hung up the phone, then put on her coat and walked out of the office.

On the other side, Cheng Yuan didn't know that the news of his back to school reached the headmaster's ears in an instant. He was now under the protection of Zhang Li and Chen Yu, walking on the road inside the school.

Although the surrounding students were very excited to see their idols, none of them came forward to stop Cheng Yuan. Being admitted to key universities, everyone has their own independent thoughts. Although they worship, they will not blindly do crazy things that chase and block.

Of course, there may be reasons for Zhang Li and Chen Yu, two brawny men who are not close to each other.

"Look, your worries are superfluous."

Facing the fiery and worshiping eyes around him, Cheng Yuan said easily to Chen Yu and Zhang Li with a look.

Regarding Cheng Yuan's words, the two could only be silent. Although the situation was not as they imagined, Cheng Yuan was telling the truth.

Seeing that his two bodyguards were eating crickets, Cheng Yuan left them a face and said nothing. The topic shifted: "Come with me to the library first."


The two froze. Although it was not clear what Cheng Yuan was going to do there, they did not ask, but just followed them honestly.

When he came downstairs to the library, Cheng Yuan stood at the door and looked at it.

A few months ago, in this library, he got something that changed his life. Everything today is also realized because of it.

"Let's go and find Professor Yan."

After staying at the door for a while, Cheng Yuan waved his hand and greeted the two.

Chen Yu and Zhang Li looked at each other with a look of doubt. They did not know why Cheng Yuan suddenly came to the library, and why he only looked at the door for a while and then left.

They knew nothing about this.

In the end, the two should be Cheng Yuan's memories of the past. After all, from the perspective of Cheng Yuan's materials, since Cheng Yuan started school, he has basically spent in the library except for classes, and it is understandable that he can do this.

Shortly after the three left the library, more than a dozen middle-aged and elderly people in formal clothes rushed to the scene. If there were senior students from Huaxia University of Science and Technology, they would find that these people were all teachers and professors of computer science in the school. Men.

When these people came to the library door, they rushed into the library without saying a word.

Ten minutes later, one of the old professors said ugly: "Who said that Cheng Yuan was in the library just now?"

Everyone glanced at each other, and finally looked at one of the young teachers.

"Professor Zhang, I am also listening to my students!" The young teacher saw the cannibalistic gaze of the old professors, and immediately cried with grief and grievance.


At this point, the three Cheng Yuan had arrived at the villa area of ​​Huaxia University of Science and Technology.

Along the way, although some people looked at Cheng Yuan with a curiosity, they hurried past without much attention. So the farther back you go, the less attention Cheng Cheng draws. Although the news of Cheng Yuan's return to school has been circulating at the school gate, but only received the news at school, there are still many people who do n’t know this. One situation.

The three came to the villa area of ​​the University of Science and Technology. The security forces at the door were still normal. When they saw Cheng Yuan walking over, the security team leader Li ran over.

"Mr. Cheng, you are here!"

Captain Li first nodded to the two, then greeted him very respectfully.

For Cheng Yuan, Captain Li can be regarded as a genius. When Cheng Yuan first came to the city for the first time, he was still nervous and astringent. He still remembers it clearly, but in a blink of an eye, Cheng Yuan had such a huge achievement.

This has to make Captain Li lament the impermanence of life!

"Brother Li, you're welcome. I'm here to find Professor Yan." A sentence of "Li Brother" Cheng Yuan made Captain Li smile with an eyebrow. He smiled: "Mr. Cheng joked, let's go and register."

Under the leadership of Brother Li, the three members of Cheng Yuan only released a simple registration.

This is not only a relationship between several people, but also because of identity.

After entering the villa area, Zhang Li suddenly asked, "Boss, you did not bring a gift."

"Eh!" Cheng Yuan heard, his steps stopped, his face suddenly became awkward. In Huaxia, if you go home, gifts are necessary ~ ~ No matter how big or small the gift is, at least one must be prepared, especially when visiting elders. This is even more important.

At this point was brought up by tension, needless to say that embarrassment in Cheng Yuan's heart!

"Why don't you remind me earlier." Cheng Yuan looked at Zhang Li and Chen Yu silently.

Seeing Cheng Yuan pushed the responsibility of forgetting the gift to himself, Chen Yu shuddered and whispered: "Boss, this is generally your assistant Fang Jing's responsibility." After speaking, it seemed like this The explanation was not enough, and he added, "And we came to the school to sign up, not to visit the elders."

Chen Yu's meaning is very simple, that is, you didn't say it early, everyone said it would be ready. After all, you want to make everything that the two old masters think about, that's impossible. And they are both responsible for protecting security.

After listening to Chen Yu's words, Cheng Yuan suddenly found that he really needed a qualified assistant to follow at any time when traveling.

"Forget it, let's go ahead. The professor won't mind."

... (~ ^ ~)

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