Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1054: Protect the calf

Inside a magnificent obelisk-shaped building, the Yan Angel sighed in distress: "Why failed again, can this thing be swallowed?"

The flame angel who does not believe in evil once again poured new materials into the infinite cells.


Without any accident, the new material is directly engulfed by infinite cells.


After Yan Angel held his head madly and roared, his emotions calmed down.

He looked at the group of infinite cells in front of him, thought about it, and began to contact the other angels.

"How's it going on your side?"

Although Yan Angel had calmed down, there was still a wave of decadence and exhaustion in his voice.

"Unexpectedly, Yan Angel would have such emotions." The rough and low voice, with a little teasing voice, sounded in Yan Angel's mind.

Yan Angel curled his lips and retorted, "Then what have you achieved?"

The fire demon who opened his mouth to ridicule was asked rhetorically. He also tried some usages, but in addition to creating a fire demon with infinite cellular properties.

He felt that he couldn't do it in a short time if he wanted to make armor. Moreover, he found that cultivating his own offspring can bring him more fun than making any armor.

The fire demon didn't know how the angel of death injected Brickan's memory.

He just instilled some simple knowledge into his new offspring, and the rest needs to be experienced by the newborn.

Seeing the ignorance of my offspring from the beginning, I looked around curiously. Then he followed his **** and asked all kinds of questions that seemed very naive and ridiculous to him.

The whole process gave him a whole new experience!

So the Fire Demon gave this unique offspring a name, Murray.

At this time, although he was talking with Yan Angel, his eyes were always fixed on Murray's every move.

Watching him carefully use his power to move his steps, for fear that he might step on the rocks on the ground or the bright red flowers and plants around him.

The fire demon smiled knowingly.

A sense of sight of an old father.

"Well, I won't do those useless things. If you have any good news, just let me know. That's it."

The Fire Demon didn't continue to compete with Yan Angel as before, but cut off the contact directly after a few perfunctory sentences.

His unusual behavior surprised the rest of the angels.

"What's the matter with him?" The most shocked one is Yan Angel. He was already doing a good job of fighting the fire demon as he did before.

As a result, the other party did not pick up!

"Uh, he has put all his energy on Murray recently, maybe he has no time to care about you." The golden devil answered Yan Angel's doubts in a weird tone.


The strange name made Yan Angel full of question marks.

"Fire is conceived by combining its own energy and blood with infinite cells." The Golden Devil said carefully.

He originally wanted to say it was made, but when he thought of the old father-like smile of the fire devil, he felt that it would be better to use nurturing.


This vocabulary makes them feel incredible.

"That means that guy is going to stay at home and take the baby?" Yan Angel said depressedly.

"Yes it is."

The Golden Devil answered Yan Angel’s question, and couldn’t help thinking in his heart, would he have to give birth to one too?

After all, they have never had infinite cells. According to the characteristics of infinite cells, they can give birth to true second-generation descendants.

The descendants made before are really the same as the replicas made on the assembly line. Everything about them is set.

Even if you can't see anything in normal times, they are like edited programs. No matter what happens in the middle, the ultimate goal will still be the same as what they originally set.

The birth of this kind of life, except that it can bring them novelty at the beginning, there is no interest at all in the back.

So this time the invasion of the Zerg, they are also indifferent to the life and death of the bottom angels.

After all, in their eyes, those angels are just tools.

But Murray is different!

He is like Brican, a life with self-consciousness!

The first sentence after Brekan was made by death was to ask: Who am I!

It was this simple sentence that made the fire demon realize what kind of life was born from their own power and blood combined with infinite cells!

This will be their true offspring!

Not those meaningless tools!

Therefore, he values ​​and loves Murray's new life

At the same time, he is also willing to accompany him to learn everything he doesn't know.

The fire demon has gone to be a parent, but the other angels and demons have to keep working hard.

After all, their long-awaited goal is finally possible.

If all of them were to be as unmotivated as the fire devil, there would definitely be some unacceptable.

"Don't worry about that guy, let's try again, who of you has tried biological materials?" Yan Angel asked.

"Try it, it will also be swallowed. Infinite cells have their own criteria for judging. In their eyes, there is only the difference between life and non-life." An angel answered.

At this time, the angel of death, who had not spoken, said, "Perhaps, we are trying to find some information from the Zerg?"

In the eyes of the angel of death, since the infinite cell is a product of the Zerg, then they must have enough understanding of the infinite cell.

When the other angels heard this, there was no objection, and they naturally agreed with the angel of death's proposal.

"The problem is that we can't get out. Those bugs are very cunning. They stay outside." The dark angel, who has been very low-key, rarely speaks.

In response, the angel of death only said indifferently: "Although we can't get out, Murray can."

With Brikan’s precedent, they naturally knew that Murray, who built a body with infinite cells, would naturally not be restricted by dimensional barriers just like Brikan.

"Don't even think about it. Murray is my child. I won't let him leave me until I think he can live on his own."

When they were discussing it, the roar of the fire demon immediately rang through the minds of all angels and demons.

"I didn't mean that..."

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