Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1052: Situation changes

"Technology Gate (

"Hello, Brikan, welcome to the outside world."

Cheng Yuan communicates with the newly born powerful angel through quantum information.

Perhaps this angel was created by the angel of death, so he is more inclined to the angels he saw at first glance, and a lot of information about angels has been implanted in his memory.

But his birth is not only the angel's efforts, but also the nano-creatures he created by Cheng Yuan.

Although he did not know the detailed principles of the birth of nano-organisms so far, Cheng Yuan knew that he could guide and control all nano-organisms to a certain extent.

So Brycan felt inexplicably kind to the voice in his mind, and what made him most unbelievable was that he subconsciously thought that the appearance of this voice was normal!

who am I? where am I? What am i going to do?

Brican was completely sluggish.

Cheng Yuan and Ling both focused their attention on Brickan at this time. Seeing the new-born angel with a dull face, they secretly smiled and yearned for him even more.

Brikan is a super individual that combines the power of all angels and demons and also integrates nano-life.

This kind of super individual can be said to have the power to destroy the universe-class battleship and even the planet in the true sense!

What is a space-class battleship?

The simplest example is that the main battleship of the Zerg can be easily destroyed by it!

This is the power of the individual.

Of course, Cheng Yuan also understands which of the angels and the Zerg is stronger, depends on the strength of both parties.

Don't be far more optimistic about angels.

Because angels have already developed into existence that has begun to break through the dimensions of their own universe, the Zerg race has not even touched the threshold of dimensions.

The war between the two sides on Ainu is just like the Yan Angel said, this is their rare pastime in a long time.

And Brikan, who combines all the power of angels, is simply the strongest guardian built for them!

"Zero, pass some knowledge to him through quantum communication." Cheng Yuan ordered Zero beside him.

Zero nodded, and immediately passed a part of relevant knowledge about the earth, solar system, and galaxy to Brikan.

Brican, who was in a daze, felt that there was a little more knowledge in his head, he was startled first, and then the expression on his face gradually calmed down.

"You are also part of me who created me?" Breikan whispered.

Cheng Yuan did not hide anything, and replied honestly: "Yes, although your blood and power are given to you by angels. But your body was created by us."

In order to prevent the newly born angel from having a confused thinking illusion, Cheng Yuan hurriedly added: "There is a part of life reproduction in the knowledge I gave you, and your birth is similar to this."

Although Brican was strong, it was not long after his birth, even if he had angels and some of their civilization knowledge in his mind.

But knowledge belongs to knowledge, and biological emotions, psychology, and experience cannot be compensated by knowledge.

This is the need to understand and adapt through life.

Brikan heard this, was silent for a while, and said: "In other words, you and death are my parents?"

⊙o⊙) can say so."

Cheng Yuan was ashamed. He touched the cold sweat on his forehead and smiled dryly: "What are you going to do now?"

"I don't know either." Burikan looked confused.

The angel of death just told him to let him fly in this direction, but didn't say what to do next.

So after stopping, he didn't know what he was going to do for a while.

Cheng Yuan smiled slightly, made a look at Zero, and suggested: "If you don't mind, I can provide you with a planet for temporary residence, and I will come and look for you at that time."

"Also." Brikan agreed quickly. He subconsciously did not resist the voice in his mind, taking it for granted.

Although he didn't know why this was, he received part of the knowledge about human beings from Cheng Yuan.

Such an idea came into his heart, probably this is the close connection between relatives.

After all, demands between relatives are generally difficult to refuse, just as he did not refuse the order of the angel of death.

Cheng Yuan gave Brichan the coordinates of the red star.

In his opinion, after Chixing experienced the baptism of elemental energy, there will definitely be a different change.

This change may not be felt by the crystals on the planet, but the animals and plants on the planet have already begun to change.

So if you go to Akasei, it is more suitable for Brikan.

The most important thing is that those animals that have been enhanced with elemental energy also need a corresponding manager.


On the other side, on Ainu star, the angels of death cheered because Brican could walk out of Ainu star field ignoring the barrier of dimensions.

Only the Angel of Death has been trying to contact Brican.

It's a pity that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't contact Brican. It seemed that after breaking through the barrier of dimensions, Brican disappeared.

"Death, let's quickly collect those materials, I can't wait to see it." Yan Angel ignored Death Angel's worries and said grinningly.

The angel of death waved his hand: "Go ahead and I will try again."

Yan Angel curled his lips. He glanced at the excited other angels around him, and then greeted everyone and began to clean the Zerg on the battlefield.

Since the angel of death is worried, let him worry about it first, and just give him a battle armor ready to go out.

At this point, the angels no longer face the Zerg invasion with the mentality of a game.

The Zerg commander who had been hiding behind Ainu star suddenly discovered that more than a dozen powerful energy sources appeared on the battlefield.

This is the fact that several powerful energy individuals have swept the entire battlefield in an almost unreasonable He didn't even have time to react, and he heard his men report that the entire army was wiped out.

"how is this possible!?"

He didn't believe it for the first time, but the disappearance of the signal was indeed a real deal!

The angels have made a big move!

They forced out the strongest power of angels!

This idea popped up in the commander's mind, and he promptly sent a message to the headquarters.

Located in a deep space universe outside the dimensional barrier of the Ainu star field.

The Zerg’s main battleship and general combat center hovered here quietly.

The huge battleship is crawling in the dark like a giant beast, and you can only observe this daunting huge battleship faintly through the occasional flashing signal lights.

This is a super giant that cannot see the end with the naked eye.

"The group of angels finally can't help it?" The Zerg commander is not as burly and vicious as other Zergs.

On the contrary, his body size is similar to that of a human being, about 1.9 meters tall, and a thin body compared to the Zerg.

It's just a pair of scarlet eyes that makes people scared.

"There should be other changes in this, and we should not attack it rashly. We should send more creation soldiers over."

As the commander-in-chief of this mission of the Zerg, he has been very clear about the power of angels in the past few years.

Both sides are very restrained on the battlefield. They are observing the angels. Why aren't the angels observing them?

It was only a few years, and he didn't believe that the angels would have a systematic understanding of them.

After all, they rarely appear in the Ainu star field.

After thinking about it for a long time, he issued an order: "The frontline commander retreats temporarily and sends more creation soldiers over to see what the angel intends.

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