Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1039: purpose

Chapter 1107

Benefit is definitely something that can bring strong driving force.

Seeing that there was no indication from the Technology Crystal Company, most of the forces were ready to move, and aimed at Nora Star.

Compared with these people, Yang Yu is also not easy here.

After learning that a spacecraft under their combined forces had been attacked, many alert people immediately reacted.

Someone likes the cake of Nora Star.

A rich planet that already has a foundation for development is many times stronger than those extreme primitive planets found by other forces!

Just looking at Yang Yu who has become a world-renowned rich man directly because of Nora Star is not just about being rich.

Even his own status and personal strength have been greatly improved.

If they can get a share in Nora Star, then they will definitely not be improved less than Yang Yu!

Among the forces of Yang Yu's entire alliance, many people who are not strong can't help but worry about whether their future interests can be guaranteed.

So these people also support Yang Yu the most.

On the contrary, those forces with relatively strong strength are not so worried about this matter.

Of course, even if they are not worried about this issue, they still attach great importance to this matter.

After all, those people outside are here to grab Nora Star, even if they are powerful, since the other party dares to grab it, they must be confident.

Even if you have kept your interest in Norasing at that time, you will definitely suffer a certain degree of loss overall.

If the other party is more greedy, even if he can keep it, how much is left?

So they have to prepare in advance.

At least in this battle, no matter which side wins, they must guarantee their current interests.

The only way to guarantee self-interest is to show your fist.

In a spacious and bright meeting room, Yang Yu sat down on the chief with a heavy face.

On both sides of him are representatives of numerous coalition forces.

Zhang Qian, who was sitting on his right hand, had an uncertain expression on her face.

She is not a very profound role after all, although she has a relative in a technology crystallization company.

But how can she dare to think that the technology crystal company will thrive because of her alone?

She is not a relative of high-level technology crystal companies.

Therefore, she feels that even if she reveals her identity, at best she can only guarantee that those who come to grab it will not do anything to her.

"Everyone, have you heard the news." Yang Yu interrupted Zhang Qian's thoughts.

"I heard that the Technology Crystal Company does not care. We have to prepare ourselves. This may be the first interstellar war." Wang Xing glanced at Yang Yu with a heavy face, with a little emotion.

But from Yang Yu's point of view, why does he feel that Wang Xing is a little excited?

Is it an illusion! ?

Yang Yu didn't think about this issue carefully. He glanced at Wang Xing who was a little excited and said: "I have sent a message to the Federation, and there is no reply yet."

Wang Xing put away the little excitement in his heart, he was surprised and said: "You haven't contacted the Technology Crystal Company?"

As one of the representatives, Wang Xing represents not a group company, but another level.

So he knew what the above meant.

Mars has been monopolized by Cheng Yuan, a technology crystallization company, although Cheng Yuan has profited part of it.

But this is far from meeting the requirements of high-levels.

Therefore, after the development of the universe was revealed by the Technology Crystal Company, they directly moved the target from Mars to other planets.

And their main goal is the Kepler series of planets.

These Earth-like planets discovered by Kepler have been discovered before, but all conclusions are speculations.

But now that they have the ability to travel to these planets, their primary goal is certainly not the coordinate data given by the Technology Crystal Company.

It is a similar planet that I have discovered long ago and have related records and some information.

With a jump engine that can fly over today, the distance of a thousand light-years only needs about 7 years.

According to calculations, the life expectancy of human beings today is 433 years!

So as early as when the Technology Crystal Company began to sell the spacecraft, they had already dispatched a fleet to a habitable planet like Gliese 832C 23 light years away from the earth.

After nearly two months of voyage, their advance fleet has reached the outer space of Gliese 832C.

In the following years, they have been conducting various data analysis on this planet similar to the Earth.

No one stepped in.

Through instrument testing, the gravity of this planet is ten times higher than that of the earth!

People without special training can't survive under such gravity at all. At present, only the various machinery and equipment they make can enter this planet.

Of course, they also began to adapt training in gravity.

However, the effect of this training is very slow, almost can be described by turtle speed, the current maximum withstand gravity is only about three times!

A little higher, the internal organs of the human body will not be able to bear it and cause damage.

According to the findings from observational data, the planet Kepler 452B is most suitable for humans. Both the gravity and the environment of the parent star are very similar.

And the distance of 1300 light-years to them is less than ten years, which is completely acceptable to the federal high-level.

So before reaching 452B planet, Nora became one of the goals of the federation's high-level.

Although Yang Yu cooperates, he is the nominal owner of this planet.

This makes the senior management uncomfortable.

Although the cooperation will continue, the focus will definitely not be placed on Nora.

In the same way, the reason why the destruction of warships this time has attracted such attention is the result of the Federation's push behind it.

Otherwise, when the pioneering operation just started, there were countless small-scale wars caused by disputes over interests, but none of these were reported!

Even if sporadic news appeared on the Internet, it was like a drop of water splashing on the surface of the lake, without causing many waves.

The senior management behind Wang Xing intends to use Nora Star as a to focus the attention of certain forces on Nora Star.

This way they can better travel to the planet Kepler 452B.

Perhaps Cheng Yuan only saw the aspect of the infighting, and never thought about the true purpose of the infighting.

But he wouldn't even think about it, after all, a planet like Kepler was nothing to him.

At least he knew so many habitable planets that he couldn't even count them.

And the more livable the planet, the more trouble they want to occupy and declare ownership.

After all, those planets are all gestating native life!

Regardless of whether there is wisdom in these native lives, how high their wisdom is, whether they have established their own civilization.

But as long as it exists, there will be trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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