Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1036: Fusion

Chapter 1104

Three huge petri dishes are placed on the clean laboratory bench.

Zero carefully controls an elliptical surface covered with sharp thin needles, and then controls these needles to penetrate the cells on the petri dish.

These needles stop after they penetrate the cell membrane of the cells on the petri dish.

The cell membrane was squeezed by the needle, resulting in some slight depressions and deformation. After the needle was smoothly pierced, its plasma membrane quickly returned to its original shape.

As the outermost membrane of the cell, it itself undertakes the internal stability of the cell structure and the material transport, energy conversion and signal transduction between the cell and the external environment.

Therefore, for this injection of elemental energy, Zero first thought of simply injecting through the cell membrane to observe the possibility of fusion between cells and elemental energy.

The golden elemental energy is injected into the cell membrane through the needle, and then slowly pushed out.

If the outer membrane of the cell can contain elemental energy harmoniously, then the goal that Cheng Yuan wants can be achieved in the first step, and it will become very simple.

Of course, the probability of failure is very high.

Simply speaking from the cell structure, the most important part of the cell itself is the nucleus.

The role of the cell membrane is more to screen substances, absorb nutrients, and some metabolism, secretion.

Zero attempts to inject elemental energy into the cell membrane, the idea is only to see if the cell membrane can accept elemental energy.

Produce some selective exchange.

If the cell membrane cannot contain elemental energy, you can also try to inject it directly into the nucleus.

After all, the nucleus is equivalent to the cell's brain, controlling all activities of the entire cell.

Therefore, the experiment does not necessarily need to be from the outside to the inside, but also from the inside to the outside.

After injecting elemental energy into the cell membrane, Zero immediately conducts an experiment on the second cell.

This time, the cytoplasm was injected.

The cytoplasm contains a lot of material components required for biological activities!

If a cell is compared to the human body, then the cell membrane is equivalent to human skin, muscle tissue and blood vessels.

The cytoplasm is equivalent to the human skeleton, nerves, medical systems and so on.

As for the nucleus, it is the brain that controls everything in humans!

So after injecting the cytoplasm, zero will directly start to inject elemental energy into the nucleus.

The preliminary experiment is simple and rude!

However, the elemental energy is still very powerful. In the first cell that injected elemental energy into the cell membrane, in just one minute, the zona pellucida in the middle of the cell membrane began to collapse.

Immediately after this collapse, the entire cell's interior was disturbed, and part of its cytoplasm was surrounded and swallowed, forming a situation similar to autophagy.

Then the whole cell collapsed and died.

This result is not unexpected.

After all, the function of the cell membrane itself can guess that there is a high probability that it is impossible to contain elemental energy.

Zero did not pay too much attention to this cell culture dish that had collapsed and died in a large area, and turned to the second one.

The second petri dish did not immediately change, and the elemental energy did not cause any damage inside the cytoplasm.

Observed through a microscope, Zero found that the elemental energy even stayed peacefully in the cytoplasmic liquid, without fusing with it and causing no special changes.

This situation made his eyes light up slightly.

This unchanging change is sending him a signal.

That is, elemental energy can stay inside the cell!

After writing down this information, he continued to observe for a while.

It's just that there seems to be a certain balance between elemental energy and cytoplasm, and the two live together peacefully.

"It seems that some external force is needed?" Muttered, Zero looked at the last petri dish.

Most of the cells in this petri dish with cell energy injected into the nucleus have died.

A small number of cells are also evolving toward death.

Flip through the video records quickly.

He found that after elemental energy entered the cell nucleus, the cell nucleus began to expand at a very fast rate.

Then just pop open like a hard-boiled egg.

Compared with the autophagy death of the cell membrane, the injection of the nucleus is more complete.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a dead body.

"It seems there is something wrong with this approach."

After a simple cleanup, Zero sent this part of the experimental record images back to Mars for Cheng Yuan to watch.

Then he began to inject more elemental energy into each part of the cell structure in different ways.

Although cells can be simply divided into cell membrane, cell nucleus, and cell nucleus. But if you divide it carefully, you can still list many structures.

All this requires him to try one by one.


On Mars, Cheng Yuan, who was watching TV news at home, did not go back to the room alone after receiving zero return information.

Having not been in contact with society for too long, Cheng Yuan needs to read current affairs news as much as possible to understand the changes in recent years.

Leaning half on the sofa, gently raised his hand to open the experimental record of zero return.

The fusion of elemental energy and cytoplasm made Cheng Yuan slightly surprised.

Judging from the information obtained from the crystallization of science and technology, it is the most direct and effective way to directly inject the huge energy generated by the accelerated impact on the elemental energy into the human body.

However, the crystallization of science and technology is also very single. What Cheng Yuan wants is a method, and it directly gives the method.

No detailed explanation was given.

Therefore, in Cheng Yuan's view, the zero experiment should be regarded as a form of existence after elemental energy is injected into the human body.

But it is not this simple free communion.

The method given by the crystallization of science and technology will make the elemental energy completely a part of human beings, not only will change itself, but this change can also be directly passed on to the next generation!

This change is subtle.


This is the final conclusion in the technical knowledge that the crystallization of science and technology gave him.

It can completely transform elemental energy into a part of human beings.

And this part will not even have much change and influence on the original human gene chain ~ at best, it will make human beings more ‘energy’.

And this part of energy cannot be used directly by humans, and some auxiliary equipment and tools are needed to help use it.

After all, humans and angels are two completely different races, and angels can directly control the energy in their cells through their own abilities.

But humans simply can't do it!

Even now, who would dare to say that he can freely control his body's cells?

The special balance between cytoplasm and elemental energy allows Cheng Yuan to try to develop this kind of energy that can guide the use of the elemental energy in the cell.

Of course, the premise of the research and development of this equipment is that it needs more experimental data to support it.

This is not simply about injecting elemental energy into the cell.

(End of this chapter)

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