Just as Cheng Yuan was lost, the door to the lounge was knocked.

"Boss, can we go now?"

A tense voice passed through the gate into the room.

Cheng Yuan suddenly woke up, thinking that he had told Zhang Li yesterday that he would leave the institute today.

Looking into his own head again, Cheng Yuan's eyes flickered.

I don't know if it is an illusion. Cheng Yuan felt that although the red area did not decrease, the color seemed to change slightly. This change was not very obvious, but was keenly captured by him.

"Is the gene fortifier effective?" Cheng Yuan couldn't help but think again.

Just as Cheng Yuan thought to himself, there was another knock outside the door.


There was some change in Zhang Li's voice, with a hint of nervousness in the doubt.

As soon as he heard the strangeness in Zhang Li's tone, Cheng Yuan reacted quickly, for fear of Zhang Li thinking about it, while walking up to open the door, he said, "Here it is."

After leaving the door, Cheng Yuan saw Zhang Li standing nervously at the door with a tense face, and saw his tight body relax after seeing him come out normally.

"Let's go."

Without giving Zhang Li a chance to speak, Cheng Yuan hurriedly said something, and then took the lead and went out.

He just wanted to go out and wash well before eating something good.

Because at this time the institute is not operating normally, although all the equipment and living utensils are very complete, the people in the cafeteria are not yet in place. The meal that Cheng Yuan has eaten these days is made by hand.

Zhang Li's craftsmanship can only be regarded as being barely able to be imported. If it was not for the family of Cheng Cheng, the coarse tea and light rice would have been used, otherwise, in terms of current status and living standards, such a meal is really difficult to import!

To this end, Cheng Yuan also specifically asked about tension, how he learned to cook.

And Zhang Li ’s answer was only two words, “Battlefield!”

Hearing these two words, Cheng Yuan closed his mouth suddenly, although in the international situation. Only the Middle East has small-scale warfare, but the real situation, Cheng Yuan knows very well through several military satellites under zero control.

Although Huaxia looks very stable. But at the border, it is still very chaotic.

This confusion is not only directed at foreign forces, but also those of arms dealers and drug lords.

Money is moving, arms and drugs are two things that are currently very profitable. As long as there is ambition, no one will refuse such a way to make money.

In order to maintain the overall stability of the country, large troops have been stationed along the Huaxia border, and once there is a situation, soldiers will be sent to investigate. This type of investigation is very dangerous and an accident can result in death.

Those drug dealers and arms dealers who do not care about the forces and identities you belong to, as long as they block their financial path, they dare to shoot at you and kill you!

And Zhang Li's cooking skills learned from the battlefield. Can it be delicious?

There, as long as you can fill in the stomach, who cares about the taste?

Therefore, Cheng Yuan can be regarded as having tasted a few days of military rations these days. As for the changes in the crystallization of science and technology in his mind, Cheng Yuan was very careless. Since the gene fortifier has an effect, then according to the results given in his mind, the status quo in his mind should be changed.

Anyway, the gene fortifier has been used, it will always change if it changes, it will never change if it doesn't change.

Rather than restless. It's better to satisfy yourself with delicious food, so that even in the end, he will not regret it. After all, I have been waiting for nervousness and fear, and then watched the crystallization of technology go a little bit to destruction. Cheng Yuan doesn't want to experience the kind of despair and struggle. Anyway, he is dead right and left, it is better to eat and drink, do what he wants, and then die with satisfaction!

With such an idea, Cheng Yuan came out of the institute with tension.

Doorway. Chen Yu still performed his duties diligently, guarding the entrance of the institute without expression, until Cheng Yuan and Zhang Li never came out, he had no action.

"Boss, aren't you talking about a month?" Chen Yu asked Cheng Yuan curiously, and looked sideways at the same time. Cheng Yuan hurriedly made Fang Jing prepare a dose of antipyretics for one month, and he also I thought it would take at least one month.

But it's only been a week now.

Regarding Chen Yu's doubts, Cheng Yuan faintly explained: "This experiment went exceptionally smoothly, so it came out earlier."

Then, without waiting for Chen Yu to continue to speak, Cheng Yuanyi greeted, "Let's go, I want to have a good meal."


Cheng Yuan's first sentence puzzled Chen Yu for a long time. He looked at Zhang Li and asked with his eyes what had happened.

Seeing Chen Yu's searched look, Zhang Li's mouth twitched slightly, shaking his head and saying nothing.

Cheng Yuan was anxious to go out and eat. As the party concerned, he was very clear. But he wouldn't talk about it. Did he tell Chen Yu that the food he made was too unpalatable, so that Cheng Yuan could not wait to eat out so much?

There was no question from Zhang Li, and Chen Yu had to follow up with doubts in his head.

After getting on the Rolls-Royce Phantom that Zheng Jia bought specially, Cheng Yuan first ordered Zhang Li: "Go to Juyuan for a meal, then go to the largest car 4s shop in Anhe City." Then he turned to Chen Yu and said "You can help me contact Anhe where there are villas for sale."

Cheng Yuan ’s words suddenly let Zhang Li and Chen Yu both on the car for a while, but it was not too strange. After all, Cheng Yuan ’s net worth wanted to buy more cars or houses. Is the most normal.

Instead, his habits like monks before made them feel weird.

Every day at 2 o'clock in front of life, dressed casually, if he was not a Rolls Royce to work, the house where Anhe City is still a well-known neighborhood, they would think that Cheng Yuan is just a migrant worker!

Therefore, Cheng Yuan ordered them not to be surprised, but just felt that his boss was finally getting rid of it and knew that he had lived a rich life.

Drive by tension and quickly drive towards Ju Yuan.

Cheng Yuan has liked the taste of this restaurant since Yao Yuan went to Yao once.

Rolls-Royce Phantom walked all the way through the streets and alleys, and then came to the gate of Ju Garden.

Although it was still early in the morning, there were not many people at Juyuan's gate, but when he saw Cheng Yuan's Rolls Royce parked at the gate, he hurriedly greeted him at the gate and respectfully guided them.

Tension follows security guidelines. Park the car firmly in front of the restaurant door, the doorman consciously stepped forward to open the car door.

Cheng Yuan got out of the car and glanced at the slightly deserted restaurant. He didn't care. Striding into the door. Behind him, Chen Yu got off from the other side and quickly followed.

As soon as Cheng Yuan came in, the lobby manager's eyes brightened and he greeted with a smile.

"Cheng Dong. You don't have to call in advance so that I can prepare for you earlier!"

Cheng Yuan nodded faintly to the manager of the lobby, and commanded: "Give me a random place, and the dishes will be served as I ordered last time."

Cheng Yuan didn't say much, took Chen Yu to find a seat by the window.

Soon, the lobby manager came to Cheng Yuan's table with a pretty-looking waiter with tea in his hand, and said charmingly: "Cheng Dong, wait a moment, the dishes come right away. You drink first Coffee break. "


Cheng Yuan nodded, showing nothing.

Hall manager sees this ... [This chapter is not finished, please click on the next page to continue reading! ]

The total page of this chapter is currently page 1. You can press the ← key and → key to turn the page and you don't care. He is naturally smooth and he will not hate Cheng Yuan for being indifferent. The lobby of the garden manager.

And he is also very clear that Cheng Yuan ’s status and status is the chairman of technology crystallization. He is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Many senior officials in Anhe City ca n’t see Cheng Yuan. If he can come here to eat, it ’s a living advertisement As long as he blew himself out casually, the reception process was far away. That will definitely make friends in the circle envious!

Winking at the waiter next to him, he smiled and stepped back.

After the hall manager left, the waitress who stayed was quite professional, although Cheng Yuan was considered a big celebrity. However, she still completed her job seriously, and did not come forward to talk because of the identity of the guest.

Cheng Yuan glanced at the waitress in surprise, no wonder that the manager said that she was the best waiter in the store, and such a professional attitude could not be overstated as an elite.

After a while, tension came in from the door.

Three people sat around a table. After seven or eight minutes, the dishes began to serve 66 consecutively.

Smelling the scent of vegetables floating from the dinner plate, Cheng Yuan could not help but sucked his nose.

Cheng Yuan ’s actions made Chen Yu again unable to help looking at Tension. He did n’t understand something. Why did n’t he meet for only one week? Cheng Yuan became like this. Think the person in front of you is disguised by others.

Seeing Chen Yu's gaze, Rao was also a little embarrassed by tension. He avoided Chen Yu's sight and stared at the dishes that were served on the table. His eyes were as if there was something in the dish.

At the dining table, the three had nothing to say, because Chen Yu had already eaten breakfast, so he took a few sips and set down the chopsticks, and then looked at the two who were gorging in front of him, staring thoughtfully.

He felt as if he understood something, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a hint of play.

After a lingering storm, Cheng Yuan snorted happily, glanced at the tension, and said with emotion: "It's still delicious here."

But he felt very good, but the tension he sat across from him, Chen Yu and the waiter who was arranged beside them looked at Cheng Yuan with an incredible look like a monster!

The three people looked at with such weird eyes, even if Cheng Yuan, who was more casual, felt strange. Can't help but ask, "What's wrong, look at me like this?"

"Boss ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Have you not eaten for a few days?" Chen Yu stared at the dozen or so empty plates piled up in front of Cheng Yuan, his eyes were even stranger, he always felt that Cheng Yuan had come out of the institute It seems like some changes, but this direct change is too exaggerated.

Cheng Yuan had eaten at least five people for this meal. Has he become the king of stomach?

Cheng Yuan was so mentioned by Chen Yu that he stunned and looked subconsciously in the direction pointed by Chen Yu, and his corner of the eye suddenly jumped.

"No wonder I said how the gene enhancer would be ineffective, so it is!"

Cheng Yuan looked at the empty plates stacked in front of himself, revealing a stunned look, and then ignored the two people in front of him, his thoughts moved slightly, and he instantly entered the crystal of science and technology deep in his mind! (~ ^ ~)

ps: It has been exploded again, please beg your brothers and sisters for their support!

The ant's chrysanthemums are up to you. [End of this chapter]

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