Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1041: Flamisin

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"is this real?"

The center star of the Crystal Empire, Freeman was slightly agitated after receiving news from the exploration team.

There is only one Zerg ship!

Although the other party will destroy their expedition even if there is only one spaceship, if there is only one, then does it mean that they have the opportunity to capture the other party?

As soon as this idea came up, it grew wildly in his mind, making Freeman's breathing thicker.

The horror and power of the Zerg are well understood. If they have the opportunity to capture a complete Zerg spaceship, it will be a great news for their Crystal Empire.

As for whether the Zerg will get revenge after capturing the opponent, Freeman did not consider this issue at this moment.

In his opinion, is there a buffer between them and the Zerg?

Only hatred exists between the two parties!

But Freeman soon calmed down, and he was not affected by his emotions.

After calming down, he re-ordered: "To continue the investigation, I need to know more and more specific information!"

Freeman's eyes returned to clear, he needed more information. If the other party really only had one spaceship, then it might be necessary to try it.

Withstand the impulse in his heart, Freeman waited quietly for new news.

"Senior speaker, there is new movement in the Resistance. Commander Augustine reports that they have begun to attack the eastern Flamy planet." The lieutenant hurried in and said nervously.

When he heard the news, Freeman's eyes suddenly became cold. In the eyes of the Resistance, it was an outright scourge, a provocation against his rule.

At the same time, the existence of the Resistance is also silently accusing him of how unpopular this leader is!

Although the reasons are very complicated, it is not just his problem.

But ordinary people don't care about other people at all, they just say that they see it, because Freeman's leadership has led to chaos inside the empire.

He is not a qualified leader at all!

So every time Freeman was mentioned, Freeman didn't look good.

"How many border garrisons have opted to join the Resistance?" Freeman asked calmly, his voice cold as ice.

The lieutenant trembled slightly, and bowed his head and replied, "At present, twenty members have joined the Resistance, and the other garrisons remain neutral. As to whether anyone will join the Resistance, we are not sure."

Freeman did not embarrass his aide, after all, such things are inherently uncertain.

While the resistance has grown, the gap between the two sides has gradually narrowed, and more people choose to wait and see that is their nature.

"Let Commander Augustim go to Flamy in person, be sure to repel the Resistance." Freeman squinted, and the Resistance's attack was undoubtedly displayed to those garrisons that remained neutral.

He wants to show that they can fight against himself, so maybe some garrison commanders with ideas in mind will tend to join them.

Of course, ahead of time they were able to capture Flamy's planet.

Only momentarily, Freeman guessed the intent of the Resistance. He certainly wouldn't let the opposition's intentions succeed, so he immediately sent Augustim to command.

As long as Augustine repels or even destroys the forces of this rebel attack, the rebels will still be unfavorable to the border commanders.

This can effectively prevent more garrison commanders from choosing to join the Resistance.

Even after their Senate showed strong force, maybe there will be a border garrison to choose to join them!

After all, the Senate has always ruled the empire, and the resources it possesses are definitely not comparable to those of the Resistance.

Even if the resistance cannot be eliminated for various reasons now, but occupying the military advantage, no matter how you look at it, the final victory will be biased towards the Senate.

Therefore, the Senate must not lose this battle!

Augustim, who was far from the front, clearly saw this clearly. He immediately left for the eastern Flamy planet without making bullshit.

In the eyes of Augustine, although the Senate has various flaws and problems, the Senate has been able to rule the empire stably for so many years.

This shows that their system is not very problematic, even if there are defects and defects, they can be corrected!

If it were not for mechanical life and the zerg, there would not have been a rebellion within the empire!

The reason why Augustine still fought for the Senate was because he didn't want to cause bigger problems because of the change of system, which caused the empire to become more chaotic.

He couldn't believe that if the rebels were able to rule, they could guarantee the stable development of the empire like the Senate.

Because of this, he insisted on fighting for the Senate!

Perhaps after the end of the civil strife, he will use his power to advise Freeman to conduct a cleansing against corruption.

After all, the ruling system is correct, but the human heart has been corrupted!

This shows that their system does not need to be changed much in the general direction, but it needs to be changed in a small way.

Such as the length of office of members of Parliament and the addition of more professional assessments.


Flamy, a giant planet with a diameter of 130,000 kilometers, is a scientific planet located in the eastern part of the Crystal Empire.

The science planet is one of the types of the crystal empire. In the crystal empire, the planet is divided into four categories: administrative, military, resource, and scientific.

There are many sub-categories from the four major categories.

Flamy is an important planet integrating education and research. It has contracted nearly forty percent of the scientific research achievements of the empire, and can be said to be one of the core of the empire's scientific research!

Such an important planet, let alone other meanings, cannot allow the Senate to let it go to the Resistance!

At this moment, outside this huge and beautiful planet, a huge battleship formed a queue hovering quietly in outer orbit.

On the main battleship, the resistance commander of the Resistance Army calmly looked at the beautiful pale green planet below ~ ~ The white clouds and pale green road surface color show that this planet has perfect greenery, Adding the blue of the ocean, the three colors are mixed together to form a beautiful picture.

"Did the announcement come out?" Diro looked calm, squinting to admire the beautiful planet below, and at the same time he was secretly alert to the Senate army.

Although they are planning to occupy the planet, they will at most only issue notices to inform the planet's inhabitants, rather than let the fleet directly into the planet.

If they dare to do so, they will undoubtedly add a bandit label to the rebels.

In this way, what they have done before will be brought to naught.

So in addition to issuing announcements, all they can do is send a small team to control the planet ’s managers, and then take over the planet ’s intelligent management center.

And in the meantime, all they can do is wait and watch out for the army that may appear at any time in the Senate!

М.③③χs.cóм worth collecting by book friends

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