Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1016: Self-cultivation

㈢ ろ ⺗ 裞 蛧 更 薪 最 駃 → ωωω. ろ ㈢χs. て oм 鍀

After 6 months.

After a long journey, Suan and End returned to the empire.

On their way back, they sent their experience to the empire ahead of time.

So now they just entered the space port and hovered the warship, and the high-ranking empire sent them to inform them to go directly to the research institute.

It is said that the research institute has made new progress on this amazing creature.

"so fast!?"

Su An and Ender looked at each other.

Although the technology has improved a lot, it only took a few days for them to deliver the message.

But is this creature so easy to study?

They came to the institute with suspicion in their hearts.

The academy has basically not changed, but it has not come in six months, and a new building has been built in it.

They were led by a staff member of the institute to the new building.

"Two Overseers, this building was built by the Empire specifically to study new creatures, and all people involved in the research are concentrated here."

The staff introduced them with a smile.

"The main role of this building is to collect the experimental data and evaluation conclusions of various experiments," he said excitedly.

"Two, come with me." The staff gestured to them with a smile, then walked ahead to lead the way.

Su An looked shocked when he stood downstairs. He didn't expect that the empire had set up a research building specifically for that kind of creature.

Although thousands of years apart, Su An is also quickly adapting to the new empire.

He is also very familiar with the situation of the empire. As the heart of the empire, this planet can be described in inches of gold, and even a property on this planet is worth enough to buy an ordinary in a remote star field. Planet!

So he was shocked that the Empire had opened up a special land here, and then built such a building for studying new creatures!

Unlike Su An's shock, Ender is quite excited. The more the Empire attaches importance to this creature, the more valuable his mission is.

As for why the empire was so popular, it was necessary to build such a building on the new core ball of the empire, although he was also a little confused.

But he didn't think too much, and he didn't work in politics.

Besides, no matter what the Empire does, it must have its own plans. As a military person, he only needs to take care of the external war!

The two followed the leading researchers directly to the top floor of the building.

Here is the data center of the entire building, where many research staff gather.

Su An looked around and saw that all the researchers were looking down at the information at hand, and they ignored the arrival of the two outsiders.

"Two, the supervisor is on the main console, and I'll take you to see him." The staff nodded to the two, and the three came to the main console along the passage next to the wall.

Here, a man in black overalls looks different.

"This is the head of our data center, Marty." He briefly introduced it, and after speaking with Marty a few words, he left alone.

Obviously he has other things to do.

"Welcome, Your Excellency The Two Warlords." Marty bowed slightly as a tribute.

Su An and Ender also bowed in return.

"I heard that you have made a new progress in the study of this creature?" Ender asked directly, without curiosity, with a look of curiosity.

Marty smiled and said modestly: "Yes, but it's just a few discoveries, not worth mentioning. Let's talk about the problem of capture."

Marty obviously switched the subject directly and did not want to say more.

Ander doesn't know if he didn't realize this, he urged along with Marty's words: "Then take me to see it, you don't know that the capture network you gave me before had no chance to use it. , The squad was destroyed by those creatures. "

Ender looked depressed, as if to blame each other.

In this regard, Marty said apologetically, "Sorry, His Excellency, it was our research mistake, but this time there should not be too much error."

Su An glanced deeply at Marty, who felt like he was a very talkative person and a smooth man.

For example, he didn't want to tell the two people about the new findings of the research, so he switched the topic directly.

In the sentence just now, although the problem of the capture network is indeed related to the research institute, the key to the problem is that the data is not comprehensive.

But he admitted it directly.

This person is going to come!

"According to the new information provided by the two, these creatures are not just what we see. Although the layer of crust outside them looks like space rocks, it is actually a stratum corneum of some kind of energy crystallization!" A video.

The video was sent back by the two of them, but Marty opened only an excerpt.

In the picture are the soft black spikes they saw at the time!

"Did you see them? They are very soft, and the color is not different from the hard shells around them." Marty watched the video gaze.

He continued: "Our researchers guessed the conclusions by analyzing the video and comparing the experimental subjects."

He turned to look at Ender and Su An with an inexplicable smile, and said gently: "If you attacked it at the time, maybe you will see this layer of carapace in your eyes, but it can actually change Into something like black spikes, and attack you! "

With that said, he had a pity look: "Unfortunately, you didn't attack, you just conducted a very one-sided investigation, otherwise we can see if this layer of energy crystals can be transformed into any form."

Su An and End listened to Marty's words, their heads were black.

Is this asking their soldiers to take the initiative to die?

Knowing that the attack has no effect on these creatures, he also proactively provoked the other party. Isn't that all right to find something for himself?

"You can use biological soldiers instead." Marty smiled, guessing what the two thought.

"Just those idiots, how can you control the warship?" Ender pouted his lips, and he wanted to confuse the creature soldiers of the empire.

Although it is easy to use, it has a low IQ, which makes it impossible to see.

"Rest assured, I will give you some intelligent control programs, and you can control the warship remotely."

Marty smiled and explained: "Rest assured, we will prepare special warships and soldiers for this experiment. You just need to send them over for us."

The two of them suddenly lost their opinion, anyway, just don't let their soldiers and warships die.

"Let's talk about how to catch these creatures," Ender asked again.

At this moment Marty was unexpectedly silent for a while.

The smile on his face closed, and he said to them seriously, "Before you return, the high-ranking empire has discussed it, and they have given up their plans to capture those creatures."


"This kind of creature is so amazing. Before UU read the book, before the full understanding, the empire is going to cultivate the seventeen creatures brought back by Lord Su'an for research."

Marty glanced at Suan and said, "Moreover, we have prepared other places to cultivate them. All data in this data center are currently sent back from the planets used for cultivation."

Marty's words upset Su An for a while, but he has really seen the growth and development of these creatures. Although he wants to stop this, he also knows that he speaks lightly, and his opposition has no effect at all!

He asked tentatively: "Don't seniors worry about problems? They grow very fast. Once problems occur, conventional methods can't solve them at all!"

"Rest assured, we will limit their growth rate. Your new task now is to cooperate with our institute to collect specific data on those organisms." Marty smiled confidently.

Seeing this, Su An also put an end to persuasion.

Don't have any problems in the future ...

м.③③χs.cóм old iron please remember for a second ㈢③ 尛 裞 network)

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