Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1003: Yes, it's my hands and feet

Asphyxiation and depression.

When Liu Changqing said, "There is only one Cheng Yuan," the professor who stood up to refute turned blusher, like the monkey **** after eating pepper.

Especially in the eyes of Liu Changqing and other experts and professors, he could not wait to find a place to drill in.

But anyway, he is also a man who has gone through various tests. After the professor calmed down his mind, he yelled back: "Cheng Yuan! Cheng Yuan! Cheng Yuan is also a person. Are you not ashamed one by one? So many people can't compare to one. Cheng Yuan! "

As soon as he said this, it aroused the dissatisfaction of many experts and professors. Although this is a fact, they really do not have the talent and ability like Cheng Yuan.

But this default fact is well known to everyone, there is no need to speak out in front of so many people, right?

As for shame, they may have it, but not too much.

After all, going beyond a point can make people motivated, beyond a large section can make people jealous, but beyond countless levels it can only make people admire and look up!

"Professor Du Ming, I remember that you specialized in physics. Although you have participated in a lot of related acting skills, have you published any important independent papers?" A hot-tempered professor stood up immediately and looked poorly. Staring at Du Ming.

Hit people but not face!

Your face hit everyone's face in one breath. What qualifications do you have to hit someone's face based on your qualifications that are nothing?

What is this qualification?

After all, playing academic depends on your own skills!

It is okay to rely on the old and sell the old to deal with those young people. They have no status and no qualifications to let you handle them, but which qualifications are poor?

No one dare to push here!

"Well, speaking of this, I remember that Professor Du Ming didn't seem to be able to get an independent thesis. It seemed that every time a published paper was stained by others?"

"You can't say that. I remember that in the past few years, there have been reports of encroachment on students' achievements. I heard that someone helped him down ..."

While discussing, the crowd glanced at the one sitting next to Du Ming, Yu Bochang, without any trace.

The old professor was pale now.

Speaking of Bo Chang, this old professor is much stronger than Du Ming. It is really a deep academic research and has published many papers.

But this is located in Bochang, although it is excellent in academics, but the students brought out ...

After being attacked by everyone, Du Ming's head woke up instantly. He turned around and found that all the experts and professors looked at him with something wrong.

He realized that he had offended everyone present.

Just when he was embarrassed and didn't know how to be good, Liu Changqing glanced at Tieqing's face with Yu Bochang, sighed in his heart, but spoke again.

"Everyone, we don't need to discuss unrelated topics. Is there any objection to my proposal?"

Liu Changqing's face will be given by everyone present.

Moreover, with Du Ming ahead, who dares to stand up against it?

Seeing that there were no objections, Liu Changqing continued: "Then I will report this up. Regarding the candidates who will continue to stay, my suggestion is to register on my own.

The meaning of Liu Changqing is also very simple. If you want to stay, you can stay. If you don't want to stay, you can choose to leave!

This sentence has aroused many people's minds.

Especially some depressed experts and professors, their research work was not smooth because of various reasons, even if they go back, there will be no change.

It is better to stay here to continue research, after all, this process will be quite difficult and painful, but at least it is a very stable research project.

At least you don't have to worry about all kinds of funding issues!

Besides, Mars is much better than the Earth in terms of advanced technology and environmental quality.

Living here is definitely a treat!

After the meeting, many mind-experts went directly to Liu Changqing and expressed their willingness to continue to study.

For those who are willing to stay, Liu Changqing is naturally very welcome.

However, when an expert asked in doubt, what was the purpose of the meeting, Liu Changqing explained it seriously.

Because the experts who study alien spacecraft are basically top talents today, and the number is very large, this has led to the delay of many domestic research projects.

The above people expressed the hope that Liu Changqing could persuade some experts and professors to go back.

After all, they agreed to the demands of these experts and professors at that time, just to satisfy the curiosity of each other.

Unexpectedly, these people were obsessed with Mars as soon as they passed.

If they can figure out something, they won't have much opposition. But the problem is not researched!

In order not to delay research on the other side of the earth, many people have raised this matter.

Now that there is a problem with the energy of the alien spacecraft, he also has a reason to let these experts go back to continue their work.

With such an answer, many people are a little bit crying.

"President Liu, you don't know that the energy incident of the alien spacecraft was secretly made by you?" One person laughed and teased.

Liu Changqing waved his hand and shook his head helplessly: "How can it be, if we really have this ability, our research progress will not be so awkward."

The atmosphere of private communication is naturally very harmonious, and it is not as serious as the meeting.

So everyone jokes occasionally, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

"President Liu, I remember that you also had contact with Cheng Yuan. Otherwise, you asked Cheng Yuan to ask for affection. I remember that I had read related reports with Cheng Yuan before. This young man is very soft-headed, so long as he speaks well Requests for language are generally not rejected, "an old professor offered, grinning grinningly at his beard.

I have to say that this proposal made Liu Changqing's heart.

He and Cheng Yuan did meet several times, and through the state department's special analysis of Cheng Yuan personally, the old professor was right.

Cheng Yuan is actually a very good speaker.

Although a little stubborn in character, it is sure to speak well.

However, good talking does not mean that he can brazenly ask others to do it. Cheng Yuan's good talking does not mean that he is stupid.

There must be a reason for rejecting those people before. Liu Changqing moved a bit. If you go to Cheng Yuan to get a good understanding, maybe you can really get some help.

"President Liu, you can just take care of it yourself. Anyway, studying this kind of thing is a process of exploration, and we can take it slowly."


The failure of the alien spacecraft's energy source could not be concealed at all.

Even if Huaxia wanted to hide it, the foreign media would not care about it. They would spread the matter as soon as they got the news.

When Guo Xiaolian saw the news at Cheng Yuan's house, she glanced strangely at Cheng Yuan, and then asked, "Cheng Yuan, did you do this?"

Cheng Yuan shrugged without denying.

"Who told them to talk ~ ~ and give them a lesson." Cheng Yuan was very calm, as if he had just done a trivial matter.

Guo Xiaolian was speechless, her husband was really careful.

But she didn't want to care about these things, she took out two microphones and laughed, "Come, what song do you want to sing today?"

Upon hearing the singing, Cheng Yuan was interested.

He didn't like singing before, but after singing a few times, he fell in love with this activity. The music is so amazing and can bring extraordinary feelings to people.

"Give me a drunk!"

"Why do you always sing women's songs?"

"What is a woman's song? Songs are male or female!"

"Right, you make sense!"

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