"I heard that the traditional festivals in the East are coming." Old DuPont squinted his eyes, looked around at everyone, and continued: "We should make a perfect plan. I hope everyone in this room can participate in it. Everyone has seen the speed, and its future is limitless. "

"Even if you can't get the shares of the technology crystallization company, but the intelligent core must not be missed, eating alone is not a good habit!" Old DuPont's voice was indifferent, but the meaning in his words is self-evident.

He wants to share a piece on this huge cake!

Rockefeller Jr shrugged about it, and a funny smile was raised in the corner of his mouth, and he didn't say anything.

The rest of the people also have different looks. Although their group can call the wind and rain in Europe and the United States, even the White House government, which on the surface represents the United States, must act according to their wishes, but even then their hands cannot reach the East. Red kingdom.

So, although the old DuPont's proposal was exciting, they did not make a clear statement. After all, it was not the United States, and their influence there was very weak, or even no.

If they were in the United States, they could follow the example of the crackdown on Microsoft, forcing Cheng Yuan to hand over the company's shares or even the entire company.

But unfortunately, Cheng Yuan is a Chinese, not an American.

The dumb old DuPont didn't urge these people, he knew the greed of these people, otherwise they wouldn't sit here. He just needs to wait for their consent quietly, no one will be overwhelmed with money, and this is still a wealth that can bring them huge economic benefits continuously!

This is not a casual talk and wanton delusion. They came from a large consortium and they have been involved in this aspect since they were young. How smart a technology crystallization company's intelligent robots are, maybe Cheng Yuan himself does not know, but they old foxes are watching It was very thorough.

Not to mention future updates, just saying that each time a function is added, the external build is replaced, repaired and maintained, which one is not a place that can make money?

In addition to this aspect, there is another place that can make money is appearance.

Da Bai's appearance is warm and cute, but what if a completely different intelligent robot shape suddenly appears?

The appearance of the outside may not be useful for the actual function of Dabai, but don't underestimate the desire of people to chase beauty and personality. Those who can buy Dabai will definitely not miss an opportunity to change the shape of their robot.

应用 Applied robots for life, this is a whole new field.

Just like when the petroleum energy was just developed, the Rockefeller family monopolized it with a thunderbolt. Now this family is the top ten consortium in the United States. Before the petroleum energy was not replaced, he continued to Will continue to hold this position until the emergence of new energy.

But by then, the Rockefeller family may have used the huge funds they have earned to enter the new energy industry.

When the old DuPont was sitting in a chair, the others had made a decision after a brief discussion.

Except for two members of the family who did not vote, everyone supported the decision.

The old DuPont unexpectedly glanced at Little Rockefeller and the one sitting next to him, and then remained silent. After all, there was no distinction between status and status, and everyone gathered here only for wealth. He is not qualified to order anyone who is sitting.

"Neither Rockefeller Jr. nor Mr. Harrison support this plan?"

The old Dupont squinted, his dark green eyes stared at the two, and there was a sense of persecution in his speech. Although it is not possible to order each other, if most people agree, it would be unreasonable if they did not make a statement.

An old DuPont stared with dark green eyes, and there was a flash of confusion in the eyes of a middle-aged man called Harrison sitting next to Rockefeller. Although the status of the thirteen was not inferior, but the basis of the thirteen was There is still a slight gap between family wealth and strength.

He is different from the DuPont, Morgan, and Rockefeller families. Harrison is only a representative of the Boston Consortium. If it was not because the heirs of the Kennedy family were far away in Europe, this meeting would not have taken him to sit here.

So, after he received the order from the beginning, he made up his mind. No matter what happened at the meeting, he wouldn't say yes. Now being stared at by Old DuPont so much, he was naturally very upset.

"I'm sorry, sir. I need to report on this matter, and I think they will give a clear answer to your comments." Harrison smiled reluctantly, then turned his head, closed his mouth and knew nothing. Look like.

For Harrison's evasion, the old DuPont hummed undeniably. Of course, he knew that in the Boston consortium, it was the principal of the Kennedy family.

"Where are you, Rockefeller Jr., wouldn't you also ask the elders in your family?" Old DuPont stared at the mature, handsome little Rockefeller in a white suit.

"Me?" Rockefeller Jerked a slight smirk and shook his head: "Sorry, I don't agree with this. Maybe you will succeed, but the chance is slim. Now the ancient Eastern country is not like it was decades ago. It is everywhere. Loophole. "

"Are you ready to quit?" Old DuPont asked again.

There was a smile of irony in the corner of Little Rockefeller's mouth, and he calmly replied, "Yes, I won't be here at the next meeting. If it succeeds, then congratulations on your own interests in the new field."

After I finished speaking, Rockefeller Jr. adjusted his clothes, then stood up and left the conference room.

As the head of the top ten consortiums in the United States today, he has the confidence to refuse all those present, because the overall wealth of their family is far more than five or six times the total of the last five. Although there is a DuPont family that has existed for hundreds of years, it does not mean that he will bow his head.

Seeing that Rockefeller Jr. departed, Harrison glanced at everyone, and quickly got up to leave. After all, the next meeting was not something he could refuse to participate in.

The two left one after the other, and the others didn't say anything, because the benefits brought by the intelligent robot are too huge!

Originally planned to buy back an intelligent robot and crack it before launching his own intelligent robot, but the results were too big as expected. So, for more wealth and benefits, what must they do!

Uh ...

After leaving the conference room, Harrison breathed a long sigh of relief. For the first time, he felt that the atmosphere inside was too heavy. Although he was at the core of the Boston Consortium, he participated in countless meetings, but like this It is the first time that the status of the participants in the conference is completely different.

或许 "Maybe you can take a glass of wine and go to the courtyard to find a beautiful lady or two to relax yourself." Harrison just breathed a sigh of relief and heard the sound of Little Rockefeller in his ear.

He turned his head and saw that Rockefeller Jr. was holding a wine glass in both hands and came towards himself with a smile on his face.

"Thank you." Harrison took the glass, took a sip, and let the scent of the wine stay on the tongue for a while before slowly swallowing it. He looked at Rockefeller Jr., curiously, "I'm surprised why you would reject such a proposal, intelligent robots. This is a new field and a new profit point."

"Although the petroleum energy of the Rockefeller Consortium does make money, but now all countries are studying new energy sources, and oil will not support it for a long time." Harrison did not care to say his point, he was not worried that the current Rockefeller family heir would give himself Shake your face, after all, this is the fact, otherwise why there will be a multi-national nuclear fusion project.

"At least everyone is using black oil now, not new energy." Little Rockefeller blinked, seemingly unconcerned.

Although Rockefeller Jr. didn't make a clear statement, but his formal attitude made Harrison even more shocked. Thinking of the international ITER fusion project, he almost wanted to ask how much money the Rockefeller family invested in it.

However, he soon woke up. It's better not to talk about this topic in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.

"Well, what do you want to tell me?"

I stopped this topic and Harrison asked very directly. He didn't believe that Rockefeller Jr. would have the leisure time to wait here for himself, and then have a drink with himself.

Ignoring Harrison's question, Rockefeller Jr smiled and whispered, "Do you remember the real core of our organization?"

当然 "Of course, we are here to gather all our wealth." Harrison blurted out without thinking. Although their organization's slogan is not like this, the discerning person knows exactly why they have gathered so many rich people.

For Harrison's answer, Rockefeller Jr nodded and continued to ask, "What do you think of Huaxia's technology crystallization company?"

"Which company?"

When mentioning the technology crystallization company, Harrison didn't think about it and sighed: "It's a money-gathering machine that is about to grow. No, it should be said that it has already grown."

But, just after answering, Harrison froze. He looked at Rockefeller Jerky in surprise, and said, "You ask, don't you think?"

Seeing Harrison react so quickly, Rockefeller Jr laughed, "Yes, as you think, why should we target him instead of unite him, he is fully qualified to cooperate with us."

"But that's a Huaxia company, he's not part of the United States." Harrison stared at his eyes and looked at Rockefeller Jr with astonishment. He didn't understand why the other party had such a crazy idea.

"You are too obedient, Harrison." Rockefeller Jr. shook his head, disdainfully: "The times are changing, and the rules are also changing. At the beginning, we gathered together for independence ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ After compromise, we mutually Cooperation, and later we succeeded because we changed. "

"Now, it is another era of change. Haven't you seen it clearly? The crystallization of science and technology is the center of this change. The rise of Huaxia is unstoppable. All we have to do is help him before he rises, such as They send some embargo materials, as long as we can cooperate with each other, so that we can always stand at the top level of the world, and not be eliminated by the times! "

"Yes, but the government ..."

还 Harrison also wanted to say something, but looking at the confident little Rockefeller, he opened his mouth and did not refute in the end.

In the United States, politicians are just tools and microphones in the hands of major consortia. As long as their family does not fall, it is easy for them to want to support a president again.

I was silent for a long time. Harrison looked up, looked at Rockefeller Jr., and asked in doubt: "Why did you choose me, or the Boston consortium behind me?"

洛 Rockefeller Jr blinked, and it didn't matter: "Because only you didn't agree with their **** plan."

"It's that simple?" Harrison didn't believe it, and the reason was like a joke.

Rockefeller Jr. said solemnly, "Yes, it's that simple, Harrison."

好 "Well, I will convey your thoughts." Drinking all the wine in the glass with a sip, Harrison sorted out his clothes and then left in a hurry.

Looking at the departing Harrison, Rockefeller Jr. smiled with satisfaction, then turned to glance at the meeting room blocked by the woodcarved door, showing a disdainful look ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest and most The fastest and hottest serial works are at ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Please read for mobile users.

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