Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 999:

"Cheng Yuan, we have successfully occupied the 13 mineral planets of Jingling. We only had a little resistance in the middle, but they were easily destroyed."

The sound of zero suddenly sounded.

Cheng Yuan, who just promised, stood up holding Guo Xiaolian and said with surprise, "How about the harvest? What minerals are produced by these mineral planets?"

Guo Xiaolian, who was held by Cheng Yuan, suddenly rolled her eyes.

I just solemnly assured me to take good care of myself and enjoy a peaceful life at home?

Guo Xiaolian gritted her teeth and wished to bite the **** in front of her!

And Cheng Yuan immediately noticed Guo Xiaolian's anger. He smirked and explained: "This is an accident, an accident!"

"Zero, you can deal with these things yourself afterwards. You don't need to report to me. I decided to take a good rest during this time. Don't bother me if there are no serious things!" Cheng Yuan said quickly.


It took a long time to answer: "I see."

Zero who stayed at the Titan fortress really considered it for a long time. He was thinking about the question, what is the particularly serious situation in Cheng Yuan's mouth?

Should it be a life and death crisis?

After defining a particularly serious situation, Zero started his own development plan.

The protection strength of the solar system needs to be supplemented and strengthened. Simple jamming devices are still not safe, and some fleet patrols need to be added.

There is also the development of frontline bases, which need to continue to expand. After all, as more and more planets are occupied by them, the plundered resources will also increase exponentially.

Front-line bases need sufficient capacity to consume these resources, not to gather resources and mold them!

In addition to these two key developments, the rest is the establishment of interstellar portals and the routing of transport corridors.

Considering that the ordinary Jingling planet does not have the resources he particularly needs, Zero needs to plan a route that runs through all Jingling's mineral planets!


Cheng Yuan began to enjoy the ordinary and ordinary life with peace of mind, although there may be some situations from time to time, such as those immortal experts.

Or the appointment of some official bosses.

For Cheng Yuan, who now wants to live a peaceful life, these are the unsettling factors that disturb his life, so he refused all!

Cheng Yuan's behavior really annoyed many people. Many people expressed their dissatisfaction with Cheng Yuan's behavioral attitude, and criticized or satirized him on different occasions.

But no matter what they say, there is no trace of influence for Cheng Yuan!

First, he does not work in politics, and does not need to look at these people's faces and act, nor does he need to figure out what he wants.

Secondly, he owns a giant company that is far superior to any country in terms of comprehensive strength, and does not have to lick his face to lick others!

The third is that Mars is his!

It can be said that he does not need to worry about anything!

Only he wants or doesn't want to!

Faced with this kind of Cheng Yuan, these people are really helpless.

Do you really think that you can drown Cheng Yuan with public opinion?

Don't make fun of it, the powerful strength of others in intelligence may drown themselves in turn!

As for the use of force to persecute, not to mention!

Cheng Yuanguang is desperate because of the number of warships exposed, and he also controls the mysterious alien warships. I really dare not think about this!

Over the past few days, Cheng Yuan found that the situation was not bad. First, her daughter got closer to herself, although she went to her grandparents after playing with her for a while ...


How does this sentence feel weird?

Daughter plays with her for a while ...

Shouldn't you be playing with your daughter?

Cheng Yuan watched happily running to find his grandparents' daughter, and at this moment he was in a state of collapse.

Looking at Cheng Yuan with a dull face, Guo Xiaolian was instantly happy.

However, she feels that Cheng Yuan has also changed recently, at least not every day there thinking about things they don't understand.

And such a day is what she longs for.

She was struggling to worry about Cheng Yuan being bored and getting sick.

Movies, music, books.

Anything that can attract Cheng Yuan's attention will be bought back by her.

No matter whether this thing can really attract Cheng Yuan's attention, or just a new picture, as long as Cheng Yuan can be kept still, she thinks of experimenting and R & D, she thinks it is success!

Cheng Yuan was indeed attracted by these things.

Whether it is a funny comedy movie or a grand sci-fi movie, or an intense action movie, these can successfully attract his attention.

Of course, his favorite thing is to watch horror movies.

Because only when watching horror movies, her daughter will find a sense of security by herself.

His life is peaceful.

But the life of the crystal spirits is completely different.




After the Zerg destruction of one planet after another was uploaded to Jingling's network, all this happened naturally!

All the crystal spirits think that the end is here.

So what's wrong with enjoying the last carnival in the last days?

This is one of the zero plans. He needs a chaotic crystal empire to make it easier for him to complete his plunder plan.

He guided the crystal spirits a little bit through the network, letting them create an atmosphere of tension and depression.

In this environment, as long as a little wind and grass blowing, they will stimulate their nerves.

And all this is the source and beginning of chaos!

When the chaos appears, even if the zero does not continue to fan the flames, the crystal spirit will chaos itself!

The Jingling official has no ability to stop these things. As the Senate was disclosed to deliberately frame his colleagues, the Supreme Senate turned a blind eye to it, and even took advantage of it!

As a result, the Zerg reappeared, and the majesty of the Senate was lost instantly. Without the army, they thought of tigers without minions at this time, without even a little threat.

Some people even take the lead in resisting the senate rule, do not recognize their rights, and think that this group of selfish people is not qualified to lead the crystal spirit!

There is a second one with a lead, and these things will be announced at zero again ~ ~ The crystals of other planets will naturally follow suit!

The most deadly thing is that a crystal administrator under the crystal spirit directly took the lead to publicly refuse to obey the order of the Supreme Senate!

It's almost like a deep-water bomb dropped into a small fish pond.

Just fry the small fish pond!

If it was merely a rebellion by civil society, they could also explain it through their bad intentions.

But the official's resistance gave them a heavy blow!

This shows what?

It means that they have lost basic support!

As soon as this happens, it spreads wildly on the major planets of Jingling!

And Zero also took advantage of Jingling's anxious situation in the busy internal chaos, easily occupied a planet with minerals, and also established a stable and fast transportation channel! Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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