Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 996:


What the **** is this?

Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian watched the crowd suddenly rushing out of the door, their faces were aggressive.

If it weren't for the intelligent robots, he suspected that this group of people would jump at him directly!

He just wants to go out and think about the two-person world. Is it easy for me?

Cheng Yuan was black.

As for the origin of this group of people, the information was sent to him as soon as possible.

This group of people are experts sent by various countries to study Zerg warships.

However, his research process was very difficult.

No, it should be said that they did not even play a role!

Experts who can't recognize the Zerg characters face extremely advanced Zerg warships, just like Liu Ye entered the Grand View Garden.

In order to better help this group of experts to study, countries also non-stop organized a group of sub-lingual experts.

But reality is cruel, and reality is not a movie.

Language and writing are undoubtedly the cornerstones of civilization and progress, but the communication of words will naturally be very easy with the help of external forces.

However, there is nothing on the Zerg warship that can help them understand the Zerg text.

As for the auxiliary intelligence on the battleship, they don't even have a neural network. How can it open the intelligence program of the battleship?

So after many discussions, this group of people rushed to find Cheng Yuan.

But Cheng Yuan did n’t come back before, and he did n’t go out, so they can only wait outside every day.

Now that Cheng Yuan has just gone out, they can't wait to rush over to ask questions related to teaching.

Although they gathered together and discussed for a long time, there was no progress, but there were many smart people, they didn't understand it, but one person absolutely understood it!

If Cheng Yuan didn't understand the text of the alien civilization, how could he control the opponent's warship so smoothly?

So this group of people together has today's scene.

Cheng Yuan frowned and took Guo Xiaolian's hand and walked towards this group of people. Being blocked by this group of people was not an issue. He decided to cut the knife quickly and let the annoying group get out of the way.

Seeing Cheng Yuan approaching them, a middle-aged man in a suit shouted to him: "Mr. Cheng, I was sent by the official Huaxia ..."

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Yuan was coldly interrupted.

"Give you a second to leave with this group of people!" Cheng Yuan said very politely.

The expression on the man's face, who claimed to be the official Chinese official, was stiff.


"Don't tell me who you are and who I am, I have no time to listen!" Cheng Yuan waved his hand impatiently, and then commanded the intelligent robot: "Drive this group of people away!"

Intelligent robots are very obedient, and they don't care who they are and what their identity is.

After receiving the order, they pushed hard, and a group of people turned straight up and down, none of them stood firm.

"Mr. Cheng!"

What else did the man want to say, Cheng Yuan turned a deaf ear to this and pulled Guo Xiaolian straight away.

But in order not to be disturbed next, Cheng Yuan turned his head and looked at the man indifferently, and said coldly: "Don't let this group of people come to disturb me, otherwise I will let my bodyguard shoot and die. Don't blame me for living! "

Cheng Yuan's cold threat gave the man and a group of experts a shock in his heart, and at the same time looked at Cheng Yuan's back slowly leaving.

"What he said is not true?"

"How could it be that we are experts anyway, and if he dares, he will definitely offend many people!"

"That being the case, Professor Ma, please try it. Anyway, you think so ..."

"Oh, I'm just talking about it. It's all old age. Where can I keep up with young people ..." Professor Ma blushed and knocked on his knees artificially.

"Professor Ma, you are not only old, but your eyes are not easy to handle. How could Cheng Yuan go so slowly, how could you not catch up!"

Suddenly, Professor Ma blushed.

Cheng Yuan's stern look and cold tone didn't seem to be a joke.

How dare he go up!

While these experts were talking to each other, the official representative of Huaxia looked at the back of Cheng Yuan slowly and slowly, with anger in his eyes.

However, when he looked at the group of intelligent robots who protected him in the middle, the anger in his heart gradually dissipated.

In recent years, Cheng Yuan has not paid much attention to things on the earth. He doesn't know that Huaxia's Supreme Elder has been replaced!

The former one who had been working on co-development with technology crystallization companies has evolved into an uncontrolled situation.

The elder now in office has other ideas.


"Elder, he refused." In a corner of Mars City, the official representative of Huaxia dullly recounted what happened just now.

Of course, is there any exaggeration? Only he knows it.

There was silence over the phone.

Then a majestic voice came: "Since that's the case, don't bother him, let the experts continue their efforts."


Although he didn't know what the elders thought, but this kind of thing can really be solved by hard work?

Although he is not very familiar with text, he also knows that the translation of text is extremely difficult without a learning path!

Take Oracle, for example. 5,000 Oracle characters have been deciphered from 1,500 characters since their discovery in 1899!

Especially in recent years, because there are many accidents, the progress of deciphering is even the same!

But even so, for more than a hundred years, through the comparison of literature and data, less than half of the deciphered text!

One hundred years!

This is still based on a certain connection between Oracle and today's text!

Not to mention the Zerg script that has nothing to do with humans.

So he thinks the elders should take other measures.

After all, the treasure house was put there, and when I saw it, I couldn't get in the door. How many people would die in a hurry?

On the road, Guo Xiaolian took Cheng Yuan's hand and asked with a smile, "Why did you refuse?"

Cheng Yuan scratched his head and said helplessly: "If I can, I want to agree!"

"Did they have a problem?" Guo Xiaolian looked at Cheng Yuan unexpectedly.

"It's more than a problem, it's a big problem!" Cheng Yuan said with emotion: "They came to me because they just researched the problem. The key is that they want to solve more than one problem, but a series!

"If I promised for the first time, they would be embarrassed and ask me to continue to help them. There are too many follow-up questions. This is related to another civilization. Do you think it is simple?"

For these cheeky people, Cheng Yuan knew quite well.

After all, how much is your face worth compared to the benefits you get?

Cheng Yuan returned to Mars to take a good rest, but not to help them work!

The main thing is that Cheng Yuan is not optimistic about the research of these people at all!

Even if they read the text of the Zerg, UU reading www.uukanshu. Can they build another ship based on Zerg warships?

Dreaming too!

What materials can Zerg warships use?

Oh, it might be too deserving of them to say this, really when this Zerg warship is a treasure chest, there are all kinds of scientific and technological information in it?

This is a battleship for pure warfare!

This is why Cheng Yuan threw them a warship without hesitation.

Anyway, they can't toss a flower anyway.

I didn't think too much at that time, and forgot that this group of people would come to find themselves if they didn't understand it. I knew that he should be ‘implicit’ and let Zheng Jia talk with them.

Rushing black ants say

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