
Charlie turned into a golden rainbow and rushed towards Li Qingshan.

The other six also reacted quickly and went straight to Li Qingshan.


Li Qingshan shook his head lightly, and threw the long sword in front of him, and the true essence continued to pour in.

The long sword hovered in the air, and the golden rays of light flourished, blocking the gap between the seven people and Li Qingshan.

Charlie stopped abruptly, his face ashen.

"What kind of weapon is this!"

The throbbing in his heart made him not dare to take a step beyond the thunderous pool!

Behind him, the other six also stopped, their expressions gloomy.

At this moment,

How dare they underestimate that long sword, and no one wants to try it out.

The seven people on the opposite side hesitated,

Li Qingshan didn't pay much attention to it, and directly released his divine sense and swept away into the depths of the canyon.

Next second,


The shocking beast roared,

All the mountains, rivers and valleys trembled.

This time, Li Qingshan did not take back his divine sense, but used his divine sense to continuously stimulate the nine-headed Moyue in the canyon, leading them to the river valley.


The ground shook and the mountains shook, and blue flames rushed straight from the depths of the river valley.

"Li Qingshan, you are crazy!"

Charlie Seven's expressions changed greatly, and they reprimanded angrily.

Although I don't understand how Li Qingshan did it,

But the only one who can provoke the beast at this time is Li Qingshan.

The power of origin is diffused,

The seven figures moved and turned into streamers.

But in less than a second,

Seven figures appeared again, looking around, not daring to move.

Because before you knew it, the golden light of the long sword had already filled the surroundings.

The mountains and the ground shook more and more violently,

Several black shadows over a hundred meters, stepping on the blue flame, have passed through the gap in the canyon.

The seven people looked more and more anxious, and Charlie said with a gloomy face:

"Li Qingshan, do you want to solve us and the ox beast together?"

"You guessed it right!"

Li Qingshan smiled slightly,

In the dantian, the last trace of true essence was sent into the long sword.


The Charlie Seven were all furious.

But soon, they were all speechless.

I saw the golden light on the long sword,

The surrounding golden light is like substance, forming a semi-circular light field.

Countless mysterious runes flew out from the sword and scattered all over the field of light.

In the field of light, Charlie Seven could no longer move.

The long sword and Li Qingshan slowly rose, and the semicircular light field was also expanding.

In the blink of an eye, half of the valley was covered.


The body is like a mountain, the breath is like wind,

A Mo Yue stepped his front hoof into the field of light.


The thunderous roar sounded,

Mo Yue's eyes quickly turned red, and his rock-like muscles continued to bulge, but he couldn't lift the front hoof again.

The field of light expanded rapidly, and it quickly wrapped its body shape, and this Mo Yue instantly solidified.

more than it,

After that, the eight-headed Moyue was also quickly wrapped by the light field, and one by one was stagnant.

kilometer high,

The golden long sword array pattern circulates,

Below, the entire valley is covered by a golden field of light.

Li Qingshan's face was a little pale,

Just one-tenth of the power has squeezed all his true essence.

"But it's worth it to suppress so many true ninth orders!"

Li Qingshan nodded lightly, his figure hovered over the hilt of the sword, and his divine sense plunged into the body of the sword.

next moment,

Across the entire range of light, everything is within your grasp.

A smile appeared on Li Qingshan's pale face.

"Longevity Sword Region!"

The name of this magical power was left by Master Li Changsheng.

However, the name of the master is not because of narcissism.

Li Qingshan looked down and looked down, one after another solidified in the golden light field.

"They are all obstacles to my longevity."

"This magical power is designed to protect the Tao for longevity!"

A thought moved,

The long sword shone brightly, and small golden swords fell from the top of the light curtain.

The golden sword rain baptism,

In the field of light, all life is destroyed.

After a while,

The fields of light and flames have disappeared,

Only a piece of scorched black land remained in the valley, returning to silence.

A figure quickly ran out of the river valley and disappeared between the mountains and forests.

Chapter XNUMX Tensions are drawn!

Vaasa City, downtown.

Around the Plaza Mayor, spectators from all over the world stood.

Today is the closing day of the World University League.

In the surging crowd, reporters from all over the world are making final preparations.

A large number of cameras have been set up and aimed at the square - the central platform.

On the high platform, the participating teams from the Seven Continents have already taken their seats.

The host in a suit and leather shoes walked to the microphone and started a long speech.

It tells the history of the league and describes the wonderful events of this competition.

The excited expressions of many audience members gradually stopped, and all of them looked strange.

Because in the host's mouth, the word "Li Qingshan" was never heard from the beginning to the end.

Obviously Li Qingshan is the champion of this league and the most important person in the entire schedule, but he was deliberately ignored by the host.

On the side of the square, Jiao Yun squeezed the microphone tightly, looking angry.

Of course she understood why,

Because the host is a Guro!

The microphone is raised to the chest,

Jiao Yun walked into the camera and said excitedly:

"Audience friends, look, this is the attitude of the Guluo people!"

"Obviously lost, but still stealing the bell."

In front of the TV, many viewers in Longguo also frowned.

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