Li Qingshan ignored the reasoning, turned to look at the main building of the school, and said:



With cheerful laughter,

An old man in a white training suit suddenly appeared.

"Lu Tianhe!"

The faces of the eight old men sank.

Lu Tianhe stepped in front of Li Qingshan and said coldly:

"Russell, the Eight Great Venerables of Gu Luo are here, do you want to start a war with my Dragon Kingdom?"

"Lu Tianhe, we just want to 'invite' Li Qingshan to be a guest in Gu Luo for a while!"

When Russell said the word "please", he gritted his teeth and looked even more gloomy.

"Lu Tianhe, don't say you are alone, even if the three of you come out together, you can't stop 1.3 from us."

"So confident?"

Lu Tianhe laughed, shook his head and said:

"Have you thought about it?"

"Capturing Li Qingshan is just a wave of hands for Gu Luo Wusheng."

"But he just sent the eight of you over in person."

The eight old men were stagnant, and they all looked down at the sea, with fear flashing in their eyes.

"Hehe, it seems that you are indeed not stupid."

"Lu Tianhe, don't be bluffing!" Russell exclaimed.

"is it?"

Lu Tianhe smiled and looked into the depths of the continent.

"The principal hasn't shown up for a long time. It seems that many old friends miss him!"

"In that case"

Lu Tianhe turned to face the main building and bowed down.

Spiritual power extends all the way to the bottom of the sea.

"Congratulations to the principal!".

Chapter XNUMX You go together, I'm in a hurry!

"Is he still conscious?"

The expressions of Russell and others changed greatly, it was unbelievable.

Li Qingshan glanced at a few people and shook his head gently.

Turn around to face the main building, bow and salute.

"Congratulations to the principal!"


All the teachers and students of Mohai Wuda did the same.

on the pier,

King Chen's face was straight,

Led Lu Tianhong and the other four, facing the island, bowing and bowing their hands.

"Congratulations to the principal!"

Just four words, but with infinite respect.

Countless voices come together,


Many Long Kingdom reporters stared blankly at the island with reverence.

in front of the TV screen,

Countless Dragon Country audiences also had the same expression.

The Principal of Mohai, the real Optimus Pillar of the Dragon Kingdom!

The entire Dragon Kingdom fell silent in an instant.

on Canner Pier,

It was the same silence.

all are waiting,

Waiting for the headmaster of Mohai to show up!

Time passed minute by minute, and there was no change in the surroundings.

on the pier,

The people from the other six continents couldn't help but whisper.

The shock on Russell's face faded, and it turned into a smug smile.

"Hahaha, I said bluff"

The mouth kept opening and closing, but no sound came out.

not only him,

On the entire pier, all the people who were talking were silent.

Heaven and earth, back to silence.

Next second,


A huge wave rolled up from the sea and kept rising. 25

In an instant, it was XNUMX meters in the air.

Russell and the others instantly turned ashen,

The foreigners on the pier also looked terrified, for fear of being photographed by the huge waves.

Under the watchful eyes of many,

The huge waves gradually leveled off and turned into a XNUMX-meter-high water curtain that covered the sky.

The surface of the water curtain is as smooth as a mirror.

A resolute face with closed eyes slowly emerged.


Li Qingshan retracted his consciousness and looked up at the giant face with respect in his eyes.

The "new road" can be passed through, not only with the guidance of the ancient leaders of the Qinghui world.

I would also like to thank the principal for his "support" along the way.

Along the way, never met.

At this moment, Li Qingshan finally saw the principal's true face.

not only him,

this moment,

All the teachers and students of Mohai became frenzied with tears in their eyes.


"Hurry up!"

Many cameras are in a hurry, changing the lens.

The resolute face with closed eyes appeared on the TV screens of thousands of households in the Dragon Country.

In an instant, the entire Dragon Kingdom cheered.

It's not just the Dragon Kingdom that is moving.

Hill, Blackwood, Yanfang

The remaining five continents, in unknowable places,

A pair of eyes suddenly opened, and the expression in their eyes was uncertain.

at the same time,

In the depths of Guluo Continent, the abyss forbidden area.

An ancient castle was pressed across the abyss.

Inside the castle, a yin and middle-aged man abruptly stood up, his expression fluctuating.

"Long Pan, you can still wake up!"

think for a long time,

The middle-aged Yin Wu shook his head and sighed, and with a wave of his hand, a dark mouth appeared.

"You can only pick them up and bring them back."

Tenth-order spiritual projection, come and go freely.

But in front of Long Pan, it was impossible for them to walk away.

over the island,

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