"Li Qingshan?"

Everyone was stunned, but many people responded.

In trade, they also have hands in the sea of ​​magic.

Already know the news of Li Qingshan's participation.

"You mean, Dragon Country was the champion of the martial arts tournament last year?"

"It's just a freshman, what's there to care about?"

Everyone shook their heads in disbelief.

"Haha, Li Qingshan has already embarked on a wrong path, you really don't need to care."


Hobbs paused slightly and looked around the crowd.

"I don't know if you have heard of it, but Li Qingshan has a magical weapon."

"What weapon?"

Most people don't know the truth, it's inexplicable.

The eyes of the few people who knew the news lit up.

In the news, that weapon is not an ordinary magic.

"Have you seen it?"

"I have not only seen it, but this time, I also want you to meet!"

Hobbs smiled and pressed the remote control in his hand.

On the side of the conference room, a scene suddenly appeared on the screen.

It is in the auction house,

The scene where Feijian hovered between Daniel's eyebrows.

"This little sword is far more magical than the rumors."

1.3 Hobbes spoke slowly, his voice full of bewitchment.

"Li Qingshan is only sixth-order, and it is with it that he can kill the seventh-order peak of the condensed golden body."

"Moreover, I have personally tested its power, and it is absolutely invincible below the eighth rank."

"For everyone here, its power is of course nothing."

"But think about it, where did it come from? How was it made?"

"If we can get a method, how much impact will it have on our academy, or the entire Guluo Continent?"

In an instant, the eyes of everyone present lit up.

After a while,

Everyone left the venue with their own thoughts.

Hobbs held the glass, his smile gloomy.

"Pressing people with force?"

"Li Qingshan, this time it's my turn!".

Chapter XNUMX The storm is about to come!

July XNUMXst,

Commonwealth of Western Sahara, Vaasa City.

Vaasa City is close to the ocean and is the most prosperous city in Western Sahara.

It is also the venue for this year's World University League.

The World University League, started three hundred years ago,

After the Blue Star Seven Continents opened up again, many pioneers set the event together.

It symbolizes the rebirth of the Blue Star civilization after being ravaged by monsters.

It can be said that it is the most important event in the entire Blue Star, no one!

The league is held every three years, and this year happens to be the XNUMXth.

Canner Wharf, the largest ocean-going trade wharf in Vaasa City.


In front of the pier, there are many passenger ships of different styles floating.

On the pier, there are people of all skin colors, shuttle.

At the foot of the dock, a large number of machines have been set up.

Here is the demarcated camera area.

Reporters and cameras from all over the continent are waiting here.

The reporters from Guluo Continent have already stood in front of the camera and started the live broadcast to introduce the grand occasion to the audience.

The rest of the mainland reporters looked envious.

No way, this is the home ground of Gu Luo Continent,

They can only record 25 games before returning to their respective continents to play.

At this time,

Many reporters in Longguo smiled, picked up the microphone, and stood in front of the camera.

A dark-skinned female reporter turned her head in surprise and looked at the Mohai female reporter.

"Jiao Yun, it's just recording and broadcasting, is it necessary to be so dedicated?"

"No, we're live streaming."

The female reporter smiled slightly and made a gesture to the cameraman,

The live broadcast begins.

"Dear viewers, I'm Jiao Yun, a reporter from Mohai TV Station."

"Now, I'm in Vaasa City, Western Saskatchewan, Kanner Pier, bringing you live reports."

Jiao Yun smiled, turned his body sideways, and let out the camera.

The cameraman moved the camera quickly, facing the sea.

The fleets of each continent entered the camera in turn, and Jiao Yun also introduced the situation.

dragon country,

The news of the live broadcast of the World College League has long been publicized by major TV stations.

At this moment, countless viewers are standing in front of the TV, watching the live broadcast.

However, after watching the fleets of several continents, the audience showed disappointment.

Because they did not see the ships representing the Dragon Kingdom.

Jiao Yun seemed to have guessed what the audience was thinking, and the voiceover came from the TV.

"Everyone must be wondering why they didn't see the Dragon Country ships?"

"Because, the Dragon Kingdom team will be delivered by Mohai Wuda in person."

Mohai Wuda?

Except for the surrounding areas of Mohai City, most of the audience did not know why.

They have never seen Mohai Wuda, so they don't know what this sentence means.

"Don't worry, Mohai Wuda has not yet landed, let's take a look at the participating teams from various countries."

Jiao Yun didn't explain much.

Suspense is also a way to maintain the heat.

He waved his hand to the cameraman, and the camera turned to the other side of the high platform.

On the high platform, the seats were divided into a square of seven countries.

In front of each square, there are two team leaders and 10 team members behind them.

Based on the information in hand, Jiao Yun introduced the teams of each continent in turn.

However, the audience lacked interest.

Just staring blankly at the center, that is the only empty square.

The Dragon Kingdom team has not come yet.

In the earphones, the urging of the broadcaster kept coming.

Jiao Yun is helpless,

The magic sea martial arts has not arrived yet,

What can she do.

I can only be patient and continue to introduce the participating teams from various countries.

on the high platform,

The faces of the teachers and students in the six square formations were not very good-looking.

In front of the Guluo Continent team,

A tall, middle-aged man twitched his fingers and frowned.

"People from the Dragon Kingdom are still as arrogant as ever!"

The other five phalanx leaders have different expressions.

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