Unlike Hobbes,

Hobbs returned to Yingman, naturally not afraid of anything.

His Rift Whale Guild branch took root in the Demon Sea,

There is absolutely no way!


All the people of the Dragon Kingdom, their eyes flashed, and their smiles were full of smiles.


It's amazing!

Hobbs slumped to the ground, and said nothing.

He was powerless to stop it.

The overall situation has been set,

Daniel called the staff,

Li Qingshan nodded to Nan Zhengyang and asked him to deal with the staff.


Nan Zhengyang turned around and said excitedly:

"Mr. Li, five trillion in cash has been transferred to your VIP card."

"The remaining funds, the Riven Whale Guild promises to be credited within one month."

"Huh?" Li Qingshan frowned and glanced at Daniel.

Daniel froze, hurriedly handed out a note from his hand, and said respectfully:

"Don't worry, we will do it as soon as possible."

Li Qingshan nodded, took the note, floated it onto the platform, raised his hand and folded Mo Yue's toes.

Then, open the note.

Above is an address.

"Hinra Forbidden Land, Dipe Canyon."

Li Qingshan put away the note, turned his eyes to Daniel, and did not speak.

The Rift Whale Guild "doesn't deceive the old man",

Of course he couldn't believe it easily.

Daniel bowed his head helplessly, summoned the staff, and brought stacks of documents and presented them to Li Qingshan.

"The address is real, these are delivery notes with a stamp of a transit point on it."

At this moment, he really didn't dare to play tricks.

Li Qingshan took the information and read it carefully.

After a while, he nodded and waved to put away the information.

From the information alone, the address is indeed not fake.

But that's not enough!

Li Qingshan looked at Daniel and said indifferently:

"Get ready, wait for the school day, and come back to Mohai Wuda with me."

"What do you mean?" Daniel's face changed greatly.

"Don't worry, it's just to let you stay in Mohaiwu University for a while."

Li Qingshan shook his head slightly, his tone indifferent.

"When I come back from Guluo 637 Continent, you will be free."

"I really didn't lie to you!"

Daniel's face was full of anxiety, and he explained in a hurry:

"The forbidden land of Shinra is extremely dangerous, and the bull beast is even a ninth-order monster, if you"

Daniel suddenly froze,

Li Qingshan laughed,

It appears that the address is indeed real.

However, he had no intention of letting go.

"If I really fall, I can only blame you for my bad life."

"Of course, you can also try to escape early these days."

Li Qingshan greeted Wei Hao and the others, turned and walked towards the door.

Daniel looked sullen,

This is the sea of ​​magic and the kingdom of dragons.

Mohai Wuda is still blocked at the pier.

Where can he run to?

Hobbes flushed,

Daniel was once his student,

This time it was to vent his anger.

He can't ignore it!

Hobbs stepped forward angrily, pointed to the distant figure, and said angrily:

"Li Qingshan, you are too deceiving!"

The figure paused, turned his head, and said strangely:

"You just reacted?"

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, turned around and continued to walk, his words fell indifferently.

"I'm here to bully you today!"

The back disappeared outside the door,

The venue was silent for a moment, and needles could be heard falling.

Countless eyes staring at the empty doorway

Chapter XNUMX Another "pioneer"

In the next few days,

Li Qingshan took Wei Hao and a few others to stroll around the magic sea for a few days.

January XNUMXth is the opening day of Mohai Wuda.

In the morning, after sending off Wei Hao at the station,

Li Qingshan rose directly into the air and flew towards the pier.

Zhenhai Pier,

On the side of the pier, the crowd was crowded, and the darkness was overwhelming.

Today is the day when the students return and the Magic Sea Wuda sets sail. Naturally, there will be a crowd watching the fun.

From time to time, silhouettes flew over the crowd, causing waves of cheers.

Li Qingshan let go of his spiritual sense, swept through the crowd, and smiled.

the cheering crowd,

A blond, blue-eyed face with a dejected expression seemed out of tune with the surroundings.

"It's quite self-conscious, let's go!"

A light laughter rang in my ears,

Daniel raised his head sharply, looking at the figure flying away in the air,

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he rose into the air and followed behind.

Soon, both of them landed on the giant island.

Li Qingshan didn't go to see Daniel, and led the way directly ahead.

Daniel lowered his head and followed behind, like a prisoner.

Along the way, many students recognized Daniel and cast curious glances.

Li Qingshan didn't explain, just nodded and said hello, and continued to the main building.

He had already made an appointment with Marquis Hanhai in advance.

When they came to the main building, the two entered the elevator and pressed the floor.

The elevator went up and soon reached the fifteenth floor.


Before the door was opened, the sound of high heels came from outside.

Li Qingshan frowned slightly.


The elevator doors open,

Familiar mature faces, familiar small suits, come into view.

Li Qingshan said helplessly,

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