
Although there is what Li Qingshan said before,

However, no matter how good Li Qingshan is, he has just entered school!

And this person in front of him is a real master!

Ruan Sha pulled Wei Hao's sleeves with a worried look on her face,

But Wei Hao still did not step back.

everyone present,

Only he is XNUMX% convinced of Li Qingshan's words!

"Ha ha!"

Alger wiped his face and looked at Wei Hao, his smile darkened.

"What did you say?"

"Don't hear me? Let you go!"

A cold voice came from a distance

Chapter XNUMX Convince the audience!

The whole place fell silent in an instant.

The surrounding Yingman people all looked at the source of the sound,

I want to see who has the courage to insult the Silver Sequence of the Royal Academy.

However, Alger, who was one of the protagonists, suddenly turned pale, and all the blood and flames around him disappeared.


The sound of footsteps from far to near,

As if stepping on Argel's heart, his face turned even paler.

Under the watchful eyes of the eagles in the audience, the sound of footsteps was approaching.

Alger pressed the urge to run, turned around to face the tall figure, and forced a smile.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was your friend."

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings."


Question marks are raised over all Eagleman,

This is still the mighty silver sequence, is it Alger?

The eyes they looked at Li Qingshan suddenly became suspicious.

What kind of identity is it that can make Alger subdue directly?

"Brother Shan!"

Wei Hao raised his chest and showed a broad smile.

behind him,

Ruan Sha and the others were stunned.

It turns out that what Li Qingshan said just now is true.

Even in the magic sea, in the hotel of Yingman,

Li Qingshan can also use a name to keep them safe.

Several people's eyes are full of light,

The status of idols in my heart has been raised again.

Seeing Alger's worried look,

Li Qingshan shook his head lightly and said indifferently:

"No misunderstanding."

"get out!"

All the Eagles were instantly angry,

This attitude stepped on the entire Yingman's face.

They put their hope on Alger,

Hope he can save face for Yingman.

However, they are destined to be disappointed,

Seeing Argel's expression brightened, he nodded again and again.

"No problem, I'll go right away.々."

"and many more."

"Have you not heard yet?"

Li Qingshan frowned and said indifferently:

"I said 'go away'!"

"Li Qingshan, you!"

Alger looked angry and glanced around.

Here, many people have contact with the top executives of Yingman.

If he really "gets out" because of Li Qingshan's words.

The news is bound to come back to Yingman,

The glory of the "family of Asa" will cease to exist,

When he goes back, he will also be shot to death by his brother.

"Alger, take action!"

"Yes, quickly teach this Dragon Country man a lesson!"

The few Yingman people who came to help just now couldn't help but speak up.

The rest of the Eagleman all set their sights on Alger.

At this moment, if Alger held back any longer, Yingman's face would be disgraced.

everyone's attention,

Alger was hesitant.

shot?To be seconded again?

at this time,

Li Qingshan's cold voice sounded again,

"The same thing, I don't want to say it a third time!"

Alger's body trembled, all kinds of previous memories came to his mind, and his body slumped uncontrollably.

"I'll get out, I'll get out now!"

No matter how much face, life is not important.

He didn't dare to bet on whether Li Qingshan would be merciful after he took action.

Alger bent his knees and hugged his legs,

Really like a ball, rolled out of the banquet hall.

Looking at the empty doorway,

The whole place fell silent in an instant.

Disappointment and grievance flooded all Eagleman's hearts.

Next second,

There was an uproar in the audience, and countless abuses sounded.

"Royal Academy? Silver Sequence?"

"Alger, you are a disgrace to Yingman!"

"The Asa family, you have disgraced Yingman!"

The insults continued,

More and more eyes moved from the door to Li Qingshan.

These eyes are filled with endless anger.

Alger is a shame for Yingman, of course it is hateful.

But this man in front of me,

In front of their faces, trample the glory of Yingman.

This is unforgivable!

A middle-aged man who had helped Alger before, with red eyes, looked at Li Qingshan, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Sir, are you doing too much?"

"Aren't you afraid of destroying the friendly relations between our two countries?"

"Are you threatening me?"

Li Qingshan laughed, glanced at a few people, and shook his head gently.

"Go away too!"

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