【South Zhengyang】

Li Qingshan answered the phone and said directly:

"Manager Nan, where was the photo taken?"

"Have you seen it?"

Nan Zhengyang paused and continued:

"The picture book is the brochure of the Rift Whale Guild's 'Opening Year Auction'."

"There is only this piece of meat on it, and there is no indication of what kind of monster it is, but I have been paying attention to the news of the ox beast recently, so"

"That's right, it's the toes of the beast."

Li Qingshan interrupted, his eyes flashing.

Rift Whale Guild?

In other words, this toe is likely to be shipped from the ancient Luo continent.

There has been no news of the Ferocious Bull Beast in the Dragon Kingdom for a long time.

Unexpectedly, it would appear in the Gu Luo Continent.

Thinking of this,

Li Qingshan asked directly:

"Manager Nan, do they have any other news besides this toe?"

"The Rift Whale Guild is very strict, and I haven't received any useful information."

"The devil is mixed with dragons and snakes, our four major shopping malls and those guilds"

Nan Zhengyang hesitated in his words,

Obviously, in the magic sea, he is also a little powerless.

Li Qingshan nodded lightly, his tone indifferent.

"Tell me the time and I'll go in person."

Mo Yue's news, he is bound to get it!

If the Riven Whale Guild doesn't cooperate, then it's no wonder he.

hang up the phone,

Zhang Xinyao frowned and said:

"Brother, you are going back so soon."

Li Qingshan nodded and said:

"Yes, I will go back to Bincheng to take a bus tomorrow."

The auction starts the day after tomorrow, 25 he has to leave tomorrow.

"The year is not over yet" Zhang Xinyao muttered in a low voice.

Li Qingshan shook his head gently and comforted:

"It will take a long time in the future. After my internship, you can move in and live with me."


Zhang Xinyao stared at her eyes and said in despair:

"I heard Ms. Xiaoyu say that senior Qiaogu and the others are all internships after the age of 30."

"It won't take that long."

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, patted his sister's head.

"When you finish your summer vacation, it's almost time for me to go for an internship."

"It's just that you have to change schools again, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Internships are based on strength, and usually require condensing the golden body.

When he returned from Gu Luo Continent, he naturally qualified for an internship.

"No, no!"

Zhang Xinyao shook her head frantically, brows with joy.

After the summer vacation, I have to go to the third year of high school.

That is,

She has a whole year to stay with her brother.


Fireworks are blooming in the night sky, and a new year has arrived.

The next day,

After Li Qingshan said goodbye to their uncle, they went straight to the high-speed rail station.

After arriving in Bincheng, Li Qingshan sent Zhang Xinyao out of the high-speed rail station.

Then he turned back to the platform and got on the latest train to Mohai.

magic sea train station,

At the exit, there was a rush of people.

Wei Haokui's fat figure took the lead,

Like a reef stuck in the water, the flow of people automatically separates to both sides.

behind him,

Several young men and women are looking forward to it, but also apprehensive.

"Wei Hao, you really didn't lie to us?"

"Li Qingshan is really your best friend?"

As a student of the same class in Lin Province,

Li Qingshan can be said to be the idol of all of them.

Wei Hao received a call two days ago, and they thought Wei Hao was joking and bragging.

Unexpectedly, he actually came to the high-speed rail station early this morning, saying that he wanted to pick up his "Brother Shan"?

"Wei Hao, are you sure that the 'Brother Shan' you are referring to is Li Qingshan?"

A pretty girl, still can't believe it.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Wei Hao glanced at her and pouted:

"Ruan Sha, if you don't believe me, go back first!"

"You" Ruan Sha suddenly became annoyed, her eyes were a little red.

The two men and two women around looked at each other in admiration.

A real titanium straight man!

A group of 6 people, three men and three women came to the sea of ​​magic.

They made two pairs before they set off,

Only Wei Hao and Ruan Sha are left,

Ruan Sha was obviously interested in Wei Hao, so she agreed to travel together.

But now

Several people looked at Kui Fei's back and really didn't know what to say.


"Brother Shan!"

Loud voice,

Wei Hao directly rushed away from the crowd and ran out.


The two figures collided,

Several people's eyes lit up instantly, and even Ruan Sha couldn't care about being sad.

"Fuck, it's really Li Qingshan!"

The figure approached, and several people suddenly became nervous.

This is an idol coming to reality!

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, and took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, I'm Li Qingshan."


Several people stammered in response.

"Cut, believe it this time!"

Wei Hao raised his head, glanced at Ruan Sha, and walked ahead arrogantly.

Ruan Sha's eyes suddenly became sad.

Li Qingshan just glanced at the situation and shook his head gently.

Fat man, still that fat man!

The group walked out of the high-speed rail station and came to a seven-seat commercial vehicle on the side of the road.

Wei Hao took the initiative to act as the driver, while Li Qingshan took the co-pilot.

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