Qiao Gu nodded and said solemnly:

"Space access is not set in stone."

"What I'm talking about is the expansion of the space channel!"

"Channel expansion is very rare, unpredictable, and unpredictable."

"In order to avoid panic, the Wushu Association classified this situation as a secret."

"Senior, how many meters does it usually expand?"

Li Qingshan frowned.

If it is a space channel of more than XNUMX meters,

He had to ask King Jingshan for help.

"Not too big."

Qiao Gu shook his head and looked out the window.

"The expansion of the space channel has two characteristics."

"One is the mutation of vitality, and the other is the beast tide."

"The wave of beasts just now should have come out of the expanding space channel."

"But the real problem is that the beast tide doesn't stop here."

"In the nearby 1.3 provinces, all the space passages will have a beast tide at the same time."

"There is no way to send people to San Binh province to rescue."

Li Qingshan nodded and looked out the window at the darkness.

The beast tide can run here,

The expanding space channel has obviously fallen.

"Zhong Ningyu, stay here and guard the train."

"Senior Qiao, go and clean up the scattered beast hordes."

"I'll go directly to the space channel and block the beast tide!"

Qiao Gu was taken aback and said strangely:

"Can you find the space channel location?"

"no problem!"

Li Qingshan got up directly and jumped out of the window,

Feijian circled around the body and turned to look southwest.

The aura after the mutation is simply a guiding light.

"If you can block the beast tide, there is a treasure land for cultivation!"

Li Qingshan moved quickly and rushed into the air.

inside and outside the train,

All looked up,

The golden light and figures gradually disappeared into the night.

Chapter XNUMX Crazy practice!

San Binh Province, Hejian City.

"Woo~! Woo~!"

The piercing alarm sounded, and searchlights cut through the night sky.

"Roar! Roar!"

The monster roared in excitement and raged in the city.

Wherever you pass along the way, only pieces of ruins are left.

In the ruins, broken arms and stumps can be seen everywhere.

Northwest corner of the city,

More than fifty figures stood outside a huge iron gate.

They all held the war knives in their hands and looked nervous.

"President, can we hold on?"

"Must hold on!"


The middle-aged man glanced back at the iron gate behind him and spoke in a deep voice.

"There is no way out."

Behind him, all the warriors also looked at the iron gate, and the war knives in their hands tightened.

It was an air-raid shelter in which the only remaining citizens of Hejian City were hiding.

But they know better,

They are simply not enough.

"President, when will the support from the headquarters arrive?"


The middle-aged man crushed the phone, shook his head and sighed.

"Prepare to work hard! The headquarters is temporarily unable to support."

It was very clear on the phone call that all the spatial passages in the province were breaking out of beast tides, and there was simply no manpower to build a city together.

The expressions of all the warriors changed.

at this time,

25 "Roar!"

A monster more than ten meters high rushed over,

After seeing the crowd, he roared with excitement.

"Damn, I have fought with you!"

With red eyes, the warriors raised their swords and charged forward.



golden light flashed,

The monster fell to the ground instantly.


Everyone was stunned,

I saw the golden light jumping quickly in the city, and the monsters fell to the ground one after another.

in a blink,

All the monsters in the city were slaughtered.

The golden light quickly flew into the air, surrounded by a figure, and quickly went away.

"President, didn't you say there is no support?"

After a long time, the warriors finally reacted and hesitated to speak.

"I do not know."

The middle-aged man slowly shook his head and looked at the night sky.

"Maybe some Hou Ye passed by!"

For a time, all the warriors looked up at the direction where the silhouette disappeared, showing reverence.

Far away, in the night sky.

Li Qingshan was heading to the southwest and flew rapidly.

Feijian left his side from time to time and ran downwards.

After a while, it flew back again.

"This is the real beast tide!"

Li Qingshan sighed lightly, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Where the beast tide has passed,

No matter the village or the city, it is a mess.

The number of people who died in the mouth of the monster was countless.

"Just one space channel expansion has such terrifying destructive power."

Li Qingshan's eyes flickered,

This scene made him really understand.

How fragile is the peace and stability of the past.

"The source must be blocked as soon as possible!"

Li Qingshan suppressed his distracting thoughts and his eyes narrowed.

Pursue the aura trajectory and increase the speed again.

Speeding all the way,

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