"Have this mall been revitalized in only half a year?" Zhong Ningyu asked in surprise.

"Cousin is too awesome!"

Nan Zhengyang was wearing a white suit and had already been waiting at the entrance of the mall.

After seeing the two,

His eyes lit up and hurried up to meet him.

"Mr. Li!"

"Hey! Can't you see me?"

Zhong Ningyu waved his palm and said angrily:

"It's a shame I was praising you just now!"

Nan Zhengyang's eyes moved, showing a professional smile.

"Cousin, long time no see, I miss you very much."

"Cut, it's too hypocritical." Zhong Ningyu pouted in disdain.

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, and said:

"Manager Nan's talent for doing business is no less than that of Senior Nan's martial arts talent!"

"Mr. Li is serious, thanks to your help." Nan Zhengyang showed a sincere smile.

"Manager Nan is too modest."

Li Qingshan shook his head slightly.

Although half a year ago, he had traded a batch of "Xuanze Red Sand Turtles", which could be regarded as helping Nan Zhengyang break the Lv's monopoly.

But it is far from being able to do a batch of goods to manage a shopping mall to this scale.

Nan Zhengyang was no longer hypocritical and turned around to lead the way.

"Mr. Li, the 'Silver Ape' you want is ready and in the warehouse."

The group of three directly bypassed the main building of the shopping mall and walked towards the warehouse area.

After a while, they arrived in front of a large warehouse.

"What do you want 'Silver Ape' to do?" Zhong Ningyu asked strangely.

The silver ape is just a low-level monster,

She really couldn't figure out what it would do to Li Qingshan.

"Before going back, prepare some gifts for Xin Yao."

"You go to rest for a while, and we will leave in the afternoon."

Li Qingshan didn't explain much, walked straight into the warehouse and closed the warehouse door.

As soon as you walk in,

Li Qingshan's gaze fell directly to the center of the warehouse.

Fifty silver-wired ape corpses were placed there neatly.

"Fifty dirty refining pills should be enough."

Dirty pill refining is the gift he prepared for Zhang Xinyao.

The warehouse is very large, except for the corpse of the silver-wired ape, there is no other goods, and it looks extremely empty.

This was specifically requested by Li Qingshan.

He walked to the open space beside the corpse, raised his hand and waved.

A set of large boilers appeared.

"Fortunately it didn't litter."

Li Qingshan smiled,

This set of boilers was also used in the original refining of Longhudan.

Light the boiler and swing the flying sword to dissect the corpse.

Li Qingshan started refining with ease.

After five hours,

The corpse and the boiler were gone, and there were bloodstains on the ground.

Li Qingshan shook the glass bottle in his hand,

Fifty black and red medicinal pills collided with the bottle back and forth.

"I haven't made alchemy for half a year. Fortunately, I don't have a hand."

Li Qingshan smiled in satisfaction, and took the Dirty Refining Pill back to the space ring.

Looking at the empty warehouse, he raised his hand and waved.

Several tier seven top monster corpses appeared, filling the warehouse in an instant.

There are hundreds of such corpses in his ring.

When he was in retreat, he picked out the still intact corpses.

The barn door opened,

Zhong Ningyu and Nan Zhengyang were already waiting outside the door.

Nan Zhengyang looked into the warehouse for the first time,

With the "experience" last time, he was actually prepared in his heart.

However, after seeing the type of corpse,

Nan Zhengyang was stunned for a moment, and smiled bitterly.

"Mr. Li, the silver ape is not worth much at all."

"But don't worry, the payment for these monsters will be credited to your card 620 truthfully."

Li Qingshan nodded lightly, not caring, but talking about another thing.

"I hope Manager Nan can help me find out some news."

"Let's talk, Mr. Li."

"I want news of the 'Ferocious Bull Beast'!"

Li Qingshan's eyes widened.

This is the main purpose of his visit this time.

Ferocious bull beast, blue star ninth-order monster,

At the same time, it is also the monster "Moyue" in the Qinghui world.

The necessary "materials" to practice "Golden Body of Ten Thousand Tribulations"!

Although I have not yet obtained the "Golden Body of Ten Thousand Tribulations" exercise,

But he has to prepare early.

Jindan Jiuzhuan, Immortal Golden Body!

Once he breaks through, he will face the problem of "casting a golden body".

"Ferocious bull beast?" Nan Zhengyang shook his head with a wry smile.

"In the Dragon Country market, there has been no news of the ferocious beast for a long time."

"It doesn't matter, Manager Nan will do his best." Li Qingshan said softly, lightly:

"Contact me at any time if there is news, regardless of life or death."

"Death or life?"

Nan Zhengyang was stunned,

The hideous bull beast is a ninth-order monster!

But seeing Li Qingshan's indifferent gaze,

He didn't say any more, just nodded.

The three left the warehouse and returned to the gate of the mall. Nan Zhengyang called the driver.

"Then let's say goodbye."

"Goodbye cousin!"

Li Qingshan and Zhong Ningyu got into the car and left,

Nan Zhengyang stood at the door, watching the vehicle disappear, with a complicated expression.

"A ninth-order monster, is he sure to kill it too?"

At the end of the road, on a commercial vehicle.

Li Qingshan suddenly laughed and took back his spiritual knowledge.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhong Ningyu asked strangely.

"It's nothing."

Li Qingshan shook his head gently,

Now facing the ninth-order monster, of course he is not sure.

But this is just an early plan.

After the breakthrough, it may not be so

Chapter XNUMX Road, always need more!

outside the train station,

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