But in a moment, he will completely control the whole body's qi and blood, and become a master!

"I'm also an 18-year-old master!"

Zhuang Ya glanced at the corner of the high platform, triumphantly.

After seeing Alger taking the initiative to avoid his gaze,

She landed with satisfaction and looked at Li Qingshan.

"Li Qingshan, when will you break through?"

"Without the 'underground door' blocking the way, my realm will advance by leaps and bounds!"

"When my combat strength catches up, we will officially fight again."

"Don't get carried away here!"

Chen Huanwen's face sank, and she scolded:

"Without Li Qingshan's help, you'll have to stay at Tier XNUMX for at least two years."

"It's ok."

Li Qingshan shook his head slightly and looked at Zhuang Ya.

"If you want to fight, you can come to me anytime."

"I should stay at Tier XNUMX for a while, I hope you can seize the last chance!"

At the martial arts conference, Zhuang Ya had mentioned the invitation to fight when they first met.

However, his combat power is indeed too much.

Zhuang Ya didn't have any chance at all.

Now breaking through the seventh order, Zhuang Ya's strength will enter a period of rapid growth.

Before the three flowers bloom,

It was Zhuang Ya's last chance to fight him.

"What do you mean?" Zhuang Ya was stunned, not understanding at all.

"Stay for a while?"

Xiong Mengzhu muttered in a low voice, as if he had thought of something, his expression changed, he stared at Li Qingshan, and said anxiously:

"Let me see your three doors!"

On the high platform, all the mentors, including Hobbs in the corner, have been paying attention here.

Seeing Xiong Mengzhu's performance at this moment, he was slightly taken aback.

Is there something wrong with Li Qingshan's three doors?

"Mengzhu mentor, thank you for your concern."

Li Qingshan smiled and thanked him sincerely.

Since he brought it up, he has no plans to hide it.

The way is set,

And he is walking on it step by step.

This is a bright road, why hide the head and show the tail.

"Three doors of the fleshly body? Just watch it if you want!"

Li Qingshan sighed lightly, his blood flowing.

Next second,

An illusory blood-colored ocean spreads from behind him

bloody sky,

dong dong!dong dong!

The beating sound drew the heartbeat of the audience.

Blood Light Center,

A giant portal slowly rose from the sea of ​​blood.

On the door, countless blood vessels are intertwined, beating up and down.

"This is the 'human door'?"

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

The sixth-order limit, 1 blood.

Almost everyone has the same level of solidity in the "human door".

And this bloody portal in front of you?

"Isn't this condensed from a million qi and blood?"

"One million? You say it's ten million, and I believe it!"

"But the sixth-order limit is only 1 blood!"

"how can that be!"

Doubt, rising from the bottom of everyone's heart,

How did Li Qingshan do it?

However, Li Qingshan has no plans to solve the confusion.

A thought moved,

The two portals of natural yellow and light blue burst out from the side, forming a three-legged situation with the "people's gate".

among them,

The degree of solidification of the "earth door" is no weaker than that of the "human door".

On the door, traces of the passage of time remain, as if it were a portal left over from ancient times.

"Tianmen" is far from the two.

But it is also far more than the "human door" of the general warrior 1's blood cohesion.

The whole body is light blue, and the metallic luster is flickering, like a forged stainless steel.

Three portals surround Li Qingshan.

The entire martial arts field fell into a dead silence.

Whether it's in the auditorium or the arrogant people on the edge of the ring,

Everyone's eyes were full of wonder.

"Is this really the "Three Doors of the Flesh"?"

"Li Qingshan is too scary!"

Among Tianjiao, someone couldn't help but make a sound.

The echoes rang out,

Many people said with envy:

"Perhaps, this is the real genius!"

Qiao Gu and Pang Ying glanced at each other and both saw the complexity in their eyes.

He shook his head slightly and looked at the crowd.

"Don't be envious. After the three doors of the flesh are opened, there is no difference."

"And Li Qingshan's three doors, no one can open it!"


Everyone was stunned, and their gazes towards Li Qingshan became complicated.

Even the "weakest" "Tianmen" is not pushed open by human forces at all.

Is Li Qingshan cutting himself off?

Compared to many geniuses,

Xiong Mengzhu's eyes are a hundred times more complicated,

Her lips trembled in disbelief.

"Broken Road"

"You really dare to go astray!"


Loud laughter suddenly came from the corner of the high platform.

On the side of the high platform, many tutors all stared and glared at each other.

Hobbes didn't care about 1.3, still smiling and giving up.

"Congratulations, everyone, Long Kingdom is really talented!"

"Today I was an eye-opener."

"But at the age of XNUMX, he dared to 'explore the way'."

"Such a young 'pioneer', tut tut!"

Hobbes smiled more and more smugly,

At this moment, all the worries about Li Qingshan were no longer necessary.

Because Li Qingshan has no future.

His way is broken!

Xu Zhan looked calm,

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