
"I'm afraid he didn't learn to change his face, right?"

The audience burst into laughter,

The students put their worries aside for a moment, amused by Alger's antics.


Hobbs gritted his teeth and said fiercely:

"You'd better win me a pretty point."

Today Alger's people are lost,

But if I win Li Qingshan,

Eagleman Royal Academy's reputation can at least be won back.

Alger raised his head,

Blonde hair gleamed in the sun.

"Teacher rest assured, I"

Shadows flashed,

Li Qingshan had already stood in front of him,

"You talk too much."

Accompanied by the voice, his right hand squeezed his fist and blasted it out instantly.


The terrifying force poured out, instantly injuring the five internal organs.

Alger flew upside down and fell heavily.



A mouthful of blood spurted out,

Alger's eyes widened, the fear in his eyes was hard to hide.

"How is that possible? My combat power is above 3."

"You are only sixth-order sixth-order"

His eyes gradually lost sight, and he only muttered to himself.

"3 combat power only."

Indifferent words sounded from the top of his head, and a pair of blood-colored shoes slowly stepped in front of him.

Alger tried his best to raise his head, but he could barely see Li Qingshan's chin.

The jaw moved slightly, and the questioning voice came from the top of the head again.

"Do you feel strong?".

Chapter XNUMX Push the door

The needles fell throughout the martial arts field.

In the audience, everyone was stunned.

From the appearance of Li Qingshan,

Every move touched their hearts.

As Li Qingshan announced that he did not need a flying sword, he faced it head-on.

Everyone’s heart is raised.

And now?


Even without flying swords,

Li Qingshan can still kill Alger in seconds!

The next second, the audience was in an uproar.


"Is Li Qingshan so terrifying-?"

"3 combat power, can you kill it in seconds?"

"Hahaha, what silver sequence? A soft-footed shrimp, dare to come to my magic sea to show off its power!"

"No, is Li Qingshan a sixth-order?"

"The sixth-order leapfrog battle, at most, can only bully the new grandmaster who has just entered the seventh-order."

"Alger's 3 combat power, Li Qingshan actually killed him directly?"

"That's right, it seems a bit exaggerated."

More than an exaggeration!

Alger listened to the noise coming from the auditorium, and his eyes gradually lost his mind.

3 combat power, isn't it strong enough?

"Did you not do any research before you came?"

"Or, do you think I have been staying at the 175 million combat power of the Martial Arts Conference?"

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, and said no more.

As soon as his mind moved, Jin Guang flew back from the high platform in an instant, raised his hand and waved, and disappeared.

Half a year ago, he only had 35 qi and blood, and his combat power was increased by 5 times.

And now, blood has already reached 1 point of sixth-order consummation.

It is true that the increase of qi and blood will reduce the bonus effect of "ability".

However, what he has improved is more than blood.

From the early stage of Pei Yuan to the middle stage, the bonus effect of True Yuan will only be stronger.

high corner,

Hobbs squeezed the armrest tightly, his eyes locked tightly on Li Qingshan.

Compared to that magical little sword,

At this moment, he pays more attention to Li Qingshan!


As long as Li Qingshan didn't break through the seventh rank, Alger would definitely win.

But now, the result is quite the opposite.

"The sixth-order leapfrog, can you kill more than three million combat power in seconds?"

Hobbes couldn't believe it, even with the facts in sight.

A thought flashed through my mind.

"Li Qingshan's talent has been increasing!"

"If you wait for him to break through to the seventh order, or even the eighth or ninth order"

Thinking of this,

Hobbes shuddered.

The other side,

Xu Zhan and the others also looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

They didn't understand either.

Xiong Mengzhu frowned slightly, wondering:

"Is this the result of Li Qingshan's retreat?"

At this moment,

She couldn't understand Li Qingshan's martial arts path at all.

This also made Xiong Mengzhu feel a little flustered instinctively,

She is a tutor, and she doesn't know anything about the students' cultivation.

On the stage, everyone is watching.

Alger lay on the ground, lost in spirit.

Li Qingshan shook his head gently, turned and walked off the ring.

Zhuang Ya immediately leaned up and waved her fists.

"Li Qingshan, awesome!"

Li Qingshan raised his hand to block,

Seeing Zhuang Ya's glowing eyes, she naturally understood what she was thinking.

Li Qingshan smiled slightly,

With a move of his right hand, he changed his palm to his claws, directly clasping Zhuang Ya's wrist.

A strand of true essence instantly flowed down the wrist.

Zhuang Ya just wanted to struggle,

Suddenly, his whole body trembled, and he felt an extremely terrifying aura circulating in his body.

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