"This year's Tianjiao battle is indeed a bit of a joke."

"This is equivalent to avoiding the war. It's not very pleasant to hear it out."

"That's better than Yingman Royal Academy stepping on our capital and the magic sea, right?"

Xiong Mengzhu frowned slightly and retorted:

"Alger is 18 years old, a real seventh-order!"

"In terms of strength alone, which freshman can win?"

"We can't be on our territory, let them show off their power!"

Several teachers fell silent,

Indeed, this is the only way.

in the corner,

Hobbs looked around the audience again, his eyes moved slightly, and he spoke suddenly.

"Go and challenge Zhuang Ya!"

"Huh?" Alger was stunned for a moment, reluctant to move.

"Li Qingshan is not here, what are you afraid of!"

Hobbs frowned and urged:

"Come on, go to the ring, and come down if you win Zhuang Ya."

"You can't step on the magic sea martial arts university, but it is enough to step on the capital martial arts university."

"If you want to avoid war with rules, you can't let them be so happy."

"We can't come here for nothing, let alone let the people of Longguo see a joke!"

The voice gradually became severe,

Alger took a deep breath, stepped forward, and stood on the ring.

"In Xia Alger, on behalf of Yingman Royal Academy, challenge the capital Wu Da Zhuang Ya!"


The audience suddenly burst into an uproar.

Hobbs and Alger have been staying in Mohaiwu for more than half a month.

The details of the two have long been spread among the students.

18-year-old freshman, seventh-order martial artist, Silver Sequence of Yingman Royal Academy.

It can be said,

If it weren't for the ace of Li Qingshan,

They are all ashamed of themselves.

I thought that Li Qingshan was enough to deter Alger,

Unexpectedly, the Tianjiao battle is over.

He still jumped out.

"¨〃Challenge Zhuang Ya?"

"This is to bypass Li Qingshan and slap the capital Wuda in the face!"

The many eyes that stopped at Alger were suddenly full of disgust.

The people from their Demon Sea can find trouble with Jingcheng Wuda.

But the Eagleman?


on the high platform,

Teacher Chen is also stiff.

How could Zhuang Yake be Alger's opponent without Li Qingshan's means.

Beside him, Xu Zhan frowned slightly and comforted softly:

"Teacher Chen, don't worry!"

"Zhuang Ya should have a good idea. She finds any reason to avoid the war, and I will declare it over."

"Although I was a little embarrassed this time, there is nothing I can do."

Teacher Chen suddenly returned to his senses, with a worried look on his face.

"She has a fart! She doesn't know Alger's strength at all!"

She hurriedly looked at the ring and opened her mouth anxiously.


at this time,

"Foreigner, I've already seen you disliked!"

Zhuang Ya raised her eyebrows and stepped on the ring with one foot.


The entire audience was stunned.

Doesn't Zhuang Ya know Alger's strength?

At this time,

Teacher Chen's voice was long overdue.

"Zhuang Ya, he has been promoted to the seventh rank for half a year."


Zhuang Ya has one foot on the ground and one foot on the stage,

Not going in, not going back.

The little face suddenly burst into tears,

"Teacher, it would be better if you said a few seconds earlier."

She's just belligerent, not stupid.

When facing Li Qingshan at first, he retreated rationally.

but now

Zhuang Ya looked down at the feet stepping onto the ring,

Can this go back?

Just when she hesitated,

"Hahaha, the freshman genius of Beijing Wuda University, doesn't even have the courage to enter the ring?"

Alger laughed wildly and was extremely provocative.

At this moment, the shadow shrouded in my heart seemed to dissipate.

He regained the pride of the silver sequence again.

"Fuck your mother!"

Zhuang Ya looked angry, she was about to lift her other foot.

at this time,

An indifferent speech floated into Yanwuchang County.

"It's still me!".

Chapter XNUMX Do you feel strong?

The voice surrounds the entire martial arts arena,

What followed was a pungent bloody smell.

Everyone turned their heads at the same time and looked at the entrance of the martial arts field.

A blood-red figure walked in slowly.

"Li Qingshan!"

In the auditorium, all the students clenched their fists and stood up excitedly.

The east side of the arena is adjacent to the entrance.

The newly decided Tianjiao looked at the blood-red shirt and swallowed.

They all understand how this dress turned red.

Everyone stepped back and made way for a passage.

Right in front of the passage, on the ring.

Alger stared blankly at the approaching figure, as if seeing a devil crawling out of hell.

The shadows in my heart that had just dissipated gathered again and became even darker.


Weak feet can no longer support,

Alger slumped on the ground.

"Cut, soft-footed shrimp!"

Zhuang Ya raised her head in disdain, took the opportunity to retract her right foot, turned around and ran towards Li Qingshan.

"Li Qingshan, long time no see!"

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